Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true believers are steadfast in their path

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true believers are steadfast in their path

The true believers are steadfast in their path and they never go astray. They never deviate from the path of guidance no matter what. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Students are all divinely entrusted to teachers and professors

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Students are all divinely entrusted to teachers and professors

Students are all divinely entrusted to teachers and professors. This is an important and daunting responsibility teachers and professors because they have to be careful not to ruin their thinking system through their ill-thoughts.


My most beloved brothers

My most beloved brothers

 أبِي عَبْدِاللهِ (ع) قَالَ: أَحَبُّ إِخْوَانِي إِلَيَّ مَنْ أَهْدى إِلَيَّ عُيُوبِي

Imam Sadiq (AS) said: My most beloved brothers are those who remind me of my shortcomings.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: we are going to be questioned about our responsibility on the day of resurrection

Professor Hussein Ansarian: we are going to be questioned about our responsibility on the day of resurrection
In one part of his lecture, professor Hussein Ansarian said: willy-nilly we have been created accountable creatures and stepping out of this realm of accountability is impossible; praying to God Almighty and begging him to let you off the hook or unburden you with this responsibility is a never-to-be accepted ...

The importance of self-knowledge from the viewpoint of Professor Hussein Ansarian

The importance of self-knowledge from the viewpoint of Professor Hussein Ansarian
According to the Holy Quran and the narrations from the Infallible Imams (AS), many virtues and positive moral traits are rooted in self-knowledge. If one knows his value and understands his lofty position and fathoms out who he is, where he is and where he is headed, he will know a great deal of truth and facts and will endeavor tenaciously to build his personality.Having known himself, mankind will consequently understand what traits he should ...

Patience is the way to salvation

Patience is the way to salvation
  The issue of patience, abstinence and piety are differently mentioned, in this regard the pious people have used a verse which ends with salvation, if people approach that, they indeed reach the prophets, the infallible imams and the divine prophets. Perhaps by going through the path which the verse mentioned, we can become one of the saints of Allah Almighty. O you who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and ...

A part of Dua’a-ul-A’sharaat - Translation of Professor Hossein Ansarian

A part of Dua’a-ul-A’sharaat - Translation of Professor Hossein Ansarian

Glory be to the Lord of Kingdom and Realm.

Glory be to the Lord of Greatness and Magnitude; the True Sovereign, the Guardian, and the Holy.

Glory be to Allah, the Ever-living, the Holy.

Glory be to the Eternal, the Self-Existent.

Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.

Glory be to the Exalted, the Most High.

Glorified (is He), Holy (is He),

Our Lord, and the Lord of the angels and the Spirit

Ghadir day is the day of smiling at the believers

Ghadir day is the day of smiling at the believers

Imam Reza (AS) said: Ghadir day is the day of smiling at the believers. Whoever smiles at his believing brother on this day, God will have mercy upon him on the Day of Judgment, fulfill his thousand needs and build a palace for him with a white door and beautify his face.

Pray more for my reappearance, because in it is your salvation

Pray more for my reappearance, because in it is your salvation

اكثِروا الدُّعاءَ بِتَعجِیل الفَرَجِ فَاِنَّ ذلِكَ فَرَجُكُم.

Imam Mahdi (AJ): Pray more for my reappearance, because in it is your salvation.

Kamaloddin: Vol. 2, p. 485.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Almighty God is not to blame for the problems we face in our lives

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Almighty God is not to blame for the problems we face in our lives

Almighty God is not to blame for the problems we face in our lives, they are the result of the actions of the oppressors as well as our own mistakes. So, let's not constantly complain to God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: There is no way to see the celestial and heavenly face of Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: There is no way to see the celestial and heavenly face of Imam Hussein (as)

There is no way to see the celestial and heavenly face of Imam Hussein (as) with the eyes of the heart and intellect, except for a detailed look at the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, and prayers that have been narrated from him.

Professor Hussein ansarian: the way to victory

Professor Hussein ansarian: the way to victory

Imam Hussein (A.S) is certainly the way to victory and reaching to final destination in spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian:The true path is the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian:The true path is the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (AS)

The true path is the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (AS), that Hazrat Khadijeh (AS) after swearing allegiance to the Holy Prophet of Islam, chose it and safely stayed in the very path until the end of her life.

Ashura is the peak of worship

Ashura is the peak of worship

Professor Ansarian:  Ashoura is the peak of servitude and obedience of Allah and the center of humanity and freedom.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Don't say that God forgives his rights but doesn't forgive the right of people

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Don't say that God forgives his rights but doesn't forgive the right of people

Don't say that God forgives his rights but doesn't forgive the right of people. this sentence is mistakenly considered to be true among people. Imam Zain al-Abedin says: God's right is heavier than the rights of the people.

The month of Ramadan is the month of God

The month of Ramadan is the month of God
شهرُ رَمَضانَ شَهرُ اللّه عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ هُوَ شَهرٌ یُضاعِفُ اللّه‏ُ فیهِ الحَسَناتِ وَ یَمحو فیهِ السَّیِّئاتِ وَ هُوَ شَهرُ البَرَكَةِ؛ Prophet (saw) states: The month of Ramadan is the month of God, and it is the month in which God increases goodness and cleanses sins, and it is a month of blessing and bounties. Bihar ...

Imam Ali (as) states: Imam Hussein will be killed in an unconventional way

Imam Ali (as) states: Imam Hussein will be killed in an unconventional way
ليُقْتَلُ الْحُسَيْنُ قَتْلاً، وَإِنِّي لَأَعْرِفُ تُرْبَةَ الْأَرْضِ الَّتِي يُقْتَلُ عَلَيْهَا قَرِيباً مِنَ النَّهْرَيْنِ. Amir al-mu'minin, Imam Ali (AS) states: Indeed, Imam Hussein will be killed in an unconventional way, and I know the soil of the land where he will be killed, which is near two streams of water. Source: Kamil ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: don't accept and believe what people say quickly

Professor Hussein Ansarian: don't accept and believe what people say quickly

God Almighty says: don't accept and believe what people say quickly, wait for the truth to be revealed. If it's a lie, continue your silence, but if it is the truth, save people's face and reputation

Professor Ansarian: Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

Professor Ansarian: Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)
O pilgrims of the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)! Be aware that what a great work is done by you and know this fact that you create a multi-million population of Arbaeen pilgrims which brings about plenty of bounties and blessings. Undoubtedly, this is the very beginning and in the not too far future, the world will be influenced greatly by the mission and school of Imam Hussein peace be upon him and his pilgrims and visitors, and ...

Labiak Ya Hussein (AS)

Labiak Ya Hussein (AS)

Imam Sadiq(AS) says: if people were aware of the value that lies in going on to pilgrimage to Imam Hussein's Holy Shrin, the intensity of their enthusiasm and interest would perish them and yearning to achieve the rewards would ripped their body and soul to shreds.