Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Yemeni opposition vows Friday protests

Yemeni opposition vows Friday protests

Yemeni opposition groups have called on anti-government forces to march on the presidential palace in the capital Sana'a and urged President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down."Friday will be the 'Friday of the March Forward', with hundreds of thousands of people... We will arrive where you are and we will remove you,” Reuter quoted opposition spokesman Mohamed Qahtan as telling al-  news network

Train network for Holy City of Makkah

Train network for Holy City of Makkah
The Al-Balad Al-Amin Development and Urban Regeneration Company, which is entirely owned by the Makkah municipality, will establish a domestic train network in the Holy City, the company's CEO Ibrahim Al-Baloushi announced Friday. He said the network would link the Haramain Express Train from Madinah to the Grand Mosque and the holy sites through the Mashair system (Makkah Metro). "The company has completed the technical study for the project ...

Wahdat Train March Commence from Karachi

Wahdat Train March Commence from Karachi
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Wahdat Train March of Majlis-e-Wahdate Muslimeen (MWM)commenced on Friday from Karachi Cantt Station to attend the Central Wehdat-e-Millat Convention of MWM to be held on 1st August at Islamabad. The Prime objective of organizing the said national gathering is to express solidarity with the people of Kurram Agency, Quetta, D.I.Khan and Karachi, who are being targeted by  the killers of outlawed Nasabi-Wahabis ...

Kosovo's Fatih Mosque opened

Kosovo's Fatih Mosque opened
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday put Fatih Mosque, re-constructed by Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), into service again in Kosovo. Fatih Mosque, one of the 800 mosques in Kosovo, was constructed in 1461. Speaking at the ceremony held to re-open the mosque, Erdogan said the Ottoman heritage only in Kosovo was almost more than the cultural heritage in Anatolia, ...

Taste of Muslim life as mosque opens its doors in Bolton

Taste of Muslim life as mosque opens its doors in Bolton
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Bolton, UK -- VISITORS of all faiths were welcomed at a mosque to learn more about what Muslims do during Ramadan. The Zakariyya Mosque in Peace Street, Daubhill, opened its doors to members of the local community on Sunday to take part in Iftaar — a fast-breaking ceremony. Muslims observe a fast from dawn to sunset for one month during Ramadan. The aim is to improve themselves spiritually and gain a greater sense of ...

Protest against Bahraini Al Khalifa threats against activists and Shias in front of Intercontinental Hotel

Protest against Bahraini Al Khalifa threats against activists and Shias in front of Intercontinental Hotel
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; We are protesting here today against the authoritarian rule of the Al Khalifa in Bahrain which has destroyed the human fabric of our society. Hundreds of Bahrainis are languishing in torture cells; most of them in incommunicado detention. Extreme forms of torture have been adopted to subdue the pro-democracy activists, as the ruling family engaged in an all-out war against the natives, both Shia and Sunni Muslims. The ...

Egypt arrests 8 Muslim Brotherhood members

Egypt arrests 8 Muslim Brotherhood members
Egyptian security forces arrested eight members of the Muslim Brotherhood on Thursday after searching their homes and confiscating their computers, data discs and books, a spokesman for the group said on Friday. The arrested members had launched an online campaign called "Amal Al Omah" (The Nations' Hopes) (http://www.amlalommah.net/) calling for the prosecution of the head of security in Alexandria for police violations, Hamdy Hassan, ...

Canadian Muslim students’ Iftar for non-Muslims proved a huge success

 Canadian Muslim students’ Iftar for non-Muslims proved a huge success
Muslim students in Canada’s eastern province of Newfoundland and Labrador invited their non-Muslim colleagues to share Ramadan iftar meal to raise awareness about the holy month and raise funds for the needy. “I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be able to make it. As an athlete I eat every three hours, but one of my colleagues mentioned that she was partaking and I said, ‘If she can do it, I can,'” Renata Lang, a ...

Iran lives up to late Leader’s examples

Iran lives up to late Leader’s examples
According to Ahlul Bayt (A) News Agency – ABNA.ir – On the 21st anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s passing, Ahmadinejad said Imam Khomeini was “without a doubt the greatest and most influential figure in modern history” and “a true gift for the entire human race at a time when materialism ruled.” “Today we should remember Imam Khomeini and his path and remind ourselves of his divine characteristics and … many virtues,” said ...

Necessary facilities ready for Arbaeen pilgrims - Iraqi Minister

Necessary facilities ready for Arbaeen pilgrims - Iraqi Minister
Minister of Communication of Iraq Kazem Hassan al-Rashed said here on Sunday that necessary facilities for communication among Arba'in pilgrims, especially roaming and internet, are well prepared.In a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Vaezi, al-Rashed said that Arba'in (Arbaeen) pilgrims have no problem with communication.He said connection line between Iran and Iraq has been established and Iraqi operators are ready to apply agreed ...

Quran to Be Translated in 14 Languages in Kuwait

Quran to Be Translated in 14 Languages in Kuwait
The Committee for Introducing Islam in Kuwait plans to translate the holy Quran into various languages. According to KUNA, Jamal Al-Shatti, propagation deputy of the committee said, “the holy Quran and its teachings are the main reason non-Muslims convert to Islam and become acquainted with its principles.” “The committee plans to translate the Quran into 14 languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Hindi, Filipino, ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the belief that some teachings of the religion contradict the intellect

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the belief that some teachings of the religion contradict the intellect
There are people who believe that some teachings of the religion contradict the intellect, as a result, they don’t believe in this part of the religion or they don't believe some compulsory deeds and duties of the religion. We should address such people that a sound intellect will have no contradiction with the religion, whatever intellect orders the religion accepts and vice a versa. But the intellect is not taken advantage of appropriately ...

EU censures plan to burn holy Quran

 EU censures plan to burn holy Quran
A spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday expressed the bloc's strong condemnation of the blasphemous plan by the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida on the ninth anniversary of 9/11. "The High Representative respects all kinds of religious beliefs and this is not the right way to go," AFP quoted the spokeswoman as saying. "We strongly condemn any kind of attempt of this kind." Despite a chorus of ...

Imam Hussain's (A.S) Mourning Ceremonies Planned In India on Arbaeen

Imam Hussain's (A.S) Mourning Ceremonies Planned In India on Arbaeen
 On the occasion of Arbaeen, mourning processions are planned to be held this Tuesday, January 25, in different Indian cities. Arbaeen marks the 40th day after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and his faithful companions in the battle of Karbala. Mourners will be carrying placards and banners featuring Ya Aba Abdillah Al Hussein (AS) and Ya Sayyid al-Shuhada (AS). They will then gather in Husseiniya centers where Shia clerics give speeches ...

Media should get Islam right

Media should get Islam right
Rabat - Given the amount of violence and instability in countries with Muslim majorities, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, some people mistakenly assume the violence stems from Islamic teachings, when in fact Islam does not condone such actions. The media does not help the matter, often focusing on the activities of terrorists who claim to be Muslims, instead of identifying these individuals as criminals and shedding light on the true essence of ...

Iran to Exhibit Technological Achievements in Muslim Countries

Iran to Exhibit Technological Achievements in Muslim Countries
The idea for arranging permanent fairs to display achievements in advanced technologies in foreign countries was raised after the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad visited Iran\'s Advanced Technologies Exhibition in October 2010, and after the Syrian government announced its interest in holding a similar exhibition in Damascus. \"Holding a permanent exhibition to display Iran\'s achievements in advanced technologies in other countries is a ...

1st Vol. of “Islam in Russia” Monthly Published

1st Vol. of “Islam in Russia” Monthly Published
The first volume of “Islam in Russia” monthly was published in Arabic with the aim of providing accurate information about Islam and Muslims in Russia. According to Al-Kothar website, Riyadh Mostafa, Editor in Chief of the Islamic monthly said: “the magazine considers the internal affairs of Russia and investigates the main problems of Russian Muslims and activities of Muslim and Arab minorities residing in this country.” “It has ...

Pakistan blast kills 45, injures 100

Pakistan blast kills 45, injures 100
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), A large explosion has struck a village in Pakistan's northwestern Mohmand tribal region bordering Afghanistan, killing at least 45 and wounding more than 100 people. Local administrator Maqsood Ahmed said the blast took place at a busy market where people were queuing for government wheelchairs in Yakaghund town in Mohmand tribal region on Friday, AFP reported. "A function was held at the office to distribute ...

Imam Khamenei: Nuclear weapons prohibited, but conventional armament every nation’s inalienable right

Imam Khamenei: Nuclear weapons prohibited, but conventional armament every nation’s inalienable right
- On Tuesday December 27, 2016—at the beginning of his Dars-e Kharej lecture, and ahead of of the December 29, 2009 epic anniversary event, Ayatollah Khamenei mentioned a narration by the Holy Prophet (saw); wherein, he states that goodness and prosperity can be achieved in human societies by possessing power. Ayatollah Khamenei stated: "Arrogant powers, like the United States, pursue social prosperity and what they call 'American ...

Honour killing in Pakistan – Not in Islam’s name

Honour killing in Pakistan – Not in Islam’s name
Police say Zeenat Rafiq’s mother, Parveen, tied her to a cot and drenched her with kerosene before lighting her on fire. Neighbors in the congested, working-class neighborhood in the eastern city of Lahore came running when they heard the screams, but family members kept them from entering the house, said Nighat Bibi, who lives nearby. The victim’s husband, Hassan Khan, told reporters the two had been “in love since our school ...