Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Try to be an honest person

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  Try to be an honest person

Try to be an honest person; try to speak about truth everywhere, however, It should be noted that every righteous word must not be said.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The key to all evils is anger

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The key to all evils is anger

The key to all evils is anger, and the Messenger of Mercy ordered his nation to control their anger, and he recommends them to perform Wudu (ablution) whenever anger takes over them.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God at all times

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God at all times

Remember God at all times- that is; live every moment of your life by remembering God Almighty. Try to connect to the entire source of goodness, because God Almighty has all the good things.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: O Imam Hussein (A.S)! we wear black in your grief and sorrow

Professor Hussein Ansarian: O Imam Hussein (A.S)! we wear black in your grief and sorrow

O Imam Hussein (A.S)! we wear black in your grief and sorrow, we mourn, we beat out chest and weep, our bodies are contaminated by sins. We humbly beg you to accompany us at the time of death and free us form the fear of the first night of grave, the purgatory and the day of resurrection.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Offering meals to a believe who is fasting on the day of Ghadir

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Offering meals to a believe who is fasting on the day of Ghadir

Imam Ali (as) says: Whoever hosts the Iftar Party for a believer who is fasting on the day of Ghadir, it is as if he has offered meals to one hundred thousand prophets, Sidiq and martyrs at the time of Iftar.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Solving people's problems

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Solving people's problems

Whenever someone comes to you with a problem, unless you can solve their problem, ask someone else to do so; otherwise, give them hope and treat them warmly and with affection.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who are the Humbles according to Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who are the Humbles according to Holy Quran

According to the Holy Quran, the humble ones are those who have a sense of responsibility for the religion and the advices of the Prophet and practice piety.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the examples of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is the Quran itself

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the examples of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is the Quran itself

One of the examples of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is the Quran itself, " We Ourselves have revealed the Quran and We are its Protectors", what the Holy Prophet means by too much remembrance of Allah is to constantly live with the Holy Quran and be in harmony with it and act according to it in ethics, behavior, and business.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite

O Youth! Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite. O Youth! Do not exchange the commander of the faithful with a beautiful girl that you see in university, in the park, on the bus, in the train or metro. O Youth! The thieves abound in our community! Don’t let them steal Ali from you. Letting go of Imam Ali has the severest punishment which abandoning prayers and fast do not have such punishment.

Professor Hussein Ansarain: One of the easiest ways of knowing the Infallible Imams

Professor Hussein Ansarain: One of the easiest ways of knowing the Infallible Imams

One of the easiest ways of knowing the Infallible Imams is through Ziarat Jamia Kabira, which is the memento of Imam Hadi (AS), he has introduced the Infallible Imams to us by arranging every single words in this Ziarat,

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Almighty God says to human

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Almighty God says to human

The Almighty God says to human:

I have created you for myself; if it were not so, I would have abandoned you like animals in the forests or like the fishes in the sea, then you would have been caught or hunted, I valued you like this, so the world is for you and you are for me.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Shrine of the Lady Masoumeh is of such great influence

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Shrine of the Lady Masoumeh is of such great influence

The Holy Shrine of the Lady Masoumeh is of such great influence that the Qom seminary schools spread the teachings of Quran and the Culture of Ahlulbayt (A.S) because of being in its vicinity.

I am ashamed to…

I am ashamed to…
Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her says: O Ali! I will be ashamed of Allah to ask you for something you are not able to provide it for me. Amali Tousi: ...

Professor Ansarian: Honesty in speaking

Professor Ansarian: Honesty in speaking

Everybody talks, but the believers talk with honesty. Imam Bagher (peace be upon him) says: before you speak, try to learn honesty.

Woe to every slanderer and backbiter

Woe to every slanderer and backbiter

ويْلٌ لِكُلِّ هُمَزَةٍ لُمَزَةٍ

Woe to every slanderer and backbiter


Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy says in the Surah An-Nur:

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy says in the Surah An-Nur:

The Holy says in the Surah An-Nur:

You are not allowed to spread other's sins, perhaps, the sinner repents and is forgiven but the one who has spread his sins go to hell.

Professor Ansarian: Devoted for Imam Hussein (AS)

Professor Ansarian: Devoted for Imam Hussein (AS)

«الْمُوَاسِی أَخَاهُ بِنَفْسِهِ»

Which is mentioned in the Ziarat Nahiya means that Hazrat Abbas (AS) let go of everything in the world and was only devoted himself to Imam Hussein (AS) and he finally sacrificed whatever he had for Imam Hussein (AS)

Professor Ansarian: the real Shia of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him)

Professor Ansarian: the real Shia of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him)

We are not going to be a real Shia just by narrating and telling from Imam Sadiq(peace be upon him), what makes us the real Shia of him is to live like him and follow his traditions in our lives.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the lofty position of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  the lofty position of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (AS)

What magnifies the lofty position of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (AS) and shows her extreme love of guardianship (Welayat) is the fact that on hearing the martyrdom of her sons, she asked about how Imam Hussein (AS) was and she used to repeat this sentence that my sons and whatever is under the sky be sacrificed for Hussein (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: it is not morally acceptable to avoid people

Professor Hussein Ansarian: it is not morally acceptable to avoid people

In a letter to Imam Jawad (AS), Imam Reza advises him: try to let people see you all the time, love them. To us, it is not morally acceptable to avoid people and don’t listen to them when they want to talk about their pains and sufferings