Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

A glance at the traditions-5

A glance at the traditions-5
18. Mālik ibn Anas writes in the book, Al-Muwaṭṭa’: والعصر الظّهر بين يجمع هل :عبدالله بن سالم سأل انّه شهاب ابن عن .بعرفة؟ الناس صلاة إلى تر ألم بذٰلك، لابأس نعم :فقال السّفر؟ فى Ibn Shahāb asked Sālim ibn ‘Abd Allāh: “Do you combine the ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers while in travel?” He replied: “Yes, there is no problem for ...

The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer to a question about marrying those with Haram incomes

The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer to a question about marrying those with Haram incomes
Source: PERSIAN ...

I would like to know if we can use nicotine patches for smoking cessation during the month of Ramadan.

I would like to know if we can use nicotine patches for smoking cessation during the month of Ramadan.
  Concise answer These are the responses we acquired from the offices of the maraje’: The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei: It isn't problematic. The office of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani: It isn't problematic. The office of the Grand Ayatullah Safi Golpaygani: Using patches of any sort is permissible, but all things that prevent water from reaching the skin must be removed when performing wudu or ...

A glance at the traditions

A glance at the traditions
1. In his Musnad, Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal, the founder of the Ḥanbalī school of jurisprudence, thus narrates on the authority of Jābir ibn Zayd: مع صلّيت :يقول عبّاس ابن سمع أنّه زيد بن جابر أخبرنى سبعًا و جميعًا ثمانيًا – وسلّم [وآله] عليه الله صلى – الله رسول عجّل و الظّهر أخّر أظنّه الشّعثاء أبا يا له قلت: ...

Why the creature should be submissive of the creator?

Why the creature should be submissive of the creator?

Is the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) eternal?

Is the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) eternal?
Is it correct to say that the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) is eternal?Concise answerEternity is endless and unending time. It is a state to which time has no application. Something which is eternal is not moving, and is beyond time.[1] That is to say, it has always existed.As for the reality of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (a.s.), if you mean his material existence, it is clear that his material existence is not eternal ...

If a person is Muslim in heart but pretending to be Christian (for obtaining residency), is such a person an apostate? The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz’sanswer

If a person is Muslim in heart but pretending to be Christian (for obtaining residency), is such a person an apostate? The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz’sanswer
The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz answered a question about a person who is Muslim but pretending to be Christian to obtain residency. Question: If a person is Muslim in heart but pretending to be Christian (to obtain residency), is he an apostate? Due to family problems which my father also was killed due to those problems, I escaped from the country, and if I do not pretend to be Christian, they will return me to Afghanistan. The Grand Ayatollah ...

Why religious scholars issue some rulings based on precaution? The Grand Ayatollah Makaram’s answers

Why religious scholars issue some rulings based on precaution? The Grand Ayatollah Makaram’s answers
The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi answered questions about religious rulings. Question: Why religious scholars (Maraje’a) issue rulings based on precaution? For example they say according to precaution, perform Salaat again. Isn’t the religion complete? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem: The religion is complete, but sometimes documents to prove a minor question (problem) is not completely obvious, and in these cases, the ruling is based ...

Professor Ansarian: how many Rakats (units) the prayers used to be in the beginning of Islam?

Professor Ansarian: how many Rakats (units) the prayers used to be in the beginning of Islam?
Allah Almighty mentioned in the Holy Quran that people can decrease two Rakaats from noon and afternoon prayers in times of traveling and war, but when they are in their city they have to say two four Rakkaats of noon and afternoon prayers.  When Imam Hussein was born, three Rakaats were added to prayers; one Rakaat to evening prayers and two Rakaats to night prayers.  Allah Almighty said to the prophet: the two Rakaats that you added ...

Why are the fans of truth more than the fans of the falsehood?

Why are the fans of truth more than the fans of the falsehood?

Because the tendency towards the truth is an innate issue and the original nature of all human beings as well as the whole creatures in the universe is inclined toward the truth and fact.

The original nature is a monotheistic nature and the very innate nature avoids the falsehood.


1 Question: Why is it necessary to follow a Mujtahid? Answer: It is necessary for a Muslim to believe in the fundamentals of faith with his own insight and understanding, and he cannot follow anyone in this respect i.e. he cannot accept the word of another who knows, simply because he has said it. However, one who has faith in the true tenets of Islam, and manifests it by his deeds, is a Muslim and Mo'min, even if he is not very ...

Given the fact that the religion of Islam is the only right religion, why does the Quran speak of the possibility of the followers of other religions being saved from the Fire?

Given the fact that the religion of Islam is the only right religion, why does the Quran speak of the possibility of the followers of other religions being saved from the Fire?
 It has been stated clearly in Islamic doctrines and in the most sacred book of Islam, i.e. the Qur'an that those non-Muslims who stay on their pure God-gifted nature and do good deeds while Islam is not made known to them, they remain protected against the Fire.  Reference has been made to this fact in different parts of the Qur'an.  Obviously, that does not at all mean that Islam is not the right religion; rather, according to ...

QUESTION: According to many traditions, at the end of time a number of the deceased Imams (peace be upon them) as well as others will return to this world. Is belief in the concealment of the twelfth Imam (may Allah hasten his return) and his reappearance

QUESTION: According to many traditions, at the end of time a number of the deceased Imams (peace be upon them) as well as others will return to this world. Is belief in the concealment of the twelfth Imam (may Allah hasten his return) and his reappearance
QUESTION: According to many traditions, at the end of time a number of the deceased Imams (peace be upon them) as well as others will return to this world. Is belief in the concealment of the twelfth Imam (may Allah hasten his return) and his reappearance in accordance with belief in the return (raj’ah)? In other words, does the belief in concealment and reappearance include the return and all other events that will occur before the Day of ...

The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'an

The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'an
The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'anQuran The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'anQ: If the literary fluency and eloquence of the Qur'an is beyond explanation in terms of ordinary reality, that is so only for Arab speaking people (non-Arabs are far removed from the language). Why do Muslims claim that the Qur'an is a miracle for all o f mankind? A: The miraculous semblance of the Qur'an is not limited to its literary fluency and eloquence, ...

Bank Related Issues

Bank Related Issues
1 Question: Is it permissible to work in a bank? Answer: If your job does not have anything to do with interest, there is no problem in it. 2 Question: Is it allowed to invest money in foreign banks? Answer: It is permissible. 3 Question: What is your definition of Interest or as the Qur`an calls it, Riba (usury)? Does this term apply to all forms of profit, which are given/taken including banks and other institutions, ...

Is according to Islam religion separate from politics?

Is according to Islam religion separate from politics?
Is according to Islam religion separate from politics?                                                               Reply: First of all we had better clarify the meaning of “politics” so that its relationship with religion may become clear. There are two interpretations for the word “politics”: 1. Sometimes, politics is interpreted as “trickery, ruse, and the use of ...

Abū Ṭālib according to ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib

Abū Ṭālib according to ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib
Abū Ṭālib according to ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib Historical records show clearly that some enlightened predictors informed Abū al-Muṭṭalib of the bright future of the Holy Prophet (ṣ) and his prophethood [nubuwwah]. When Sayf ibn Dhū’l-Yazn took over and became the ruler of Abyssinia, ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib went to him at the head of a delegation. After delivering an eloquent speech, the ruler of Abyssinia gave him glad tidings of ...

What is the interpretation and reward of reciting chapter al-Fil of the Holy Quran?

What is the interpretation and reward of reciting chapter al-Fil of the Holy Quran?
The Prophet of Islam (S) and Muslims in Mecca were an absolute minority and pagans would pressurize them because of their beliefs. In many verses of the Holy Quran, God Almighty has supported the Holy Prophet (S) and Muslims and has warned pagans for their actions. The chapter al-Fil of the Quran is in fact an account of a historical event having been revealed to assure the Holy Prophet (S) and to announce that God supports him. History holds ...

What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?

What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?
What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?Reply:Whatever has come down in the Qur'an and the Islamic traditions about Hazrat's souvenirs is divided into two sections. Considering that the infrastructure of beliefs and deeds are effective in rectification of a society, Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) too would rely on the infrastructures and ...

Whose saying is this: "Death is sweater to me than honey."

Whose saying is this: "Death is sweater to me than honey."
Concise answer This saying is widely ascribed to Qasim son of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.). It is said that when his beloved uncle, Imam Hussein (a.s.) asked him "My child, my nephew, tell me, how do you regard death and what do you think about getting killed?" He promptly answered: "Death is sweater to me than honey." This narration has been mentioned in Madinat Ma'ajiz al-Aemmah al-Ithna Ashar wa Dalael al-Hujaj 'alaa al-Bashar[1], vol.4, pg. 215 ...