Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Muslim Family Magazine Launched in Holy Karbala

Muslim Family Magazine Launched in Holy Karbala
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The information center of Imam Hussein’s (AS) holy shrine the holy city of Karbala has released the first issue of the magazine called "The Muslim Family". The magazine contains a wide range of issues regarding female Muslim activities offered in articles, interviews, and reports. It provides readers with interesting subjects and tells stories about Muslim women’s accomplishments during the Islamic ...

The book titled "Islam and Muslims" was published

The book titled
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The book was published by Mashikhiyat Publication of Islamic society in712 octavo pages in 1000 numbers. The book contains archive photos of Croatia`s Islamic societies, Croatia`s Institute of Cultural Heritage as well as personal pictures. It is noted in the preface that Croatia`s name was first mentioned in Nuzhat-al-mushtaq by Alsharif-Al-Idrisi , the great traveller and the one who has collected the map. This ...

600 female guides and translators to serve the visitors at the Prophet's Mosque

600 female guides and translators to serve the visitors at the Prophet's Mosque
Madinah (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Women's Section at Guidance Department of the Agency of Presidency of The Holy Mosque of The Prophet in Madinah has prepared 600 female guides and translators to serve the visitors of the Prophet's Mosque round-the-clock. The Section's Director Barakah Al-Talhi disclosed that the Department has prepared a plan to receive female visitors during Hajj season and to provide them will all services and ...

Cambridge Muslims welcome all to open day at prayer centre

Cambridge Muslims welcome all to open day at prayer centre
Muslims in Cambridge have reached out to the wider community following an incident in which a pig’s head was left outside a Cambridge mosque. Worshippers at the prayer centre in Darwin Drive, Arbury, opened the doors of the mosque to the public on Saturday. The move comes after the head was left on the doorstep of Shah Jalal Bangladeshi Community House in September. The city’s Muslim community was left shocked by the incident, which ...

Ottawa-area Muslims worry about lamb sacrifice

Ottawa-area Muslims worry about lamb sacrifice
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Some Muslims in Canada's capital region are worried that they may be fined for sacrificing lambs during November's Eid al-Adha celebrations. Since 2005 it has been illegal in Ontario for anyone but the owner of a licensed abattoir to buy livestock and slaughter it independently. Last fall, a Muslim man was fined $2,000 for slaughtering and distributing lamb, and another man is scheduled to appear in court next week ...

Malaysian Hotels advised to get halal status ahead of Ramadan

Malaysian Hotels advised to get halal status ahead of Ramadan
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia: Operators of hotels which have yet to be issued with the Malaysian halal certificate are advised to apply for it from the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) or the Islamic Religious Department in their respective states before Ramadan. Jakim director-general, Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz, said immediate approval would be given to hotels which submitted their applications now, but on condition they met ...

Cultural Planning Needed to Fight the Enemy

Cultural Planning Needed to Fight the Enemy
--There are some who do not consider Satan and the Satanic system as their enemy, there are others who do consider Satan an enemy but have no plans to fight Satan; it is only the third group- those who know Satan is the enemy and fight him- that realize the meaning of this Quranic verse: “Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy.” (Quran, 35:6) This is according to Hojat-ol-Islam Ranjbar Shirazi, Iranian Cultural Attaché ...

Yemeni Shia welcome Qatari role in achieving peace

Yemeni Shia welcome Qatari role in achieving peace
"We welcome Qatar's initiative in promoting sustainable peace and... we have informed Qatar's emir of our welcome," Mohammed Abdul Salam, spokesman for the Zaidi Shia. During a visit to Sanaa last week, Qatari ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani told reporters his country was ready to help safeguard unity in Yemen, which is racked by tensions in the north and in the south. "We would be happy to take part in finding a solution that helps ...

Bosnian Muslims remember Srebrenica victims

Bosnian Muslims remember Srebrenica victims
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Thousands of Bosnian Muslims will march for the next three days to honour the victims of the Srebrenica massacre 15 years ago. They want to retrace the steps of the survivors, who fled the mass murder on the 11th of July 1995. One survivor said he felt obliged to come and pay his respects to those executed by the Bosnian Serb army. The marchers will reach Srebrenica on Sunday to attend a memorial service, ...

Professor Ansarian: The children are Allah's possessions who are bestowed on parents as trustees

Professor Ansarian: The children are Allah's possessions who are bestowed on parents as trustees

The holy book of Unity Released

The holy book of Unity Released
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - ABNA - The Mus’haf of Unity, a copy of the holy Quran inscribed by more than 400 Shia and Sunni scholars and students, was released yesterday in a ceremony at the Faculty of Islamic Denominations in Tehran. It was attended by head of the Prayers Committee Hojat-ol-Islam Qara’ati, dean of the faculty Hojat-ol-Islam Biazar Shirazi, as well as Shia and Sunni students of the faculty. Addressing the ceremony, Ali ...

Role of Holy Quran in Muslims’ Life” Seminar Held in Turkey

Role of Holy Quran in Muslims’ Life” Seminar Held in Turkey
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), According to İHA, the seminar was held on the occasion of naming 2010 as the year of the holy Quran and the 1400th year of its Revelation. Present at the seminar were Halil Çiçek, professor of theology in Ankara University; Faruk Arvas, SİİRT Province’s mufti; Suat Göztok, prayer leader of Bayazid Mosque in Istanbul; Musa Çolak, general governor of SİİRT Province; Seyfettin Aydın, deputy of ...

Ashura mourning Procession in Kaduna Nigeria

 Ashura mourning Procession in Kaduna Nigeria

Ashura mourning Procession in Kaduna Nigeria, on Muharram 11, 1432 (16/12/10). Several thousands of Mourners in various attire commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husain(AS).

Morality Has Lofty Status in Islam

Morality Has Lofty Status in Islam
-- There is no religion like Islam in which morality has such a lofty status. Addressing a conference on “An introduction to morality in Abrahamic religions”, director of Religions Department at Imam Khomeini Educational-Research Institute said, “Unfortunately, however, morality is not observed by some Muslims as much as it should, the result of which is negative impression of non-Muslims.” Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Ali Shomali, who ...

Tehran's Friday Prayers Sermons

Tehran's Friday Prayers Sermons
Tehran's Interim Friday Prayers Leader, Ayatollah Mohammmad Emami Kashani, has called upon rival political groups to criticize one another only on the basis of scientific reasoning, documents and facts.   Speaking to a large crowd of Friday prayers worshippers and the faithful in Tehran, Ayatollah Mohammmad Emami Kashani referred to the advice given by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in relation to maximum acceptance ...

Alkhoei Foundation: ISIS objective is to kill, maim and divide communities

Alkhoei Foundation: ISIS objective is to kill, maim and divide communities
According to Shafaqna the statement reads: Once again, Iraqis have met their demise at the hands of Daesh (ISIS), a group claiming to act in the name of Islam, whose very objective is to kill, maim and divide communities within Iraq and foster sectarian tensions whenever and wherever they can. Three days prior to Eid, Daesh targeted a shopping centre in the district of Karrada in Baghdad with at least 250 kilograms of explosives, taking a ...

Islamophobic attacks 'increase by 23.5 percent in France'

Islamophobic attacks 'increase by 23.5 percent in France'
Islamophobic acts in France have increased by 23.5 percent in the first six months of 2015 compared with the same period last year, a French nongovernmental organization has said in a new report. The figure was released Thursday in a report titled 'Islamophobia in France six months after the January 2015 terrorist attacks' by the Paris-based Collective against Islamophobia in France organization. 'Attacks against mosques, death threats against ...

Iranian President: Iran renews support for Lebanese Islamic resistance movement

Iranian President: Iran renews support for Lebanese Islamic resistance movement
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday that the Islamic Republic of Iran backs the Lebanese people and their resistance to the bullying powers. President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with the new Iranian Ambassador to Beirut Ghazanfar Roknabadi. Highlighting the significant and key role of Lebanese resistance in regional developments, he said Iran and Lebanon have established profound ...

World Hijab Day; UO students wear headscarves, glimpse Muslim culture

World Hijab Day; UO students wear headscarves, glimpse Muslim culture
After encouragement from her political science professor, Ariana Gallegos found herself sifting through a mound of free hijabs on a table outside the EMU, ready to wear one for her first time.Wednesday was the fifth annual World Hijab Day. The UO Muslim Student Association fitted nearly 100 students and staff with free hijabs to celebrate their culture and create solidarity between cultures.UO Student Mayra Elide Jaquez, a member of the Muslim ...

Egypt Grand Mufti severely condemns burning of 4 Shiites in Iraq; called it contrary to Islamic teachings

Egypt Grand Mufti severely condemns burning of 4 Shiites in Iraq; called it contrary to Islamic teachings
Ahlul Bayt News Agency -  Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam strongly condemned the “cowardly, barbarian” burning of four Iraqi Shiite fighters to death by the self-proclaimed Islamic State group (IS,) according to a Tuesday statement.The “heinous crime cannot be committed by a human,” Allam said, adding that IS’s acts are “not condoned by Islam or the teaching of Prophet Mohamed, in addition to that ...