Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: The definition of welfare from the Holy Prophet's perspective

Professor Ansarian: The definition of welfare from the Holy Prophet's perspective

A Shiite scholar by the name of Fayz Kashani who was an unmatched Muhadith, wrote in one of his books: a person came to Prophet and asked him: O the Messenger of Allah! What is welfare and felicity? The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) answered him in two words –which indeed is a book; His eminence said: it is to have a long life and spend your life worshiping Allah Almighty.

The beginning of deviation is from where…

The beginning of deviation is from where…
It turns out that the one who has gone stray by the satellite has turned his back to the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt (AS).the one who does something by taking bribes, the one who embezzles, the one who gives illegal and unlawful interests or takes such interests would certainly turn their back to the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt (AS) otherwise the one who doesn’t turn his back to the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt (AS), is in the right divine path and he will ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Human's heart in Ramadan month

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Human's heart in Ramadan month

In Ramadan month which is a month of purity and self-construction, human's heart is purified by midnight and dawn worshiping, and even his heart is like a coal will turn into a clear and precious diamond.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Islam's way of guiding people i

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Islam's way of guiding people i

Islam's way of guiding people is what Imam Hussein (A.S) did on the day of Ashura, he did not allow

the initiation of the war and said: in the first place, we will talk to them to repent; but if they do not repent, they would intentionally face the hellfire.

Professor Ansarian: Visiting Relatives

Professor Ansarian: Visiting Relatives

 According to narrations, one of the deeds which has a close relationship with the increase or decrease of the human life span is “Silat ar-rahm” or visiting relatives.

 Al-Kafi: 152/2

Professor Ansarian: chastity and modestye

Professor Ansarian: chastity and modestye

The lord of the universe has place "chastity and modesty" deep down in people's heart so that they can overcome the evil desires and illegitimate pleasures. Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) says: The best worship is chastity. Al-Kafi: 3 p. 125.

Professor Ansarian: Anger and wrath

Professor Ansarian: Anger and wrath

Anger and wrath are signs of weakness and meanness of character.

Imam Hadi (AS) says: "The wrath of the rulers indicates their disability and being angry at servitors signifies turpitude and baseness."

Mustadrak al-wasa'il (book): 12/12

Professor Ansarian: The Epithet of Imam Ali (AS)

Professor Ansarian: The Epithet of Imam Ali (AS)

The epithet of “the Commander of the faithful” is worthless to anyone other than Imam Ali (as), even the other Infallible Imams have not been allowed to have this epithet. The messenger of Allah has given this epithet to Imam Ali (AS) and has said: whoever names himself “the Commander of the faithful” after Imam Ali (AS) is cursed.

Professor Ansarian: the failure to know Allah brings about forfeit

Professor Ansarian: the failure to know Allah brings about forfeit
When human beings fail to know Allah Almighty, he himself will have to suffer the forfeit. The lord of the universe is the source of all goodness and benevolence, and when the relationship of human beings is cut with this source, the evil and badness will come to light. When there is no truth, the falsehood takes its place. When the human beings are not in touch with the source of goodness in order that they can take advantage of for their daily ...

Professor Ansarian: one of the wrong ways of bringing up the child

Professor Ansarian: one of the wrong ways of bringing up the child

One of the wrong ways of bringing up the child is to mollycoddle them and put them in extreme well-being. There is a narration from Imam Kazim (peace be upon him) concerning this issue that says: the one who has not experienced any sufferings and hardships in his life, the other's kindness and benevolence has no value for him.

Bihar-al-Anwar: 333/78, Hadith 7

Professor Ansarian: thanking the blessings

Professor Ansarian: thanking the blessings

No livelihood and blessing come into existence without movement and the people of the world are not aware of this divine truth, and they never think about this undeniable fact that to prepare this blessing the Almighty Allah has made a lot of cycles into work in the universe and nature. Try not to be ignorant about thanking the divine blessings.  

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God says: I am merciful; why do you need the ill-gotten things that you go after it?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God says: I am merciful; why do you need the ill-gotten things that you go after it?

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part two

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part two

A part of Hazrat Zahra’s speech in defense of her right and the guardianship (wilayat) of Imam Ali (as)

O son of Abū Quhafah (Abu Bakr)! Is it contained in the Glorious Qurʾan that one should inherit from their father; while in your opinion, I should not inherit from my father? Indeed, you have come with an unusual thing (attributed) upon Allah and His Prophet.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who love Ahlulbayt (AS) while trying to know them

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who love Ahlulbayt (AS) while trying to know them

Those who love Ahlulbayt (AS) while trying to know them will be cleansed from the impurities and will be led toward moral virtues and suitable moral by the same love, then the obstacles and veils existing between them and the beloved one will vanish

The virtues of Ali son of Abu Talib (as)

The virtues of  Ali son of Abu Talib (as)
لوأَنَّ الغِیاضَ أَقلامٌ والبَحْرَ مِدادٌ والجِنَّ حُسّابٌ والإِنسَ كُتّابٌ ما اَحْصَوْا فضائلَ علیِّ بن ابی‌طالب علیه‌السلام! The messenger of Islam (saw) states: If all the trees become pens and the water in the seas becomes ink and Jinn become counters and the men become scribers, they will not be able to count the virtues of Ali ...

Professor Ansarian:The centerpiece and manifestation of all the goodness

Professor Ansarian:The centerpiece and manifestation of all the goodness

The centerpiece and manifestation of all the goodness, benevolence and blessings are Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon him). The Prophet (pbuh) says: "If all the goodness and beauty of the universe were to be presented in the form a human, then that person would surely be Fatima, even she is far more superior to it."

Managheb Imam Ali and  Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) (Ibn Shazan): 136

Professor Ansarian: we can have faith with some motives

Professor Ansarian: we can have faith with some motives
Al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof), it is mentioned that those whose motives of movement is the holy Quran- they are the doer of what Quran orders and asks them to do. It is one motive for us, 124 thousands prophets are the motives for us, the twelve Imams are the motives for us, and the religious scholars are the motives for us toward the Almighty Allah. If we keep in touch with these motives and utilize them to move forward, we will reach the faith- ...

Professor Ansarian: the one who has been forgiven by the kind Allah

Professor Ansarian: the one who has been forgiven by the kind Allah
The wise man says: after a while I returned to that town again, in the town I heard someone crying from behind the door, I thought that the young man might have been evicted from the town and his mother is crying for him. I knocked the door, the mother opened the door, I asked about his son, she said: he passed away in a strange way, when he was about to die, he asked me not to say anything about his death to the neighbors because I have ...

Let’s not be like those who have removed Allah from their lives.

Let’s not be like those who have removed Allah from their lives.

Professor Ansarian: The prophet was a therapist who was stoned by his patients

Professor Ansarian: The prophet was a therapist who was stoned by his patients