Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?

Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?

Why aren't we allowed to commit suicide?

Why aren't we allowed to commit suicide?
This question doesn't have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.Detailed Answer If what you mean is why one isn't permitted to deprive himself of the blessing of life, the answer is: 1- The mind and nature of every person understands that destroying any blessing of this world is inappropriate; this matter is so clear to the extent that all people, regardless of their ages and religion all understand it. It is because of this ...

Autopsy of a Muslim for scientific progress/the Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s answer

Autopsy of a Muslim for scientific progress/the Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s answer
Question: If there is no access to non-Muslim corpses, can the corpses of Muslim adult, non-adult and foetus be used for autopsy for tests and scientific progress? Autopsy of Muslim corpse is not allowed for the purpose of teaching or ...

S: Many Empiricists, especially partisans of the perception theory, argue that because the results of intellectual acumen and deduction are faulty and misgiving (it does not distingush right from wrong), the only sure method of finding truth is through s

S: Many Empiricists, especially partisans of the perception theory, argue that because the results of intellectual acumen and deduction are faulty and misgiving (it does not distingush right from wrong), the only sure method of finding truth is through s
S: Many Empiricists, especially partisans of the perception theory, argue that because the results of intellectual acumen and deduction are faulty and misgiving (it does not distingush right from wrong), the only sure method of finding truth is through s ense perception; for the sensses have a direct relationship with the external world based on experience. A: 1. This argument makes use of a thoughtful premise and rational judgment via ...

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]?-2

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]?-2
4. Sinners ﴿ وَآخَرُونَ اعْتَرَفُواْ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ خَلَطُواْ عَمَلاً صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ سَيِّئًا عَسَى اللّهُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ ﴾ “[There are] others who have confessed to their sins, having mixed up righteous conduct with other that was evil. Maybe Allah will accept their ...

Should Muslims in America be encouraged to vote in the upcoming presidential elections or is it better to avoid it?

Should Muslims in America be encouraged to vote in the upcoming presidential elections or is it better to avoid it?

In the name of God.
It is better to encourage Muslims to vote and to choose the best.

What are the methods for distinguishing between the authentic ḥadīths and the unauthentic ones?

What are the methods for distinguishing between the authentic ḥadīths and the unauthentic ones?
How do the scholars and the mujtahidūn discern the authentic ḥadīths from the forged or altered ones?Concise answer Unfortunately, the phenomenon of forging and altering (dass) the text of the ḥadīths by the hypocrites and enemies started from the early periods of Islamic history. They always intended to attack Islam in this dangerous way. However, the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS) -- and following them, our great scholars - were ...

Is it is also abominable to recite true poems on Fridays and the night preceding Friday?

Is it is also abominable to recite true poems on Fridays and the night preceding Friday?
 want to ask that as per a tradition it is highly recommended to avoid reciting poetry at Friday nights. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS) is authentically reported to have said that it is abominable to say poetry for one observing fast (sawm), the Muhrim (entering into Ihram: putting the pilgrimage uniform and beginning to perform the obligatory rites of Hajj), and on Fridays and at Friday nights. When he was asked whether this instruction ...

What is the meaning of "Shaf'a Prayer" and what is its relationship with intercession?

What is the meaning of "Shaf'a Prayer" and what is its relationship with intercession?
 The word "shaf'" literally means adding something to something else.  It also means "even" as opposed to odd. The Quranic verse says "wash-shaf'a wal-watr" in which "shaf' means even while "watr" means "one".[1]  " Shafa'ah" (intercession) is derived from "shaf'" which means adding something to something else.[2]The reason this prayer is called "shaf'" is because it consists of two rak'ats.  Some exegetes have said in the ...

Can one take narcotics during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to wake at dawn?

Can one take narcotics during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to wake at dawn?

Women and education

Women and education
Women and education Question:  Can women attain the position of mujtahid?[1][1]  Would you please elaborate.   Reply:  It is possible for a woman to become a mujtahid, however she cannot become a marja’ -i taqlid[2][2] for others.   Istifta’at Vol. 1, p. 21.     The men and women of Qum are exemplary in their learning and their willingness to act, as are the men and women of Iran on the whole. (107)   17 May 1979  (27 ...

What is the ruling regarding taking injections during Ramadhan?

What is the ruling regarding taking injections during Ramadhan?
answerThere is a difference of opinion amongst scholars regarding this issue. To get a more precise answer, you will have to specify your marja’. Nevertheless, we will list the opinions of different marja’s below:Ayatullahs Bahjat, Imam Khomeini and Khamenei: If an injection is nutritional or a tonic (taken for strengthening the body), as an obligatory precaution, one must refrain from taking it, but if it is for medicinal or ...

What is Taqiyya and where has it derived from?

What is Taqiyya and where has it derived from?
1- ''He who disbelieves in Allah after his belief, except him who is compelled and meanwhile his heart is at rest on account of faith, but he who opens (his) breast to disbelief - on these is the wrath of Allah, and they shall have a grievous chastisement.'' (The Holy Quran, 16:106)2- ''And a believing man of Pharaoh's people who hid his faith said …''(The Holy Quran, ...

Narration without a chain of transmission

Narration without a chain of transmission
Narration without a chain of transmission In Al-Muwaṭṭa’ Mālik has narrated it as mursal[1] without mentioning the chain of transmission,[2] and we all know that such a narration is devoid of any value.     This survey has clearly shown that the narration, “wa sunnatī” [and my tradition] has been forged and concocted by the mendacious narrators affiliated to the ‘Umayyads who have fabricated it as opposed to the authentic ...

9 year old girls who are not able to fast/the Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer

9 year old girls who are not able to fast/the Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer
Question: The adult age for woman has been mentioned as 9 years in Resalahs and it becomes Wajeb for her to perform religious duties, while the girl is so small that if she fasts she will get ill and perhaps will not be able to fast and has no other sign of adulthood, what can she ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (1)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (1)
Question:Why did Imam Husain (a.s.) take his family with him to Karbala? He knew that their fate was death. Why did he not leave them and allow them to remain behind or stay in a safe place?Answer:The holy uprising of Imam Husain (a.s.) has two dimensions: 1. Martyrdom. 2. Accomplishing a Mission.The primary role of the women can be seen in the second dimension. Of course the women did have a role in upbringing and encouraging the warriors that ...

In every case or instance of knowledge, the knower must be different from the known object. In order for myself to know the self, how can "I" know the self?

In every case or instance of knowledge, the knower must be different from the known object. In order for myself to know the self, how can "I" know the self?
 First of all, it should be mentioned that knowledge or recognition has several degrees and stages, so does self-recognition.  At every stage of recognition, it is not necessary that the knower be different from the known. For instance, man's non-detailed [ijmali] knowledge of his own self is knowledge by presence. In this kind of knowledge, the knower and the known are united and form a single entity.  There is no duality in this ...

Why do the Shī‘ah prostrate on turbah [dried clay

Why do the Shī‘ah prostrate on turbah [dried clay
                                                              Reply: Some think that prostration on the earth or turbah taken from the burial site of martyrs is tantamount to worshipping it and consider it a form of polytheism [shirk]. In reply to this question, it must be noted that there is a great difference between the phrase, “as-sujūd lillāh” [prostration for Allah], ...

Can Salaat Imam Zaman (AJ) be performed in congregation? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Can Salaat Imam Zaman (AJ) be performed in congregation? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about performing Salaat Imam Zaman (AJ).

Question: Can Salaat Imam Zaman (AJ) be performed in congregation or in a group?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: It (Salaat Imam Zaman (AJ)) is not allowed in congregation but there is no problem in a group.


What is the best gift that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has given to human beings?

What is the best gift that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has given to human beings?