Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Giving charity and helping the servants of Allah

Giving charity and helping the servants of Allah

Professor Ansarian:

If some good deeds are done secretly and away from the public eyes, it is more subjected to be accepted. The eyes pollute the deeds at times, or it would be better to say: the hearts that are sewn to the eyes contaminate the deeds and prevent their acceptance. Among the actions which are  recommended to be done in secret are charity and helping the servants of Allah.

Ali (as) is an army in fighting for sake of God

Ali (as) is an army in fighting for sake of God

The messenger of Allah (saw) states: I swear to God that Ali (as) is an army in fighting for sake of God Almighty and on the way of God.

Professor Ansarian:All the worships for the believers are a kind of practice for strengthening their soul and body

Professor Ansarian:All the worships for the believers are a kind of practice for strengthening their soul and body

Do not argue with people

Do not argue with people

لا تُمارِ فَيَذْهَبَ بَهاؤُكَ وَ لا تُمازِحْ فَيُجْتَرَأَ عَلَيْكَ.

Imam Hassan Askari (AS): Do not argue with people because your value will be lost and do not joke with them either because they will be bold with you.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: from among 124000 prophets, Prophet Muhammad's name is religiously obligatory to be beside the name of Allah Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: from among 124000 prophets, Prophet Muhammad's name is religiously obligatory to be beside the name of Allah Almighty
The only prophet whose name has become obligatory by Allah Almighy to be recited in the Tashahhud (the testimony of faith) of prayers during the day and night along with his name, is the name of the great Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Otherwise, your prayer is void. This is an issue of great importance that from among 124,000 Prophets, the only Prophet whose name is obligatory to be testified along with the name of Almighty Allah, ...

The great jihad

The great jihad
The great jihad If he, who has submitted to fancies, wants to reform his life and afterlife, to gain goodness and happiness in this life and afterlife and to reform his inners, deeds and morals, he should fight against his fancies as a brave soldier fighting in the war field. He has to know that he will win in this war by the assistance of Allah. He has to know that the mercy of Allah will be with him and that the matter of his victory and the ...

Professor Ansarian: stagnation is forbidden

Professor Ansarian: stagnation is forbidden

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God does not hold any human being accountable for using the blessings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God does not hold any human being accountable for using the blessings

God does not hold any human being accountable for using the blessings, but for being ungrateful and neglecting the truth.

The blessings which abound in Ramadhan month

The blessings which abound in Ramadhan month

لوْ یَعْلَمُ الْعَبْدُ مَا فِی رَمَضَانَ لَوَدَّ أَنْ یَکُونَ رَمَضَانُ السَّنَه

The Messenger of Islam (saw) states: if people really knew the blessings which abound in Ramadhan month, they would wish that Ramadhan would continue all year.

Bihar Al-Anwar, Volume 93, page 346

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Quran is a light

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Quran is a light

According to the Commander of the faithful (as) the Holy Quran is a light which God Almighty provided to the Holy prophet (saw) with to be the reason for his prophecy

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who is the role model of the Imam of the time

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who is the role model of the Imam of the time

The Imam of the time (as) says regarding Fatimah Zahra (as): Zahra (as) is my role model in all aspects of my life. In other words, he is trying to say that what all the good people had, God has granted all to the Lady of both this world and hereafter.

looking at a believer’s face

looking at a believer’s face

نظَرُ الْمُؤْمِنِ فِى وَجْهِ أخِیهِ الْمُؤْمِنِ لِلْمَوَدَّهِ وَالْمَحَبَّهِ لَهُ عِبادَه

Imam Sajjad (as) states: looking at a believer’s face with love and affection is an act of worship

Bihar- Al-Anwar, Vol 78, p.140, Hadith no. 3

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the believers are never caught up in insanity

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the believers are never caught up in insanity

In Imam Sadiq's (as) view, the believers are never caught up in insanity due to the calmness they possess, besides, they are certain that they have come from God.

Professor Hussein Ansarain: the holy Quran and Ahlulbayt's (as) view toward human beings

Professor Hussein Ansarain: the holy Quran and Ahlulbayt's (as) view toward human beings

The holy Quran and Ahlulbayt (as) have the wisest and most beautiful perspective toward human beings and the world. I have studied most of the western and eastern schools of thoughts ending with "ism" but have not seen the holy Quran and Ahlulbayt's (as) perspective in any schools of thought. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the most beautiful stages of repentance?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the most beautiful stages of repentance?

One of the most beautiful stages of repentance is that I head towards the nearness and mercy of God Almighty and drag everyone after me and turn my back on my sins.

Professor Ansarian: the greatest cause of divorce is eye not financial and physical differences.

Professor Ansarian: the greatest cause of divorce is eye not financial and physical differences.

Professor Ansarian: the light of prophethood and Imamate

Professor Ansarian: the light of prophethood and Imamate

If the intellect really had the power of prophecy and Imamate, the Lord did not need to illuminate the light of prophethood and Imamate in the way of life.

Professor Hussein Ansarain: the authorization of Crossing the Bridge of Siraat

Professor Hussein Ansarain: the authorization of Crossing the Bridge of Siraat

According to the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh&hp), the authorization of Crossing the Bridge of Siraat is the guardianship of Imam Ali (A.S) that whoever possesses it, can cross the bridge.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the wrong ways of bringing up the child

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the wrong ways of bringing up the child

One of the wrong ways of bringing up the child is to mollycoddle them and put them in extreme well-being. There is a narration from Imam Kazim (peace be upon him) concerning this issue that says: the one who has not experienced any sufferings and hardships in his life, the other's kindness and benevolence has no value for him.

Bihar-al-Anwar: 333/78, Hadith 7

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Fatima Zahra (AS) is the concept of «يُوفُونَ بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ»

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Fatima Zahra (AS) is the concept of  «يُوفُونَ بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ»

One of the concepts of«يُوفُونَ بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ»  (Those who fulfil the promise of Allah) is Fatimah Zahra, who has had the highest loyalty to monotheism, the Holy Prophet and the Commander of the faithful during the toughest incidents of Imamate and divine ordinances