Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Fearing a Muslim planet

Fearing a Muslim planet
Would you like a spot of Islamophobia in your tea? It seems that a few of the Tea Party\'s representatives in the midterm elections concluded that voters would like their favorite drink brewed with very hot anti-Muslim spices. \"He is the only Muslim member of congress,\" Tea Party Nation leader Judson Phillips, a Tennessee attorney, wrote in an e-mail to supporters in which he urged them to help defeat Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) because of ...

Germany pushes Muslims to spy

Germany pushes Muslims to spy
The issue was to be discussed on Tuesday in the Germany-Islam conference chaired by Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, German broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. Security cooperation of the Islamic groups is high on the agenda of the conference, said the newly selected Friedrich, who irritated the Muslim population in Germany earlier this month by asserting that "Islam does not belong in Germany." The remark by the German minister came ...

Yemen preparing to attack Houthis

Yemen preparing to attack Houthis
The Army is digging trenches, stretched from the capital of Sana'a to the Houthi stronghold of Sa'ada, the fighters said on their website on Saturday. The fighters warned that government forces stationed in the Alamsheep Bsvian region had created a new stronghold in Mount Guide. Authorities have been trying to "militarize" civilian life and amass servicemen in villages, homes and farms, the Houthis said. Sana'a officials have been trying to ...

12,000 police to be deployed on Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Lahore

12,000 police to be deployed on Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Lahore
More than 12,000 police will provide security cover to the participants of Arbaeen of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) in Lahore, Pakistan. Capital City Police Officer (CCPO), Muhammad Aslam Tareen said this while presiding over a meeting of senior police officers here Thursday in which security arrangements for Arbaeen of Hazrat Imam Hussain and Data Sahab urs were reviewed. He said that special surveillance and checking of all hotels, inns, bus and ...

Painters to hang works on Imam Ali (AS) in Tehran museum

Painters to hang works on Imam Ali (AS) in Tehran museum
 Paintings depicting characteristics of Imam Ali (AS) by renowned painters will go on display at Tehran’s Imam Ali (AS) Religious Arts Museum during an exhibition. The paintings on themes of some characteristics of Imam Ali (AS) such as his justice and his charity will go on display at the showcase from November 24 to December 7. The event will be held on the occasion of Id al-Ghadir, the day on which Imam Ali (AS) was appointed as ...

Ignorant Wahhabis Killed Fifty Imams and Muftis in North Caucasus

Ignorant Wahhabis Killed Fifty Imams and Muftis in North Caucasus
Renowned islamologist Roman Silantyev cited statistics according to which about fifty Islamic spiritual leaders were killed in the North Caucuses for fighting against Wahhabism. \"Almost 50 people were killed. These people could have formed a big muftiat,\" he said in the The Faith and the World program on the Voice of Russia radio. According to the islamologist, there are few such people left in Russia: \"they are killed almost every month, ...

Threat to Arbaeen procession looms large over metropolis in Karachi

Threat to Arbaeen procession looms large over metropolis in Karachi
Threat to sabotage Arbaeen procession of Karbala martyrs, which is scheduled to be taken out here on Tuesday, looms large. According to reports, intelligence agencies have warned that a possible terrorist attack on the occasion of Arbaeen could take place and informed that Lashkar-e-Jhangvi had planned to carry out terrorist activities. According to sources, the security agencies had informed Shia authorities about possible threats, while ...

WikiLeaks: Saudi Intelligence Requested Excluding Shiites from all the projects presented by Saudi Arabia to Bahrain

WikiLeaks: Saudi Intelligence Requested Excluding Shiites from all the projects presented by Saudi Arabia to Bahrain
AhlulBayt News Agency - A confidential cable, published by the WikiLeaks website this week, disclosed a recommendation by the Saudi general intelligence which called for the exclusion of Shiites from all the projects presented by Saudi Arabia to Bahrain.The cable issued by the general intelligence command urged that "a joint security strategy be adopted with regards to the people chosen to assume posts in Bahrain in a way that would be in line ...

Conquer Istanbul; Britons in Turkey face new ISIS threat as terrorists urge locals to go on attack

Conquer Istanbul; Britons in Turkey face new ISIS threat as terrorists urge locals to go on attack
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - A new propaganda video released online called on Muslims in the country to "conquer Istanbul", one of the Middle East's most popular destinations.Just two months ago 30 British tourists were killed by an ISIS gunman on a beach in Tunisia.The Home Office has already warned holidaymakers to avoid several regions in Turkey, particularly near the border with Iraq and Syria.More than 2.5million British sunseekers visit the ...

Tajik Supreme Court brands ISIL as terrorist organization

Tajik Supreme Court brands ISIL as terrorist organization
The Tajik Supreme Court has branded the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as the terrorist organization and put it on the relevant list, a court source told Interfax on Friday.The local media confirmed the report, with the reference to unnamed sources."The republic has a list of outlawed groups and organizations. Information about some of the groups on that list, among them ISIL, is classified," the source ...

Australia Admits Anti-Muslim Job Bias

Australia Admits Anti-Muslim Job Bias
"Muslim men have expressed concern that the negative portrayal of Muslims in the media may have a detrimental effect on the self-esteem of Muslim youth and also result in children being bullied at school," said the Newcastle University report, cited by The Herald Sun on Tuesday, November 13. Using Census data, the report, led by Prof Terry Lovat, found that the jobless rate among Muslim men was more than double the national average. Only 57 ...

Muslim women Could not Play football

Muslim women Could not Play football
According to Ahlul Bayt (A) News Agency – ABNA.ir – football was a beautiful game that connects people into a global village. Unfortunately, football has been tarnished by racism, sexism and politics — which should not be part of such a magnificent sport.  Golf, rugby and boxing associations have no problem with the headscarf — it is only the International Federation of Association Football (Fifa) that resists lifting the ban on women ...

Dialogue among Civilizations Meeting to Discuss Japan, Islamic World Relations

Dialogue among Civilizations Meeting to Discuss Japan, Islamic World Relations
-- The 8th round of dialogue among civilizations (Japan and the Islamic world) will be held in the Japanese capital Tokyo on the 23rd and 24th of February, Naseej website reports. The website quoted Shigeru Endo, Japan’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, as saying that 40 scholars and thinkers from the Islamic world and Japan would participate at the meeting. “They will discuss ways for expansion of future cooperations between Japan and the ...

Bahraini, Saudi and Kuwaiti Shiites mark Ashura

Bahraini, Saudi and Kuwaiti Shiites mark Ashura
Thousands of Shiite Muslims in Bahrain and eastern Saudi Arabia marked Ashura on Thursday, commemorating the death of a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed with processions and cries of mourning. In Manama, processions took place in the narrow streets of the old city, which is dotted with Shiite places of worship. Bahrain is ruled by a Sunni dynasty but the majority of its population is Shiite. A number of Shiites from nearby Saudi Arabia, where ...

Annual Quran Contest To Be Held in Bahrain

Annual Quran Contest To Be Held in Bahrain
According to Mozn news agency, the annual contest includes seven categories of recitation, memorization and interpretation of the Quran, Quranic researches, calligraphic painting of Quran’s verses, Quranic calligraphy and photography. The association has announced that registration for the competitions which began on January 16 will end on February 5. Those interested are allowed to register in more than one category. Competitions in ...

Iraqi military discovers mass graves near former ISIS prison

Iraqi military discovers mass graves near former ISIS prison
The Media Cell Security Investigation team said in a statement that one grave near the Badoush Prison site contained the bodies of 470 prisoners killed by ISIS. It said a second grave contained 30 victims. A security official who spoke on condition of anonymity said based on records of prisoners who were at Badoush most are believed to have been Shiite Muslims or other minorities. Authorities were continuing to look for more graves. A ...

Christians Warned Not to Preach in Birmingham’s Muslim No-Go Area

Christians Warned Not to Preach in Birmingham’s Muslim No-Go Area
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Two Christian evangelists have received an official police warning not to preach in the Muslim-colonised area of Alum Rock in Birmingham or face being “beaten up” in the latest example of Islamic no-go areas in Britain. According to news reports, the preachers, Americans Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham ventured onto the streets of that heavily colonised suburb to preach the Christian Gospel. They were warned ...

Syrian government steps down

Syrian government steps down
The resignation was announced on Tuesday despite massive popular rallies in support of Assad and a comprehensive reform program led by him, the Syrian Arab news agency (SANA) reported. The demonstrators expressed loyalty to the motherland and insisted on preserving national unity, security and stability, SANA said. They condemned dissident rallies against the government and denounced all attempts at sowing sedition and targeting the ...

Vigil after Muslim Graves Damaged

Vigil after Muslim Graves Damaged
-- A vigil was held at Manchester's Southern Cemetery after Muslim graves were desecrated for the third time in two months. The Unite Against Fascism peace vigil took place at the cemetery on Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton at 1400 GMT.   Police are treating the latest attack, which happened between 20 and 23 November and left about 20 graves damaged, as racially-motivated.   Headstones were also damaged on 29 September and again three days ...

Who and What Reflect Muslim Values?

Who and What Reflect Muslim Values?
The Moroccan king’s speech emphasizes the explicit need for Muslims to act according to values that promote comity, respect and dignity. The US presidential campaigns have staked out their positions on Muslim-Americans, Muslim immigrants and, by extension, Muslims worldwide. These positions have been defined by perceptions about Islam and its various components: the Quran, Sharia law, religious terms such as kafir and jihad, and generally ...