Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Reaching God's mercy

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Reaching God's mercy

In order for us to reach God's mercy, he has ordained a series of commands for the heart, limbs and organs of the body that if we do these orders sincerely, amorously and with ambition, we will reach it.

Nursing a patient

Nursing a patient

من قامَ عَلى مَريضٍ يَوما و لَيلَةً بَعَثَهُ اللّهُ مَعَ ابراهيمَ الخَليلِ

The messenger of Islam (saw): whoever nurses a patient for a day and night, God will grant him the glory of accompanying Prophet Ibrahim.

Professor Ansarian: the earth is the blessing of Allah, let,s respect this blessing

Professor Ansarian: the earth is the blessing of Allah, let,s respect this blessing
According to public relation and international affairs of scientific and cultural institution of DarolEran, professor Ansarian in one his speeches in the Mosque of Hazrat Amir said: : pondering the Noble Book of Nahj al-Balaghah, Mustardak Nahj al-Balaghah, Bahar al-Anwar and some other books based on the words, letters and narrations of Imam Ali (AS) proves that  the science of Amir al-Muminin (AS) has not been taken from any school of ...

Professor Ansarian: Pleasure in worship is the result of belief in paradise and hell

Professor Ansarian: Pleasure in worship is the result of belief in paradise and hell
Professor Ansarian referred to a saying from Imam Ali (AS) and stipulated: the commander of faithful (AS) is reported to have said: believing in heaven and hell which Allah Almighty, the divine prophets and the infallible Imams have repeatedly informed people about, involve human being into two issues; of which one is making a lot of efforts in order to gain the paradise and the second one is to do his best not to be caught into ...

Professor Ansarian: The completion and perfection of Islam is linked to Mahdism

Professor Ansarian: The completion and perfection of Islam is linked to Mahdism

The completion and perfection of Islam is linked to Mahdism; as it is mentioned in a prophetic hadith that the failure to recognize the Imam and the divine authority at any time is the cause of the retreat and return of human to the era before the advent of Islam and the ancient ignorance.

“He who dies and does not know the Imam of his time dies the death of ignorance”.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Frightening people according to narration

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Frightening people according to narration

According to narration, whoever frightens people with his word, with his attire, with his look, with his complexion, with his pen and signature; in a way that wherever his name is mentioned, people start trembling, he enters the day of resurrection while on his forehead is written:" he is deprived and disappointed from the mercy of Allah Almighty"

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Qur'an is the manifestation of divine knowledge

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Qur'an is the manifestation of divine knowledge

 The Qur'an is the manifestation of divine knowledge to the blessed heart of the Messenger of God, and it is only his heart and chest that has endured this very heavy knowledge in terms of quality

Professor Hussein Ansarian: trusting in God's plan

Professor Hussein Ansarian: trusting in God's plan

One of the commands of God to the Holy prophet is Tawakkul ( reliance on God or "trusting in God's plan");

فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ ۚ

When you decide to do something, choose me as your lawyer so that my will  accompanies your work and produces outcome.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the greatest sin that has ever happened in the history of human beings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the greatest sin that has ever happened in the history of human beings

In the history of mankind there has never been such sin more severe than the removal of the commander of the faithful, Imam tAli (as) from the caliphate.

Professor Ansarian: Divine contemplation and thinking

Professor Ansarian: Divine contemplation and thinking

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's observance and knowledge

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  God's observance and knowledge

Imam Hasan Al-Askari (a.s) has recommended the Shias not to take for granted the God's observance and knowledge since God is an ever-lasting look and everything is present before him.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: There is no poverty worse and grosser than ignorance

Professor Hussein Ansarian: There is no poverty worse and grosser than ignorance

There is no poverty worse and grosser than ignorance, and if someone is afflicted by it, there is no way out

Professor Hussein Ansarian: enjoying the worship

Professor Hussein Ansarian: enjoying the worship

Enjoying the worship is a great blessing and not enjoying is a greater deprivation. This pleasure is better understood by those who have tasted it.

Secretly helping

Secretly helping

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The virtues of all the divine prophets are in Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The virtues of all the divine prophets are in Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)
The Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (A.S) is a complete and comprehensive person that the Lord of the universe has summed up the virtues of all divine prophets in him and he has inherited all perfections of the divine prophets. At the beginning of Ziarat Waritha of Imam Hussain (as) we read: «السلام علیک یا وارث آدم صفوة الله» Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Adam the choice of Allah. Imam Hussein (A.S) has ...

Professor Ansarian: One of the most amazing and significant episodes of prophet's life

 Professor Ansarian: One of the most amazing and significant episodes of prophet's life

One of the most amazing and magnificent episodes of Prophet's life was his physical journey from Masjid al-Haram to the Al-Aqsa mosque, and then his physical ascension to the heaven and to the divine throne and observing the inner part of the universe and also visiting the unseen world.  

Professor Ansarian: the reason of all our problems

Professor Ansarian: the reason of all our problems

All problems we are facing in our lives are derived from the fact that we do not consider Allah Almighty as the one who observes our actions, we do not believe in the lord of the universe, many people are knowledgeable about the existence of Allah but knowledge and belief are different, the knowledge must change into belief and certainty, if this happens, the actions and deeds are purified and self-control will be fulfilled.

Professor Ansarian: My fifty-year-old experience

Professor Ansarian: My fifty-year-old experience

My fifty-year-old experience, during which I've traveled and been among both people and scholars and authorities, says that, leniency, lack of excitement, calmness, and affection bring about positions for humankind before God.

Prophet Muhammad is a mercy for the world

Prophet Muhammad is a mercy for the world

إنَّ اللَّهَ بَعَثَ مُحَمَّداً رَحمَةً لِلعالَمينَ و تَمَّمَ بِهِ نِعمَتَهُ.

Imam Mahdi (as) said: God send down Muhammad to be a mercy for the worlds and to complete his blessings.

Bihar al-Anwar, vol 53, p 194.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The love of money, avarice, and digression in knowing the truth

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The love of money, avarice, and  digression in knowing the truth

The love of money, avarice, and  digression in knowing the truth are among the reasons why we are not in touch with the Imam of the time (as)