Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Drinking wine to the level that does not affect human being/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Drinking wine to the level that does not affect human being/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about drinking wine to the level which does not affect the human being.

Question: Is it allowed when drinking wine is to the level which does not affect human being?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Drinking wine even for one drop is Haram and is one of the great sins.

Is it true that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves?

Is it true that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves?
I heard some Wahhabis say that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves? If it is so, then all the references given from the Sunni books to confirm Shia's viewpoint become null and void. Please send me a detailed answer in this regard.Concise answer In order to get a clear answer to your question, you need to go through the following points: Firstly, it is good that you ask the ...


The behaviour and personality of Prophet Muhammad (a) are the best examples to follow in life. A companion of his, who spent full ten years with him, has said:     Although Muhammad (a) was the Prophet of Allah and had been appointed by Allah to guide the people, yet he was not ashamed of doing his work with his own hands. He assisted the members of his family in household work and performed the jobs of other deserving persons with ...

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer to a question about correctness of fasting by wrongly attributing narrations to Imams (AS)

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer to a question about correctness of fasting by wrongly attributing narrations to Imams (AS)
Question: If a person who is fasting, intentionally or unintentionally attributes a narration which is from Imam Sadeq (AS) to Imam Baqer (AS), can this harm his fasting? Source: PERSIAN ...

Eid Crescent

Eid Crescent
1 Question: What is the rulings of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Sistani (May Allah protect him) on sighting of the new moon crescent and determining the 1st day of the month? Answer: Sighting of the new moon is ascertained by knowledge of the actual sighting or through solid news of such sighting, or some other means. Certainty can also be achieved through common knowledge. Amongst other sources of ascertaining the ...

Grand Ayatollah Sistani answers some questions regarding Ramadan

Grand Ayatollah Sistani answers some questions regarding Ramadan
Grand Ayatollah Sistani answers some questions regarding Ramadan: Question: You are requested to let us know the rules of fasting in the month of Ramadan for those who are living in northern hemisphere keeping in view the following scenarios:  1. where there is either night or day during 24 hours throughout the month of Ramadan. There is no sunset or sunrise in the entire month.2. Where there is day or night during 24 hours but there is no ...

Is Jesus the Same as God?

Is Jesus the Same as God?
Is Jesus the Same as God? By: Muhammad QasemIn John 10:30 Jesus said, "I and my Father are one." This verse, according to Christians, shows God and Jesus Christ to be same. On the other hand, we read in John 20:17, "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." Here Jesus stated that there was a ...

Is asking the rightful intercessors for intercession [shafā‘ah] tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?

Is asking the rightful intercessors for intercession [shafā‘ah] tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?
                                                                While discussing this question, it is assumed that intercession [shafā‘ah] exclusively rests with God as it is stated in the Holy Qur’an: ﴾ جَمِيعًا الشَّفَٰعَةُ للهِ قُل ﴿ “Say, ‘All intercession rests with Allah’.”[1] Therefore, turning for intercession to any other than ...

How old was Imam Ali (AS) on the day of Ghadir?

How old was Imam Ali (AS) on the day of Ghadir?
The event of Ghadir took place on the tenth of the hegira year but there are different views about Imam Ali's date of birth. However, if we are to determine the Imam's date of birth, it depends on which report is considered to be stronger and more authentic. Only then one can determine, with relative confidence, the Imam's date of birth. According to a more famous account by historians about Imam Ali's date of birth, he was born on 30th 'Am ...


1 Question: What games are haram to play? Answer: Playing in gambling tools, such as chess, dominoes, backgammon, and betting on them is haraam; even playing chess and backgammon [and the like] without betting is haraam. 2 Question: Is selling gambling tools allowed? Answer: Selling gambling tools and equipments and instruments of forbidden amusement, such as violin, is haraam. 3 Question: Some permissible games use dice ...

How to cure our psychological obsession?

How to cure our psychological obsession?

Why stinginess must be avoided?

Why stinginess must be avoided?

It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said: Avoid stinginess which destroyed your ancestors, stinginess made them lie, which they lied; it made them to oppress, and they oppressed; and made them to cut ties with their relatives, and they cut[1].

[1] Khesal, Sheikh Sadooq, Babal Thalathah, Hadith 234.

Is temporary marriage necessary between the owner of the sperm and the donor of the eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF)? The Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s answer

Is temporary marriage necessary between the owner of the sperm and the donor of the eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF)? The Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli answered a question about temporary marriage for IVF. Question: As IVF is used to cure infertility in cases where the wife has no active eggs, the eggs from widowed or divorced women are used. So, as usual procedure in the hospital before IVF, temporary marriage takes place between the woman who is the donor of the eggs and the husband of the infertile wife which in many cases have caused family problems. ...

The second group

The second group
The second group The other group of those who accompanied the Prophet (ṣ) consist of two-faced and sick-hearted men the reality of whose nature the Holy Qur’an has revealed and of whose danger it has warned the Prophet (ṣ). Here are some examples of this group: 1. Known hypocrites ﴿ إِذَا جَاءكَ الْمُنَافِقُونَ قَالُوا نَشْهَدُ إِنَّكَ لَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ ...

Question: If a person falls ill, should he seek treatment a) with a doctor, or b) by eating dust from near Imam al-Husayn’s grave, or c) through supplication?

Question: If a person falls ill, should he seek treatment a) with a doctor, or b) by eating dust from near Imam al-Husayn’s grave, or c) through supplication?
Question: If a person falls ill, should he seek treatment a) with a doctor, or b) by eating dust from near Imam al-Husayn’s grave, or c) through supplication? Brief AnswerEach of the aforementioned actions could potentially cure his illness independently or by combining with the other two. However, the best course is to accompany all our actions—among which are medical and supernatural treatments—with supplication (which entails ...

In adhān [call to prayer], why do you say, “Ashhadu anna ‘aliyyan waliyyullāh” [“I bear witness that ‘Alī is Walī of Allah”] and give testimony to the wilāyah [guardianship] of ‘Alī (‘a)?

In adhān [call to prayer], why do you say, “Ashhadu anna ‘aliyyan waliyyullāh” [“I bear witness that ‘Alī is Walī of Allah”] and give testimony to the wilāyah [guardianship] of ‘Alī (‘a)?
                                                                  Reply: In order to reply to this question, let us consider the following points: 1. In their books on jurisprudence, all the Shī‘ah jurists [fuqahā] stress that to say: “I bear witness to the wilāyah of ‘Alī (‘a)” is not part of adhān or iqāmah, and no one has the right to say that it is part of ...

Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?

Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?
 It has not stated in the main authentic Shia sources that Abraham (AS) and Sara were brother and sister to each other. Indeed, it has been reported in some Sunni sources and then in some Shia books that when Nimrud threw Abraham into the fire due to the latter breaking and insulting the idols, Almighty Allah made the fire cold, safe and secure for the prophet enabling him to come out of the fire unhurt.[1] Nimrud was struck with fear ...

What does begotten mean?

What does begotten mean?
What does begotten mean?If Jesus is not the only begotten son of God and not the only born son of God, then what does begotten or born mean? Should the two words be taken literally? The only way we can justify these words is by looking at the Bible again. In I Peter 1:3 the Bible says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of ...

What is the principle of no domination over Muslims?

What is the principle of no domination over Muslims?
What is the principle of no domination over Muslims?Concise answerThe concept of the principle of no domination over Muslims [nafy sabil] is that God, the Glorified, has legislated such rule in the Islamic Shari’ah that prevents non-Muslims from getting hegemony and control over Muslims’ fate and affairs. There is no rule in Islam to allow them to dominate Muslims. Therefore, it is not permissible under any circumstances to get ...

Similarly, swearing by the manifestations of the world of creation can also be noticed in Sūrahs Mursalāt

Similarly, swearing by the manifestations of the world of creation can also be noticed in Sūrahs Mursalāt
Similarly, swearing by the manifestations of the world of creation can also be noticed in Sūrahs Mursalāt (77), an-Nāzi‘āt (79), al-Burūj (85), aṭ-Ṭāriq (86), al-Balad (90), aḍ-Ḍuḥā (93), and at-Tīn (95). There is no doubt that if swearing by other than God is tantamount to polytheism and associating partners to God, the Holy Qur’an which is the charter of monotheism and unity of God would not have resorted to it, and if ...