Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the best deed in Ramadan month?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the best deed in Ramadan month?

Responding to the question of Imam Ali (AS) regarding what the best deeds in Ramadan month are, the Holy Prophet said: O dear Ali! The best deed is to avoid and keep yourself clean from all imperfections and all ill-gotten things (Haram)


Professor Ansarian: going to Paradise does not cost at all.

Professor Ansarian: going to Paradise does not cost at all.

Professor Ansarian said: going to hell requires a lot of efforts and you need to work for it a lot. one must act so badly, must be angry enough, must usurp people’s properties, must kill so many people, must hurt people’s feelings, must drink so much alcoholic beverages, must commit adultery, must trample people’s rights and disrespect them so that he can go to Hell, but going to paradise has no cost for you.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The felicity and piety of the child

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The felicity and piety of the child

The felicity and piety of the child depend largely upon the spiritual and rational state of the parents as well as the Halal foods they have eaten. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Why my prayers are not being answered?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Why my prayers are not being answered?

Why my prayers are not being answered? Where is the source of troubles? Are my parents not satisfied with me? Have I eaten an ill-gotten (Haram) food, I make someone sad? Have I resented the Imam of the time (A.S)? you have to turn your back on evils and turn your heart to God, then you see that your prayers are answered!

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if you want to make your prayers coslty...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if you want to make your prayers coslty...

If you want to make your prayers costly, you need to do what Imam Zayn al-Abedin (A.S) used to do. After interring the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (A.S), he took a handful of soil from beside his grave and used to prostrate on it in his prayers.  

Professor Ansarian: heaven is the poduct of the faith of the true believers and faithful people

Professor Ansarian: heaven is the poduct of the faith of the true believers and faithful people

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Self-knowledge

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Self-knowledge

The one who has reached the level of self-knowledge will never trade himself with something more ignoble and less than himself.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Prayer means begging from a Sacred and self-contained being

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Prayer means begging from a Sacred and self-contained being

Prayer means begging from a Sacred and self-contained being who he himself has ordered to pray and has also promised its acceptance; but provided that the obstacles of the prayer are removed like ill-gotten properties.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: In darkness, we can only take the false and deviant path

Professor Hussein Ansarian: In darkness, we can only take the false and deviant path

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not go slowly toward God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not go slowly toward God

God says in Surah al-Imran:

O believers! Do not go slowly towards God to get his forgiveness, because you may not succeed in doing so.

Professor Ansarian: Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (peace be upon her) 

Professor Ansarian: Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (peace be upon her) 

Having heard about the martyrdom of her sons, Umm ul-Banin asked for the healthiness and soundness of Imam Hussien (peace be upon him) and did not ask anything about her sons, because she considered her sons a sacrifice for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), this issue represent Umm-um Banin's nobleness and her obedience to Wilayat (guardianship).


Professor Ansarian: we will be doomed to hell and reach to paradise with “heart”/ the ill hearted person never accepts the truth and is polluted by sin.

Professor Ansarian: we will be doomed to hell and reach to paradise with “heart”/ the ill hearted person never accepts the truth and is polluted by sin.
According to public relation and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Ansarian, in one of his lectures in the Mahdieh of Abbass Abad, said: according to Imam Sadeq (AS), the organs of the body are the obedient troops of the heart and whatever it wants them, they obey and do. If the heart is a healthy one, all the organs of the body will do accordingly and they are healthy as well, because they ...

The most perfect believers

The most perfect believers

عنْ أَبِي جَعْفَر (ع) قَالَ : إِنَّ أَكْمَلَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِيمَاناً أَحْسَنُهُمْ خُلُقاً

Imam al-Baqir (a) said: “The most perfect believers, in the sight of faith, are the most well-mannered.”

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

وأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

Surah An Najm- verse 39

professor Ansarian: The position of girls and women are forgotten in the society due to avoiding the Holy Quran.

professor Ansarian: The position of girls and women are forgotten in the society due to avoiding the Holy Quran.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the most pious people

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the most pious people

According to Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him); the most pious people are those who are sensitive about their obligatory acts and nothing prioritizes such acts.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Struggle against the Self (Jihad al-Nafs) is the best Jihad

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Struggle against the Self (Jihad al-Nafs) is the best Jihad

O dears! Do not listen to " evil ideas, desires and powers of lust, anger, and insatiable imagination", it is pretty hard though, because you need to avoid many pleasures, money and positions. This is so priceless that someone gave up lust, wealth and position for half an hour and became Hur ibn Yazid al-Riyahi.

Professor Ansarian: the signs of Shias

Professor Ansarian: the signs of Shias

Imam Reza (peace be upon him) pointed out some signs for the Shiites and said: Our Shiites are the ones who surrender to our orders, they only obey our speech and oppose our enemies.

Understanding other people's rights

Understanding other people's rights

Professor Ansarian:

According to Islamic manners and the tradition of the Holy prophet (PBUH), so long as the interior refinement and the correction of one,s ego have not taken place for human, he is incapable of Understanding other people's rights.

The hardships of keeping religion….

The hardships of keeping religion….
 Professor ...