Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Quran Memorization Oral Exam in November

Quran Memorization Oral Exam in November
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The oral stage of Quran memorization exams in Tehran province will start in November. According to Mehdi Nadi, head of the Islamic Ideology Development Organization’s Dar-ol-Quran center, the specialized memorization exams will be organized for men and women on November 30 and 29, respectively. He said that some 1050 individuals will take part in the exam which features memorizing the entire holy Quran, 20 Juzes ...

Cairo to reopen Islamic art museum

Cairo to reopen Islamic art museum
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Egypt is set to reopen the world's largest museum of Islamic art in the capital city of Cairo after a seven-year restoration and refurbishment project. Designed by Italian architect Alfonso Manescalo, the old building dated to the early 20th century and housed some 3,000 relics including ceramics, tombs, doors, wooden screens, robes and rugs. The new museum is brighter and cleaner, and there is no sign of the ...

Shia Ex-MPs Exposed to Prosecution in Bahrain

Shia Ex-MPs Exposed to Prosecution in Bahrain
Bahrain's parliament on Tuesday accepted the resignations of 11 out of 18 Shiite MPs who stepped down in protest at violence against pro-democracy demonstrators, exposing them to prosecution. The house in a unanimous vote "accepted the resignations of 11 MPs of Al-Wefaq, the largest bloc in the 40-member parliament of the Shiite-majority state, official news agency BNA said. It said that parliament decided to postpone a vote on the other seven ...

Leadership of Imam Ali (A.S) in the Qur’an

Leadership of Imam Ali (A.S) in the Qur’an
The Verse of Proclamation is one of the verses explicitly referring to the leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). This verse announces the end of Prophet's mission and the beginning of the leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). In the following articles there are 10 reasons and matching facts to help us understand that the verse was revealed on leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). Attempts have been made to provide response to all arguments of some scholars and ...

Pakistanis rally in support of Bahrainis

Pakistanis rally in support of Bahrainis
 The demonstrators gathered in the capital Islamabad to show their solidarity with the people of Bahrain. The protestors condemned Bahrain Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa's visit to Pakistan, who is said to be in Islamabad to discuss the growing political unrest in his country with high-ranking Pakistani officials. During the demonstration, the organizers of the rally called on Islamabad to support the people of Bahrain ...

Al Khalifa forces attack Shekh Isa Qassim’s house

Al Khalifa forces attack Shekh Isa Qassim’s house
Early in the morning Al Khalifa Forces have moved towards Sheikh Isa Qassim's house but people have gathered and protected him and his house According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency – ABNA – the al Khalifa forces have attacked Sheikh Isa Qassim’s home early this morning. They have fired tear gas near Sheikh’s house. Bahraini activists have urged people to go around Sheikh’s house in order to protect him ABNA reporter ...

Fadak Quranic Exhibition Planned at Persian Gulf University

Fadak Quranic Exhibition Planned at Persian Gulf University
 On the occasion of the Quran and University Week, an exhibition of Quranic sciences will be held at the Persian Gulf University in the southern city of Bushehr. Secretary of the university’s Quran and Etrat Center Ruhollah Jomhuri told that the exhibit, which is titled Fadak, would feature books, CDs, software products and cultural products with Quranic themes. He added that the university has other plans for the occasion such as holding ...

Islamic finance doing well says report

Islamic finance doing well says report
Islamic finance and the GCC markets are outperforming the rest of the world, delegates at the world's largest gathering of Islamic bankers were told yesterday. The World Islamic Banking Conference which is held annually in Bahrain has attracted more than 1,200 industry leaders from 50 countries to the kingdom. Delegates heard the upbeat news from the latest World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report launched by McKinsey & Company at the ...

Papers Presented at Quds Int’l Conference Translated in Jordan

Papers Presented at Quds Int’l Conference Translated in Jordan
-- Jordan's Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs said that research studies presented at the international conference on Quds have been translated into different languages. According to Al-Dastoor newspaper, Sabri Arbihat said, “52 papers on the theme of the conference held two months ago in Amman, have been translated into English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Romanian, German, Turkish and Italian.” The works have been translated in ...

Thousands Shias in Holy Karbala Demonstrated in Solidarity with Bahraini People

Thousands Shias in Holy Karbala Demonstrated in Solidarity with Bahraini People
 Thousands of Iraqi Shia in the holy city of Karbala demonstrated on thursday in an area between the Two Holy Mosques (Imam Hussain and Hadrat Abbas pbut), in condemnation of the attacks of Saudi and Bahraini military forces against unarmed Bahraini people. According to Noon Website, Demonstrators including all Shia religious parties and official and also political parties of the holy city of Karbala severely condemned the brutal assault ...

Holy Prophet and Imam Hassan Martyrdom

Holy Prophet and Imam Hassan Martyrdom
Tens of thousands mourners participated on 28safar Azadari in connection with Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) & his grandson Hazrat Imam Hassan martyrdom day across the Kurram Agency FATA 382 Imambarghas. Some villages besides sever cold and minus degree Celsius with addition  to snowfall but yet tens of thousands tribal mourners including children and women participated in Azadari of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his progeny (as),which ...

Russian Muslims go on Hajj

Russian Muslims go on Hajj
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Russian Muslims have set off for Hajj. First flights delivered hundreds of pilgrims to the Saudi Arabia on Saturday, while those who prefer surface transport are leaving on Monday. A quota for Russian pilgrims, who are due to cross the Saudi Arabian border on 12 November, remains unchanged: 20,500 people. Traditionally, residents of the Russian southern republic of Dagestan make the bulk of pilgrims travelling to ...

March 14, Israel, US, Fear Ahmadinejad’s Upcoming Visit to Lebanon

March 14, Israel, US, Fear Ahmadinejad’s Upcoming Visit to Lebanon
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The U.S. has raised concerns about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon next week. U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters in Washington on Tuesday that Iran is “undermining” Lebanon's sovereignty through its association with groups like Hezbollah. He said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has raised the issue with the Lebanese president. But Crowley said it's up to ...

Dubai Islamic Bank profit drops 10pc

Dubai Islamic Bank profit drops 10pc
DUBAI (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Dubai Islamic Bank yesterday reported a 10 per cent drop in third-quarter net profit from a year earlier. It also said it aimed to expand its retail branch network by the end of the year. The bank, Dubai's third-largest by market value, reported a net profit of 270 million dirhams ($73.53m) for the three months ending September 30, compared to a 300.4m dirhams profit for the third quarter of 2009. The bank ...

'Gaddafi uses foreign help in Libya'

'Gaddafi uses foreign help in Libya'
PressTV has interviewed Mohammed Abdulmalik, chairman of Libya Watch in London to discuss the issue furthermore. PressTV: It seems that a no-fly zone has been implemented in Libya. I want to look at the reasons Western powers have got involved in this. Abdulmalik: I think it will make a difference to see the Arab countries and the Muslim countries take the initiative and enforce this no-fly zone but the reality is that the Arab countries are ...

Organization of Islamic Conference calls on Islamic world for urgent aid to flood-hit Pakistan

Organization of Islamic Conference calls on Islamic world for urgent aid to flood-hit Pakistan
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said on Tuesday that one fifth of Pakistan was inundated and called on emergency assistance to be made to flood-hit Pakistan. In an exclusive interview with the A.A. correspondent, Ihsanoglu said Pakistani people suffered a lot from the flood, noting Pakistan was face to face with a very big disaster. "20 million Pakistani people are ...

East Africa's First Sharia-Compliant Insurance

East Africa's First Sharia-Compliant Insurance
The first fully sharia-compliant insurance company has been licensed and is due to open on Tuesday , a move expected to deepen penetration of such financial institutions in the East Africa region. Takaful Insurance of Africa will be launched in Nairobi on Tuesday, joining a market currently served by more than 45 conventional insurance companies. The company, the first such operator in East Africa, was registered by Kenya's industry regulator, ...

Nat’l Quran Memorization Contest to Be Held in Yemen

Nat’l Quran Memorization Contest to Be Held in Yemen
  Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), According to Sabanet website, the contest will be organized by the Charity Association of Quran Instruction in Hadramout Province. The competition will be recorded by Yemen’s satellite network and later broadcast during the holy month of Ramadan. “It will be held in different categories of Quran memorization with the presence of 60 men and women memorizers of different age groups,” said Abdul- Hakim ...

Compilation of Shia Jurisprudence Encyclopedia in 100 volumes

Compilation of Shia Jurisprudence Encyclopedia in 100 volumes
According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir) – This is the first Shia Jurisprudence Encyclopedia in the world. This is the first time among Shia, but Sunni started it several years ago and have an Encyclopedia in the name of "Kuwaiti" have been compiled based on the Sunni Jurisprudence. The research for Shia Jurisprudence Encyclopedia began in 1997 and its researchers estimated that the Encyclopedia would has four thousand entries and would ...

Pakistani Shia Muslims announce to besiege the Parliament and provincial assemblies

Pakistani Shia Muslims announce to besiege the Parliament and provincial assemblies
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Pakistan -- Although the government of Sindh has imposed a ban on the public meetings till June 30, the Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) was staged demonstration across the Sindh Province including Karachi against the targeted killings of the Shia Muslims. The Central protest demonstrations in Karachi were held at Noor-e-Eman Mosque Nazimabad, Jamia Masjid Mustafa Abbas Town and  Jamia Masjid Hussaini Sifart ...