Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Shia Protest against the Saud family in Qateef city

Shia Protest against the Saud family in Qateef city
 Irrespective of violence on protestors by Saudi security forces, a series of public protests against the political policies of Saud family have been continued in Shiite residential areas of Saudi Arabia. Protestors are demanding the retribution of murderers of martyrs. Since Shiite Muslims of Qateef city are continuing their protest against Saud family to get their rights therefore, the security forces of Saudi Arabia have done several ...

At least 3 Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in occupied West Bank

At least 3 Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in occupied West Bank
At least three more Palestinian have been shot dead in the occupied West Bank as clashes rage on over Israeli regime’s relentless crackdown on residents of the territories. A young man, identified as Srour Ahmad Abu Srour, was shot in the chest during clashes that erupted in the town of Beit Jala, north of the city of Bethlehem, on Tuesday. The 21-year-old was targeted as he and other Palestinians tried to block an Israeli search ...

Muslims, Jews Feed Jersey Hungry

Muslims, Jews Feed Jersey Hungry
 Muslims and Jews have joined hands to feed the hungry in New Jersey and New York as part of efforts to promote greater understanding between the two major faiths in the United States."Each Jew and each Muslim is obligated to help those most in need," said Walter Ruby of the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, New Brunswick Patch reported.The project, which was launched Sunday, was co-sponsored by Muslims Against Hunger Project, ...

Anti-Islam group patrolling Dublin

Anti-Islam group patrolling Dublin
An Anti-Islamic group who have started street patrols in several Irish towns in recent weeks say they are not thugs, but will defend themselves if necessary. Soldiers of Odin (SoO)was formed in Finland last October, carrying out street patrols which they said were to protect people, particularly women, from attacks from immigrants. Their founder, Mika Ranta, is a self-confessed neo-Nazi with a conviction for a racially-motivated assault. An ...

South Africa emerges as Halal industry leade

South Africa emerges as Halal industry leade
  And because it comprises 25 per cent of the African continent’s gross domestic product (GDP), significant opportunities exist for halal trade throughout Africa. The story of this development is intricately entwined with South Africa’s unique and painful history, as the fight against apartheid gained momentum in the second half of the last century. Halal certification was introduced in the 1960s, under the supervision of the Ulama ...

Translations of holy Quran in 5 languages underway

Translations of holy Quran in 5 languages underway
   The final proofreading and edition of Quranic translations are being undertaken for the release of five new translations of the holy Quran.Speaking with IBNA, Hujatoleslam Mohammad Naghdi stated that Tarjoman Vahy Institute was founded in 1993 in Iran to pursue the translation of the holy Quran into 22 languages of the world.Caretaker of the institute added that the center has so far released the translation of the book into seven ...

Thousands of Qom Clerics, Seminary Students held rally against Saudi's execution of 'Sheikh Nimr'

Thousands of Qom Clerics, Seminary Students held rally against Saudi's execution of 'Sheikh Nimr'
A group of Iranian clerics and seminary students have held demonstrations in the holy cities of Qom in condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - A group of Iranian clerics and seminary students have held demonstrations in the holy cities of Qom in condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.Addressing the demonstrators ...

UK Shiite Muslim Mum flying al-Abbas black flag outside home tells neighbours it's definitely not a show of support for Islamic

UK Shiite Muslim Mum flying al-Abbas black flag outside home tells neighbours it's definitely not a show of support for Islamic
The large flag honours Muslim martyr Al-Abbas with white lettering on a black background. The flag looks similar to the one flown by jihadists - But Shazia and her family are Shias unlike Islamic State who are made up of militant Sunni fighters. A MOTHER flying a black flag outside her family home in a quiet suburban street has told her neighbours: "We are not supporting Islamic State." Shazia Ramzan, 35, shocked her neighbours when she raised ...

Muslim Countries to Work towards Unified Braille Quran Code

Muslim Countries to Work towards Unified Braille Quran Code
 - Seyyed Morteza Nikzad, managing director of Roshandelan (the blind) Cultural-Quranic Foundation, said the conference was held on February 3-8, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. “At the opening ceremony was attended by delegations from 12 countries as well as Turkish officials, I presented a report on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Quranic sciences,” he said. Nikzad noted that the conference had three specialized committees in all of ...

Photo / Lectures by Professor Ansarian on the seventh night of Muharram mourning ceremonies in Husseiniya of Qasim Ibn al-Hassan (s)

Photo / Lectures by Professor Ansarian on the seventh night of Muharram mourning ceremonies in Husseiniya of Qasim Ibn al-Hassan (s)

Iraq recovers 158 bodies of ISIS-executed soldiers at Camp Speicher carnage site

Iraq recovers 158 bodies of ISIS-executed soldiers at Camp Speicher carnage site
Iraqi authorities discovered Monday the remains of 158 bodies believed to belong to soldiers of Speicher Camp who were executed by ISIS terrorists when the group seized Tikrit in June 2014, the Iraqi government ...

Thousands of African Shias Commemorate Birthday Anniversary of Hazrat Fatima

Thousands of African Shias Commemorate Birthday Anniversary of Hazrat Fatima
Tens of thousands Shiite Muslims in Zaria, Nigeria commemorated auspicious birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima at Husainiyyah Baqiyyatullah on Tuesday the 30th April 2013.The Leader of the Shia Islamic Movement highlighted on the sublime status of al-Zahra (SA) as described by her beloved father the holy Prophet in his sayings as recorded in Islamic books.Sheikh Zakzaky read some of Hadith regarding the status of Sayyidah Az-Zahra which includes ...

In heart of France, Islamic school trains imams

In heart of France, Islamic school trains imams
 Deep in the wooded hills of Burgundy in central France, an institute is addressing the need for new imams for Europe’s largest Muslim population as an alternative to recruiting foreign preachers. Early in the morning, some 200 students from across the country stream into the European Institute of Human Sciences de Saint-Leger-de-Fougeret, where they learn to chant the Quran and study Islamic theology and Arabic literature. After seven ...

Tajik Muslim clerics to be paid salaries

Tajik Muslim clerics to be paid salaries
Tajikistan's Muslim clerics are to wear uniforms and be paid salaries by the state, the head of the country's top Muslim authority said on Wednesday."As of February 1, the imam khatibs [chief clerics of mosques] will receive their first official salaries. According to preliminary estimates, the head of a central mosque will receive 2,000 somoni ($419), a sarkhatib [the chief cleric of a Friday mosque] 1,500 somoni ($314), and the imam khatib of ...

Summer Quran Memorization Course at Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Summer Quran Memorization Course at Sheikh Zayed Mosque
The Quranic institute of Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE, plans to organize a summer course on memorization of the Holy Quran.  According to Al-Khaleej daily, the course will be held for children and teenagers between 7 to 18 years of age. In addition to memorization of the Holy Quran, there will be courses on Adhan (call to prayer), photography and reading, as well.  Registration for the Quranic course begins Sunday, June 19, and the ...

Recourse in viewpoint of the Quran and Sunnah (tradition)

Recourse in viewpoint of the Quran and Sunnah (tradition)
Author: Abdulsalam Karimi (Seminary and university teacher) Abstract: One of controversial issues on which the Wahhabism disagrees with other Muslims is recourse. Some types of recourse are implicitly legitimate and some types of it are unanimously illegitimate. But the disputed point is recourse to eminence, prayer and signs of the Prophet and divine authorities in the purgatory world; and Wahhabism calls this heresy and considers it ...

Tehran exhibit paintings on Imam Ali (PBUH)

Tehran exhibit paintings on Imam Ali (PBUH)
Tehran’s Shokouh Art Gallery has mounted an exhibition of paintings on Imam Ali (PBUH), the first Shia’s Imam, on the occasion of Muslim’s holy month of Ramadan.About 32 rare paintings featuring the portraits of the Shia’s Imam, which were created in different periods, were presented at the exhibition.Most works were borrowed from the Museum of Oriental History and Civilization. A number of them belonged to 100 years ago.The gallery also ...

Bahraini woman 'Zahra Al-Sheikh' released after serving full one-year prison sentence

Bahraini woman 'Zahra Al-Sheikh' released after serving full one-year prison sentence
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahraini authorities released detainee Zahra Al-Sheikh on Sunday (July 19, 2015) after serving a full one-year sentence in prison over charges of "unlawful assembly and assaulting policemen".Zahra was forced to take her infant child, Hussein Habib, (6 months old) with her (to prison), since he was in need of care. Despite this, the authorities rejected local and international calls to release her for humanitarian ...

Iran Arabic channel taken off air

Iran Arabic channel taken off air
Iran's Arabic language satellite television channel, al-Alam, has been taken off air by two Arab-controlled satellite companies.   The operators of Nilesat and Arabsat cited a breach of contract according to Egypt's MENA news agency, but al-Alam said they had not been given a reason.     Analysts say some Arab governments are worried about the channel's popularity and Iran's growing regional influence. ...

South Africa Poised to be World's 1st Non-Muslim Country to Offer Soverign Islamic (Sukuk) Bon

South Africa Poised to be World's 1st Non-Muslim Country to Offer Soverign Islamic (Sukuk) Bon
 South Africa is joining the select number of non-Muslim countries preparing to issue sovereign sukuk bonds. If all goes well, it is likely beat the others to the market, as those countries which have made similar moves have yet to actually launch their Islamic bonds.  The South African National Treasury (pictured) on Monday invited banks to bid for advising on "the structuring and issuance of a government Islamic bond in the local and ...