Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

What is the Islamic ruling about someone who does not fast intentionally?

What is the Islamic ruling about someone who does not fast intentionally?
Grand Ayatollah Sistani answers a question on rulings of fasting:Question: What is the Islamic ruling about someone who does not fast intentionally or breaks his fast deliberately?Answer: He should repent and seek divine forgiveness and it is necessary for him to observe the Qadha of the fasts which he has left out. As for kaffara (penalty), the details are as follows: If a person breaks his fast by eating or drinking or sexual intercourse ...

What are the sources of Shī‘ī jurisprudence [fiqh]?

What are the sources of Shī‘ī jurisprudence [fiqh]?
  What are the sources of Shī‘ī jurisprudence [fiqh]?                                                               Reply: Following the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ), the Shī‘ah infer religious laws from four fundamental sources: The Book of Allah (Qur’an); The Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ); Consensus [ijmā‘]; and Reason [‘aql]. Now, we ...


1 Question: A woman, who is not obedient to her husband and does not carry out her matrimonial obligations, had, without his consent, left her matrimonial home and stayed with her parents for seven months. She, then went to a non-Islamic court, filed a divorce application, and demand maintenance and custody of the children. Has such a woman, who has violated her marital duties, any right in anything from her husband? Answer: The said ...

Why we cry for Imam Hussain (AS)?

Why we cry for Imam Hussain (AS)?
Imam Reza (AS) was asked:  The narrations about the forbidden tree which Adam (AS) was ordered to avoid and not to eat from it; what was that tree? Some say: It was wheat, some say it was grape, some say it was date. Imam (AS) replied: The tree of paradise is not like the tree in this world which if it is grape, cannot give dates, or does not give apples or pears! The tree of paradise is in the service of the residents of the paradise, ...

Why is ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (‘a) regarded as the waṣī [executor of will] and successor of the Prophet (ṣ)?

Why is ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (‘a) regarded as the waṣī [executor of will] and successor of the Prophet (ṣ)?
Reply: As we already stated, the Shī‘ah have a firm belief that the position of caliphate is determined through revelation [tanṣīṣī] and that after the Holy Prophet (ṣ) the Imāmah [leadership] is in some respects like prophethood [nubuwwah]. Just as the Prophet (ṣ) has to be appointed through Divine decree, the waṣī [executor of will] of the Prophet (ṣ) too must be designated by Him, the Glorious and Sublime. The biography of ...


MASTER ! ASSUAGE OUR HEARTS "0 Allah ! Assuage our hearts through Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)" - (Dua-e-lftetaah) The religion that has come to perfect human ethics, to create the feelings of brotherhood, love and amity in the depth of hearts of the people and to eliminate enmity, injustice and inequality. Then why do people say, "Islam is the best religion but Muslims are the worst people." Why are the Muslims a divided lot? Why do they harbor ...

The Prophet (ṣ) as the founder of Islamic government

The Prophet (ṣ) as the founder of Islamic government
1. When the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) was ordered to publicize his divine mission, he started to organize the nucleus of resistance and guidance and mobilize Muslims. Along this line, he used to meet groups of pilgrims coming from far and near to visit the Ka‘bah, inviting them to Islam. Meanwhile, he held a meeting with two groups of the people from Medina at a place called “‘Aqabah” and they pledged to invite him to their city and give ...

Q: What is the wisdoms in repeating "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful" in the begining of each chapter of the Qur'an?

Q: What is the wisdoms in repeating
The Qur'anic invocation: "In the name of Allah"Q: What is the wisdoms in repeating "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful" in the begining of each chapter of the Qur'an?A: Just as every chapter has a particular objective, the invocation "In the name..." has its own particular purpose in relationship with each chapter; thus in order for each chapter to fulfill its intended goal this invocation must be repeated. book :Tafsir Al-Mizan ...

Is there a separate Laylatul Qadr for every country? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Is there a separate Laylatul Qadr for every country? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Question: Considering that the date of Laylatul Qadr in Iran and other countries are not the same, is the real night in Iran or other countries?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Each (country) act on own religious duties according to the proof of the moon for the month in their own area.

How did Imam Sadeq (AS) raise four thousand students?

How did Imam Sadeq (AS) raise four thousand students?
However, you should pay attention to the following points: In the science of hadith, the narrator (the one who quotes) and the one who is quoted as saying are also referred to as student and teacher; therefore, It is likely that what is considered as four thousand students for Imam Sadeq (AS) is taken from this expression. So, four thousand students for him is specifically based on the above mentioned expression, but there is no reason to prove ...

What makes a person not cry in the tragedy of Ahlulbayt?

What makes a person not cry in the tragedy of Ahlulbayt?
Postponing saying prayers or not saying prayers on time. Overeating or keep eating while one is already full Eating, sleeping and laughing in ...

There are several reasons why the third ayah of Surah Al-Maidah cannot be about the event of Ghadir! Please share your viewpoint about this?

There are several reasons why the third ayah of Surah Al-Maidah cannot be about the event of Ghadir! Please share your viewpoint about this?
According to Shia scholars and Quranic commentators, “الیوم اکملت لکم دینکم” which is part of the third ayah of Surah Al-Maidah, has been revealed apart and separate from the rest of the ayah and is considered to describe the event of Ghadir and the caliphate of Imam Ali (as). However, this presumption seems to be irrational for four reasons: The first reason: When confronted with the question about why the ...

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]
                                                                Reply: According to the Shī‘ah, those who happened to meet and accompany the Prophet (ṣ) can be divided into some groups. Before explaining this statement in detail, we had better define the word, “ṣaḥābī” [companion]. There are various definitions of the word “Companion” of the Prophet (ṣ). ...

The Muslims’ practice

The Muslims’ practice
The Muslims’ practice The followers of Islam have been holding such ceremony for a long time with the aim of refreshing the memory of the Holy Prophet (ṣ). In Tārīkh al-Khamīs, Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad ad-Diyār Bakrī thus writes:  The Muslims of the world always hold ceremonies during the month of birth of the Prophet, hold banquets, give charity during the nights, express merriment, multiply their good deeds, and take to reciting ...

Did the Holy Prophet (s) mean political authority or religious and mystical authority in the event of Ghadir Khum?

Did the Holy Prophet (s) mean political authority or religious and mystical authority in the event of Ghadir Khum?
Considering that the Prophet (s) appointed the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (a.s) in an absolute and general way, the Holy Prophet's authority in its entirety, irrespective of whether it is mystical, religious or political, is also proven for Ali (a.s.). According to Shiites, there is no doubt that the Wilayah (guardianship/authority) of the Commander of the Faithful that was announced and stressed by the Holy Prophet (s) in the event of ...

Is Ziarat Arbaeen special to the Day of Arbaeen? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

Is Ziarat Arbaeen special to the Day of Arbaeen? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer
Question: Considering the large crowd gathering for Ziarat Arbaeen; is Ziarat Arbaeen special to the Day of Arbaeen or is it included in days before and after ...

Is denying infallibility of Imams (AS) the proof of apostasy? The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani’s answers

Is denying infallibility of Imams (AS) the proof of apostasy? The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani’s answers
Question: The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani: Source: PERSIAN ...

Freedom of women in the Islamic system

Freedom of women in the Islamic system
Freedom of women in the Islamic system     Question:  You have been accused of being against civilisation and you have turned the accusation against the Shah.  That is not necessarily convincing.  How do you stand on specific issues like agrarian reform, industrialisation and the status of women?   Reply:  . . . As for women, Islam has never been against their freedom.  It is, to the contrary, opposed to the idea of woman-as-object ...

The rights of the residents of the village from discovered mine within its boundary/the Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answers

The rights of the residents of the village from discovered mine within its boundary/the Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answers
Question: There are many mines in the outskirts of our town. These mines are not underground and they can be operated very easily, and do not require much expense. What is the situation of these mines which are considered as the natural resources of the town and adjacent villages, from the point of view of ownership and income for the villages and the town? Can the residents of the villages take part in contracts with private or state companies, ...

The condition for prohibition of using offensive language/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

The condition for prohibition of using offensive language/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered a question about the condition for prohibition of using offensive language. Question: Is it the condition for the prohibition of using offensive language that the addressee be present? The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei: The presence of addressee is the condition for prohibition of using offensive language; whether the addressee is the same person being insulted or someone else. Therefore, if a person in private ...