Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: helping the people from Imam Hussein's(AS) point of view

Professor Ansarian: helping the people from Imam Hussein's(AS) point of view

From Imam Hussein's (peace be upon him) point of view, solving the problems of people is a special blessing and divine attention and favor. He said: providing and meeting the needs of the people is blessings of Allah on you, do not be depressed and disrespectful of this blessing.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's blessings and bounties are for his crème de la crème

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's blessings and bounties are for his crème de la crème

God's blessings and bounties are for his crème de la crème; namely, human being, but on the condition that they are neither wasted and nor damaged by properly being utilized

Professor Ansarian: Who is the real Shia?

Professor Ansarian: Who is the real Shia?

We are not going to be a real Shia just by narrating and telling from Imam Sadiq(peace be upon him), what makes us the real Shia of him is to live like him and follow his traditions in our lives.

The one who visits Imam Hussein's grave

The one who visits Imam Hussein's grave

منْ زَارَهُ يُرِيدُ بِهِ وَجْهَ اللّه‏ِ أَخْرَجَهُ اللّه‏ُ مِنْ ذُنُوبِهِ كَمَوْلُودٍ وَلَدَتْهُ أُمُّهُ،

Imam Sadiq (as): the one who visits Imam Hussein's grave for the pleasure and satisfaction of God, the lord of the universe purifies him and removes all his sins as if he is just born.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: irritable and wrathful looks at parents

Professor Hussein Ansarian: irritable and wrathful looks at parents

If irritable and wrathful looks at parents are not forgiven through repentance in this world, they will have a severe forfeit and punishment in hereafter.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Reforming this country has no way but to make people live a God-oriented life

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Reforming this country has no way but to make people live a God-oriented life

Reforming this country (Iran) has no way but to make people live a God-oriented life. Hoping for reformation of the society without having God Almighty in our lives is impossible.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation

The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation while the others won't. the messenger of Allah (saw) was certain that after his burial, a Welayat (guardianship) other than divine Welayat will emerge. So we have to follow Ali (as) in order not to go astray

Professor Hussein Ansarian: try not to abandon visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  try not to abandon visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (A.S)

The infallible Imams say: try not to abandon visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (A.S) due to fear of some dangers, since the right of Imam Hussein is greater than that of we eleven Imams. 

Professor Ansarian: I accepted your pure intention

Professor Ansarian: I accepted your pure intention

A man was passing by a pebble land while he was very hungry, he thought to himself:

If these sands and pebbles were food, I would share them with all people.

Allah Almighty revealed to the prophet of that time to say to that man that Allah accepted your charity and your pure intention and has granted the reward of feeding all those people.

Islamic mysticism, Volume 13.

Professor Ansarian: the parsimonious person will never have a comfort life

Professor Ansarian: the parsimonious person will never have a comfort life

Professor Hussein Ansarain:The people who do business with God

Professor Hussein Ansarain:The people who do business with God

The people who do business with God and are hopeful about their business will never go bankrupt. These people are not arrogant, they don't stand against God like Iblis, and they acquire the divine graces and consequently gain the position of " the saints of God" and " the servant of God".

Jealousy destroys good deeds

Jealousy destroys good deeds

الحَسَدُ ما حِقُ الحَسَناتِ وَ الزَّهوُ جالِبُ المَقتِ

Imam Hadi (as) states: jealousy destroys good deeds and lying brings about animosity.

Bihar- Al-Anwar: Volume 69, page 200.

Professor Ansarian: the best gift on father's day

Professor Ansarian: the best gift on father's day

The best gift on father's day is to act upon this statement of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) that has said: to be polite, it is sufficient to like for others what you like for yourself and hate for others what you hate for yourself.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting Imam Hussein's (as) Holy Shrine

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting Imam Hussein's (as) Holy Shrine

Visiting Imam Hussein's (as) Holy Shrine brings about intercession, forgiveness and mercy.

Professor Ansarian: knowing Allah through the verses of the Holy Quran

Professor Ansarian: knowing Allah through the verses of the Holy Quran

Professor Ansarian: The Value of saying Night Prayers

Professor Ansarian: The Value of saying Night Prayers

Do your best to say the night prayers then you will see that your day is devoid of any objection with the lord of the universe. The night prayers guard you against the sins; this has been proved by experience.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of human beings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of human beings

In the Holy Quran, it's not only the believers who are addressed by Allah Almighty but all human beings and in the verse " خَلَقَ لَكُمْ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا" God has wanted to teach others the value of human beings and that whatever is on the earth is to mankind's benefit

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Four important provisions for the Hereafter

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Four important provisions for the Hereafter
In one part of his speech, Professor Hussein Ansarian talked about four important provisions to send to hereafter and said: first, being used to Holy Quran to the extent that one can; the Holy Quran says: " Thus, recite from the Quran as much as possible" (Surah AL-MUZZAMMIL (THE ENSHROUDED ONE), verse20), in other words, get used to the Holy Quran as much as possible, recite it, get familiar with it as much as you can. Second, saying prayers ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lord, do not cause our hearts to swerve after You have guided us

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lord, do not cause our hearts to swerve after You have guided us
O God! Now that you have granted us your mercy and have guided us in the right path and filled our hearts with the love of Ahlulbayt, save our heart from deviation; our works are worthless compared to your mercy, so grant us your mercy for free, since you are the Grantor of bounties without ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if our falling in love is based on faith, then we don't backbite

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if our falling in love is based on faith, then we don't backbite

if our falling in love is based on faith, then we don't backbite, we don't accuse people, we don't misname one another and we don't search about people's private lives.