Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Muslim doctor 'shot and stabbed' outside mosque in Texas

 Muslim doctor 'shot and stabbed' outside mosque in Texas
A Muslim optometrist on his way to pray at a Houston, Texas, mosque was ambushed by three people and shot twice outside a nearby apartment complex, reports said. Mohammed Imaduddin, a spokesman for the nearby Madrasah Islamiah mosque, said Dr Arslan Tajammul was on his way to 5:30am morning prayers when he was approached by three people on foot. Tajammul had parked along the street and was walking towards the mosque, Imaduddin told. One of the ...

To end misconceptions about Islam, Muslim outfit to educate women in Bengal

To end misconceptions about Islam, Muslim outfit to educate women in Bengal
“We would be holding a nationwide programme of peace and communal harmony from August 21 to September 4. In Bengal, we will join hands with other organisations to reach out to the rural areas and spread awareness among women about the true spirit of Islam. This will ensure that the first instruction they give to their children about Islam is about peace, thus resisting the religious misconceptions that are used to brainwash young ...

Detained for alleged Quran defiling

Detained for alleged Quran defiling
Two Coptic Christian boys have been put in juvenile detention after locals accused them for  insulting the pages of the Islamic holy book, an Islamic cleric and prosecutors said Wednesday, in the latest in a series of legal cases in Egypt against alleged contempt of religion.The new case is a rare instance of minors being accused. The boys, ages 9 and 10, were detained Tuesday in a southern town, to be held for 15 days while prosecutors ...

Muslims condemn defamatory anti-Isalam movie in Rome

Muslims condemn defamatory anti-Isalam movie in Rome
Thousands of Italian Muslims gathered in Republic Square leading to the US embassy here on Friday and condemned insulting movie to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).The Italian Muslims gathered in the 'Republic Square' and expressed their hatred to the makers of anti-Islam movie named 'Innocence of Muslims' and hostile policies of the US against Muslims.Italian anti-riot police surrounded the protestors and prevented them from marching toward the US ...

Protest against anti-Islam movie in Austria

Protest against anti-Islam movie in Austria
 Protest to the anti-Islam movie insulting Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) continues in Austria.Vienna Imam Ali Islamic Center had called for introducing and immediate punishment of elements of this ugly crime as well as financial and political supporters of it.Prophet Mohammad Household Assembly in Austria in a statement published here, by referring to Muslims outcry in the world against the anti-Islam movie wrote; history is full of models of such ...

Burmese Muslims’ unabated genocide

Burmese Muslims’ unabated genocide
While the rest of the Islamic world engages in rituals of the Holy month of Ramazan, fasting, praying and giving alms, the Muslim community of Rohingya in Burma is being incessantly targeted and slaughtered mercilessly with nary a voice raised in condemnation. Thousands of Burmese Muslims have been massacred, while a large number have been forced to flee for their lives and dwell in squalid conditions. Who are the Rohingya and why are they being ...

Almost 170 Killed in Clashes Between ISIL, Rival Extremist Group in Libya

Almost 170 Killed in Clashes Between ISIL, Rival Extremist Group in Libya
169 people have been killed during a fighting between the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group and rival radical militants in the northern Libyan city of Sirte in two days, local media reported Saturday. The ISIL seized Sirte, the hometown of the former long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, earlier this year. The rival Salafist group was backed by Sirte’s armed civilians, who refused to pledge allegiance to the ...

UN supports first Shia Imam Shrine to join UNESCO World Heritage list

UN supports first Shia Imam Shrine to join UNESCO World Heritage list
Martin Kobler, UN special envoy to Iraq met with grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, senior Iraqi Shia leader and said the UN supports the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS), first Shia Imam and cousin of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to be registered in UNESCO World Heritage list.  Ban Ki-moon’s special envoy to Iraq referred to his different feelings in his visits to the holy city of Najaf and hailed the reconstruction projects around the Shia holy ...

Supreme Leader’s Firm Stand against Superpowers Restored Muslim Solidarity

Supreme Leader’s Firm Stand against Superpowers Restored Muslim Solidarity
--The Comoros archipelago ambassador believes that the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution took a firm and clear stand against the enemies and superpowers. According to Ahmad N. al-Marzouqi, Supreme Leader’s objection to the interference of the foreign countries in Iran’s internal affairs arises from his clear and active stand in the international arena as he seeks Iran’s independence, might and glory. “The Islamic Republic of ...

Bahrain's top human rights activist targeted two days after Obama speech

Bahrain's top human rights activist targeted two days after Obama speech
Teargas grenades were fired in the middle of the night into the home of the leading human rights activist on Bahrain - in what may be the answer of hardliners running Bahrain to President Barack Obama's call for an end to the brutal crackdown on the Persian Gulf island allied with the United States. Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and a critic of al-Khalifa Regime, said four grenades were fired at the house at ...

“Guantanamo” of Bahrain: Torture Continues Unabated

“Guantanamo” of Bahrain: Torture Continues Unabated
In the previous part, we tackled new details concerning what the political prisoners in Jaw Central Prison "Guantanamo" of Bahrain were subjected to during the first three days since the eruption of the incidents inside the prison on March 10th 2015. On March 16th, the security forces made the prisoners take off their whole clothes and stay in their underwear. However, they were surprised with very cold water being poured on their bare bodies ...

Three Shia leaders martyred in northern Yemen

Three Shia leaders martyred in northern Yemen
The Yemeni Army says it has killed three local Shia Zaidi leaders in an attack on their hideouts in Saada province in northern Yemen. "Leaders of the Shia Zaidi were killed" in the attack at Malahidh, Yemen's official Saba news agency cited a military statement as saying on Friday. According to the report, the three leaders were identified as Jarallah Mohammed Ismail, Ali Abd Rabbo Jabal and Abdel Aziz al-Uraimi. The Yemeni army launched an ...

Shia religious scholar slaughtered in Pakistan's Hyderabad

Shia religious scholar slaughtered in Pakistan's Hyderabad
As per details deceased person’s name was Imdad Husain Jafri, Secretary Welfare of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslmeen (MWM), he was rushed to hospital but succumb to death. Police handed over dead body to the family.whereas resident of Latifabad was chanting slogans against administration and poor law and order situation in the city.The police has started the initial inquiry, however, it was not clear that whether this was a sectarian killing or ...

Gunman opens fire outside Nigerian school, injures 12

Gunman opens fire outside Nigerian school, injures 12
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Witnesses and security officials say at least 12 people have been critically injured when a gunman opened fire outside a school in Nigeria’s violence-plagued northeastern state of Yobe. Multiple students at the College of Administrative and Business Studies (CABS) in the city of Potiskum, situated about 575 kilometers (350 miles) northeast of the capital, Abuja, said the gunman arrived at ...

Al-Qaeda members overrun town in Abyan, southern Yemen

Al-Qaeda members overrun town in Abyan, southern Yemen
Members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group have reportedly taken over a town in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan amid the continuing Saudi war that has thrown the country into chaos. Al-Qaeda militants seized control of the town of Ahwar, located more than 250 kilometers (155 miles) southeast of the capital, Sana’a, on Saturday morning, the Yemen Press news website reported. They slaughtered a number of militiamen loyal to fugitive ...

Bahraini detainee denied communication with outside world for over a week

Bahraini detainee denied communication with outside world for over a week
Bahraini detainee Ahmed Mirza has been denied communication with the outside world for over a week. Rights campaigners are reporting that the reasons for the measures remain unknown. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Bahraini detainee Ahmed Mirza has been denied communication with the outside world for over a week. Rights campaigners are reporting that the reasons for the measures remain unknown. 33-year old Mirza, who is detained in ...

Demise Anniversary of Hadrat Abutalib, uncle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) [Poem]

Demise Anniversary of Hadrat Abutalib, uncle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) [Poem]
Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu TalibThe Ma’sumeen were Allah’s light – Abu Talib protected lightThe Ma’sumeen were life of Islam – Abu Talib protected IslamBillions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu TalibHow can we praise you Abu Talib – The prophet praised you Abu TalibYou were the mercy of Allah – For greatest Prophet of AllahBillions of salutes to Abu Talib – To ...

Israel and U.S. plot foils to assassinate African Shia Leader

Israel and U.S. plot foils to assassinate African Shia Leader
A plot to assassinate Shaykh Ibrahim Yaqub Zakzaky, leader of the Shia Shia Islamic Movement in Nigeria, was foiled when news of it leaked out last month and the Shaykh as well as his followers spoke out against it. The diabolical plot hatched by the Nigerian security operatives at the orders of the American embassy in Abuja and in cooperation with the Israelis was to be carried out in Ramadan both before and during the Quds Day march. Quds ...

American Imam: It's code red for American Muslims

American Imam: It's code red for American Muslims
The mosque in Roxbury was crowded past capacity, with about 1,200 college students, urban hipsters and East Africans lining the hallways and front stairs. They wanted to hear Imam Suhaib Webb, resident scholar of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and widely considered one of the country's most influential Muslims, respond to Sam Harris and Bill Maher, who recently called Islam the "mother lode of bad ideas" and compared Muslims to ...

Half million Iranians sign up for Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq

Half million Iranians sign up for Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq
Over half a million Iranians have signed up for the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, Iraq, according to Said Owhadi, head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, ISNA news agency reported October 28.In 2015 Arbaeen gathered some 20 million people in the Iraqi city to be named the biggest human gathering in history. Looking beyond the religious content, it is going to turn into a major economic feature for Iraq and the neighboring Iran as ...