Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sayyed Nasrallah: Muslims remember al-Quds as part of their religious duties

Sayyed Nasrallah: Muslims remember al-Quds as part of their religious duties

Facebook threatened by 2.5 million Muslim users

Facebook threatened by 2.5 million Muslim users
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), A template letter posted into numerous Facebook pages is warning Mark Zuckerberg and his team that 2.5 million Muslims will leave the social networking site if certain demands are not met. The anger of these 2.5 million users appears, from the letter, to revolve around the free display of anti-Islamic symbols and pages and the removal of four Facebook pages that were highly popular amongst the site’s Muslim ...

Hoover Islamic Center invites community to Ramadan fast

Hoover Islamic Center invites community to Ramadan fast

Egyptian Coptic teacher arrested for insulting Islam on Facebook

Egyptian Coptic teacher arrested for insulting Islam on Facebook
A Coptic-Christian teacher from the southern Egyptian Governorate of Sohag, Bishoy Kamel, was arrested on Monday for sharing the cartoons on a Facebook page, the online edition of Egyptian state-run al-Ahram daily reported.The charges were pressed against Kamel by Mohammed Safwat, an Egyptian who claimed that the latter had insulted the newly-elected President as well.Kamel has admitted managing the Facebook page in question, however, he claimed ...

and be steadfast in prayer

and be steadfast in prayer


أقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ ۖ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ

and be steadfast in prayer; prayer keeps one away from indecency and evil.


Thirty Nominees For Royal Award For Islamic Finance

Thirty Nominees For Royal Award For Islamic Finance
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; KUALA LUMPUR -- Thirty individuals in Islamic finance from all over the world, being considered, for the inaugural Royal Award for Islamic Finance. The award is spearheaded by the Malaysia Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) and supported by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Securities Commission. It will act as a benchmark recognition of the global Islamic Financial industry. The award focuses on the individual's record of ...

First Global Congress for Muslim Public Relations Professionals Held in Kuala Lumpur

 First Global Congress for Muslim Public Relations Professionals Held in Kuala Lumpur
The 1st-ever International Trade and Industry started today in Kuala Lumpur.  The Congress was jointly organized by by the International Islamic University Malaysia and Tehran-based Kargozar PR Institute, and supported by the Federation of ASEAN Public Relations Organisations.  The four-day conference themed "The Practice of Public Relations In Islamic Countries - Past, Present and Future Trends" focused on paper presentations, dialogues and ...

Egypt still in turmoil despite Mubarak's

Egypt still in turmoil despite Mubarak's
Today is the ninth day the Egyptians started protests against the rule of the current President of Egypt, Mubarak. The Egyptian dissenters chant anti-government words, call President Mubarak as 'betrayer,' and hurl their shoes at the Mubarak pictures. The hurling of shoes at ex-US President George W. Bush on his farewell visit to Iraq has become a symbol of expressing protests across the world. The news from the hospitals show that nearly 200 ...

Over 173,000 pilgrims arrive in Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj

Over 173,000 pilgrims arrive in Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj
 More than 173,000 pilgrims have arrived in Saudi Arabia by the end of Friday to perform Hajj, Saudi News Agency reported Sunday.More than 109,000 pilgrims arrived by air, while 54,000 by sea and 10,000 by land, the news agency quoted Director General of Passports Department Salem bin Mohammed Al-Bilaihid as saying.Hajj Minister Bandar bin Mohammad Al-Hajar revealed last week that Saudi Arabia is expecting 1.8 million pilgrims from abroad this ...

Thailand launches TV channel for Muslims

Thailand launches TV channel for Muslims
  Muslims in Thailand's southernmost Muslim-dominated provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat say they are treated as second-class citizens by predominantly Buddhist Thai authorities.   More than 5,000 people have been killed there since an Islamic insurgency flared in 2004. Some militants, mainly ethnic Malays, have called for a separate Muslim state.  Project supervisor Chamroon Den-udom said Thursday that the new channel would ...

1,200 escape from Yemen prison, including al Qaeda suspects

1,200 escape from Yemen prison, including al Qaeda suspects
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Around 1,200 prisoners, including al Qaeda suspects, escaped during clashes at a jail in central Yemen on Tuesday, officials said.The incident is the biggest in a series of prison breaks that have freed Yemeni militants in recent years."Groups of al Qaeda supporters ... today attacked the central prison in the city of Taiz and more than 1,200 of the dangerous prisoners escaped," state news agency Saba quoted a security ...

Newark Museum to Host Islamic Art Exhibition in 2013

Newark Museum to Host Islamic Art Exhibition in 2013
The Newark Museum, 49 Washington St., Newark, is one of four museums selected to host a major exhibition of Islamic art over the next two years.Organized by Project Director Sabiha Al Khemir for the Brigham Young University (BYU) Museum of Art in Provo, Utah, the exhibition, Beauty and Belief: Crossing Bridges With the Arts of Islamic Culture, spans Islamic culture from the seventh century to the present and includes more than 250 artworks and ...

Iran arrests two Daeshis in western province of Hamadan

Iran arrests two Daeshis in western province of Hamadan
According to the province’s intelligence director general, the two Iranian nationals with links to the Daesh terrorist group were caught during two separate intelligence operations while en route to Tehran, IRINN reported on Sunday. On Friday, Iran's Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi announced that Iran had dismantled more than 20 terrorist groups that had planned to detonate bombs and cause insecurity across the country during ...

Taliban confirm leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor killed in US drone strike

Taliban confirm leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor killed in US drone strike
 The Afghan Taliban have confirmed the death of leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor after the US military announced he was the target of a drone strike in ...

Imam Khamenei: Zionist regime bound to collapse/ Iranian nation to foil Bullying Powers plots

Imam Khamenei: Zionist regime bound to collapse/ Iranian nation to foil Bullying Powers plots
According to Ahlul Bayt (A) News Agency – ABNA.ir – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has said the best criterion for the Islamic revolution is Imam Khomeini and the policies and ideas of the founder of the Islamic republic. Addressing a huge multi-million strong gathering of mourners in the mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic republic, Imam Khomeini (may his souls rest in peace), the Leader ...

Cultural Attachés Congress to Kick off Tomorrow

Cultural Attachés Congress to Kick off Tomorrow
-- The 8th congress of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s cultural attachés will kick off tomorrow, February 28, in Tehran. 70 attachés and cultural representatives of Iran in other countries will be present at the gathering. The opening ceremony will be officiated by the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyed Mohammad Hosseini. On the first day of the gathering, the participants will visit the mausoleum of the late founder of the ...

Doctors Without Borders fears famine in northeast Nigeria

Doctors Without Borders fears famine in northeast Nigeria
- Severely malnourished children are dying in large numbers in northeast Nigeria, the former stronghold of Boko Haram militants where food supplies are close to running out, Medecins Sans Frontieres said on ...

Saudis rally in Rabiyia to honor victims of crackdown

Saudis rally in Rabiyia to honor victims of crackdown
 Chanting anti-Al Saud slogans, the demonstrators criticized the Riyadh government for brutally suppressing protests. They also condemned the country’s involvement in the Bahraini crackdown on peaceful protesters, calling for the withdrawal of KSA troops from the neighboring country. Meanwhile, Saudi crown prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz has arrived in the US for medical tests. The 79-year-old would take over the rule of the oil-rich kingdom ...

Bomb attack kills five Kenyan police officers near Somali border

Bomb attack kills five Kenyan police officers near Somali border
At least five Kenyan police officers were killed Wednesday in a roadside bomb blast in the town of Lamu near the border with Somalia.  According to the reports, the truck transporting officers "had about 10 administration police officers and the explosive that blew it up seemed to have been planted on the road they were using," a senior regional official, who asked not to be named, said after the incident. The terrorist group ...

Iran Judiciary Chief Lauds Attention to Quranic Research

Iran Judiciary Chief Lauds Attention to Quranic Research
Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani hailed the attention paid in the country to the Quran and Quranic studies. This much attention to the Quran and Quranic research and the presence of women Quran researchers in Iran is a great blessing which should be cherished and appreciated, he said. He made the remarks at the 14th edition of the congress for honoring women Quran researchers in Tehran on Thursday. Ayatollah Amoli ...