Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Toll of Yemen Ammunition Explosion Deaths Shoots up to 150

Toll of Yemen Ammunition Explosion Deaths Shoots up to 150
 "When the residents entered the plant, there were some workers there who... did not warn them of the dangers," said Rahawi. "The flames spread out over 500 metres (yards)," he added, warning local residents that the situation was still unstable and other weapons stores could also explode.   Another local government official, Mohsen Salem, said the death toll of 150 was based on the number of bodies recovered and on people reported as ...

ISIL bombs Saudi Shia mosque

ISIL bombs Saudi Shia mosque
A bomb attack, claimed by the Takfiri ISIL terrorist group, has targeted another Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, with a confirmed death toll of four as of ...

Anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans begins in Arafat desert

Anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans begins in Arafat desert
 The pilgrims chanted anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans during the ceremony also attended by the Supreme Leader's representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali Qazi-Asgar. 'God is the Greatest', 'Death to Israel', and 'Death to America', were among slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat, 20 kms (12 miles) from Mecca, for a day of prayer and meditation. The faithful - men clad in two-piece seamless ...

Malaysia appoints 1st female Islamic court judges

Malaysia appoints 1st female Islamic court judges
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Malaysia's Islamic Shariah courts have appointed their first female judges — a move praised by women's rights activists Thursday as a boost for a judicial system often accused of favoring men. Suraya Ramli and Rafidah Abdul Razak, formerly officials at the government's Islamic judicial department, were named Shariah court judges for Kuala Lumpur and the administrative capital of ...

Afghan police kill would-be suicide bomber in Kabul

Afghan police kill would-be suicide bomber in Kabul
Afghan police shot dead a suicide bomber on Monday as he was apparently preparing to attack an outdoor blood donor facility in a busy area of central Kabul, officials ...

Selected Papers on "Revelation Studies" Published

Selected Papers on
-- A collection of selected papers presented at a conference on “revelation studies” was published by Al-Mostafa International University. The book includes 9 articles on the essence of revelation, relation between revelation and wisdom, revelation and prophetic experience, truth of revelation, its definition and concept. Discussing the morphology of revelation, the authors have also studied view points of theologians and philosophers in ...

Italy Joins France to Ban Muslims Veil

Italy Joins France to Ban Muslims Veil
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; As per the anti-burqa bill tabled by Italy’s anti-immigrant North League Party, wearing burqa in Italy will be punishable by a year in prison, fines of 150 to 300 Euros for the wearer and 30,000 Euros for anyone forcing a woman to don the face-covering Islamic garment. Following the footprints of France, where the law has become that woman will be fined or jailed for covering their faces in public; Italy is likely to ...

Hijab or School

Hijab or School
young republic of Kosovo, the vast majority of the population is Muslim, because of its tradition of “moderate Islam” and following the letter of the secular constitution, following in the footsteps of Tunisia and France, forbidding the wearing of women’s headscarf – the hijab – female students in public schools . As in Turkey, where a ban on head scarves, introduced in 1920, has led to bitter disputes, the decisions of local ...

British minister rules out any "undesirable" ban on Muslim veil

 British minister rules out any
Britain's parliament should not try to ban wearing full-length veils in public after France's lower house passed a bill which could see Muslim women fined for wearing the burqa, immigration minister Damian Green said. "It's very unlikely and it would be undesirable for the British Parliament to try and pass a law dictating what people wore," Green said in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, published on online late on ...

The Significance of `Love' and `Hate' when Ascribed to God

The Significance of `Love' and `Hate' when Ascribed to God
Know that love, hate and the like, which in the language of the Qur'an and noble traditions have been ascribed to God-exalted is His Glory-are not to be taken in their ordinary sense. For such qualities signify psychic affections (infi'al-e nafsani), and God, the Exalted, is above and free of them. Since an elaborate discussion of this issue is outside the scope of this brief exposition, we will confine ourselves to a passing reference. It ...

Armenians supreme spiritual council condemns burning of holy Quran

Armenians supreme spiritual council condemns burning of holy Quran
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; Supreme Spiritual Council chaired by Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II condemns burning of Koran and statements made on the issue. Being an advocate of inter-religious and inter-church dialogue, the Armenian Apostolic Church always treated religious views and values of each nation with respect, press service of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin informed. On September 11, two US clergymen burnt three Korans in protest ...

Azeri Dancer Guided by Imam Reza (A.S)

Azeri Dancer Guided by Imam Reza (A.S)
A noted celebrity in Azerbaijan has abandoned her career as a dancer following a visit to the holy Shrine of the eighth Shia Imam Reza in Iran. “I know for getting closer to God, it is necessary to quit my profession and I have made a determined resolution to do this,” Fatima Fatalieva told Azerbaijan\'s Trend news agency after returning from the shrine city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran. \"Visiting Mashhad was one of my greatest dreams. ...

Professor Ansarian: Qur'an and wisdom are two great truths to propagate

Professor Ansarian: Qur'an and wisdom are two great truths to propagate
The messenger of Allah used propagate by means of two truths. One was the Holy Quran by which he communicated with people and the second one was the extensive science he was granted by Allah Almighty. He could recognize all virtues and vices through this science and knew all moral, psychological, and intellectual gaps of people. these two truths, also known as Quran and science, was interpreted as wisdom by the lord of the universe. in other ...

Bahraini forces target wounded protesters

Bahraini forces target wounded protesters
After weeks of protests in the Persian Gulf nation, Bahraini security forces took over Salmaniya Medical Complex, one of the country's biggest hospitals. Security forces stormed the hospital on March 16 and since then have been using it as place to identify people who are part of the protests, Human Rights Watch contends. "Military forces have sought out and threatened, beaten and detained patients injured by tear gas, rubber bullets, birdshot ...

Demonstrations in Jerusalem in support of the Prophet

Demonstrations in Jerusalem in support of the Prophet
Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated on Saturday in the Eisaweyya suburb in Jerusalem to protest the offensive film produced in the US and the insulting cartoons published in a French magazine.The demonstrators condemned the heinous act of insulting the Prophet (PBUH) in both the film and a cartoon which was published in "Abido Charlie" magazine in France.The demonstrators held banners with statement such as “We are all faithful to Prophet ...

Int’l Quran Contest to Be Held in Russia

Int’l Quran Contest to Be Held in Russia
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, According to IslamRF, organized by Russia’s Muftis Council with the cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and UNESCO, the contest will be held in the category of Quran recitation with the presence of representatives from Islamic countries and Muslim minorities from non-Muslim countries. The contest has been held annually in Moscow since 2000. While only Muslim students from Moscow participated in ...

Two day Seminar organised by African Shia Martyrs Foundation in Zaria

Two day Seminar organised by African Shia Martyrs Foundation in Zaria
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A two day seminar organised by Shuhada (Martyrs) Foundation of the Shia Islamic Movement for its members ended in Zaria on Sunday the 24th of October, 2010. The seminar, which took place at Fudiyyah Center Zaria from 23 to 24 of October, was organised to discuss issues relating to the activities of the Foundation and it was attended by its members from different zones. Other activities at seminar includes film show ...

Bhopal to host largest Muslim gathering after Hajj

Bhopal to host largest Muslim gathering after Hajj
The global congregation by Tablighi Jamaat is to be held Dec 25-27 at Itkhori in Islam Nagar, around 12 km from here. With around 700,000 Muslims expected from across the world, it is said to be the largest Islamic gathering after Haj in Makkah and the ijtema in Bangladesh. \"Every year we hold the ijtema to spread the message of Islam, do good deeds and stop people from wrongdoing, know Allah and follow the path of Prophet Mohammed,\" Ijtema ...

12,000 American Muslims To Make Pilgrimage To Mecca

12,000 American Muslims To Make Pilgrimage To Mecca
 Some 12,000 American Muslims are expected to join an estimated 2.5 million pilgrims in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca for the hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage that this year runs between Nov. 14 and 18. The number of pilgrims expected is about the same as in recent years, said Nail Al-Jubeir, a spokesman for the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington, D.C., which limits pilgrims to making the pilgrimage no more than once every five ...

Thousands of Indian Muslims stage demonstration against Obama visit

Thousands of Indian Muslims stage demonstration against Obama visit
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Led by renowned Shia Scholar, Maulana Syed Kalbe Jawwad, General Secretary, Majlis Ulema-e-Hind, thousands of Muslims after Friday Prayers, staged a demonstration at historical Asafi Imambara in Lucknow to protest US President’s India visit. Holding anti-US and anti-Israel placards that read 'Obama go back”, “Obama Murdabad”, “Death to America”, “Death to Israel”, the demonstrators also burnt US ...