Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Rules of the lost property when found

Rules of the lost property when found
Any lost property other than an animal, which does not bear any sign by means of which it may be possible to locate its owner, irrespective of whether its value is less than a dirham (12.6 chickpeas of coined silver) or not, can be kept for himself by one who finds it, but the recommended precaution is that he gives it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be. 2574. If a person finds a property whose value is less than a ...

Q: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws?

Q: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws?
Q: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws? A: Aborgation does not infer contradiction in view or in a particular ruling, rather it suggest that there has been a change in the referent or subject. Explination of this matter is that, sometimes on the account of an amelioration and/or variegation in the ...

Q: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws?

Q: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws?
Abrogation of (Qur'anic) VersesQ: Is not the aborgation of verses, which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran (2:106), nothing more than conspicuous contradiction of the Qur'anic view (about things) and its laws? A: Aborgation does not infer contradiction in view or in a particular ruling, rather it suggest that there has been a change in the referent or subject. Explination of this matter is that, sometimes on the account of an amelioration ...

Does Paradise have several gates and do those gates have specific names?

Does Paradise have several gates and do those gates have specific names?
Does Paradise have several gates and do those gates have specific names? If possible, please provide me with their names and their English meanings?Concise answerParadise has eight different gates. As for their names and what group of people use which gate to enter, there are different reports and traditions. Their names - such as Baab al-Rahmah (Gate of Mercy), Baab al-Sabr (Gate of Patience), Baab al-Shukr (Gate of Gratitude) Baab al-Balaa ...

What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?

What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?Concise answerAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet (S) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with difficulties and unnecessary efforts for the person himself or others because the purpose of this practice is to create further attachment, love and ...

Abū Ṭālib’s will and testament is a clear testimony to his true faith

Abū Ṭālib’s will and testament is a clear testimony to his true faith
3. Abū Ṭālib’s will and testament is a clear testimony to his true faith Renowned historians of the Muslim world such as Al-Ḥalabī ash-Shāfi‘ī in his Sīrah, and Muḥammad ad-Diyār al-Bakrī in Tārīkh al-Khamīs, mentions Abū Ṭālib in which he calls upon his people to assist the Messenger of Allah (ṣ): منكم أحد لايسلك والله حماةً، ولحزبه ولاة، له كونوا قريش ...

Did Abū Ṭālib die a believer on account of which you visit [ziyārah] his shrine?

Did Abū Ṭālib die a believer on account of which you visit [ziyārah] his shrine?
Did Abū Ṭālib die a believer on account of which you visit [ziyārah] his shrine?                                                               Reply: From the viewpoint of the Shī‘ah, Abū Ṭālib, the son of ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib, the eminent father of the Commander of the Faithful ‘Alī (‘a) and the uncle of the Holy Prophet (ṣ), is among the people who believed ...

Who are the Imāms

Who are the Imāms
                                                                Reply: During his lifetime, the Holy Prophet (ṣ) declared that after him there shall be twelve caliphs all of whom will be from Quraysh, and through whom Islam shall be exalted. Jābir ibn Samurah narrates: اثنىٰ إلىٰ عزيزاً الإسلام لايزال يقول –وسلّم [وآله] عليه ...

Person knows that nocturnal emission will happen if sleeps before dawn in the month of Ramadhan/the Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer

Person knows that nocturnal emission will happen if sleeps before dawn in the month of Ramadhan/the Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer
Question: One hour is left to dawn’s call to prayer (Adhan), and the person knows that if falls sleep, does not wake up until call to prayer and nocturnal emission will happen; can the person sleep or not? And if the person sleeps and nocturnal emission happens, and call to prayer is performed, is the fasting correct or ...

1. A group of hadīth scholars [muḥaddithūn] recount the statement of the Prophet (ṣ) in which he defines the earth as the place of his prostration, when he says:

1. A group of hadīth scholars [muḥaddithūn] recount the statement of the Prophet (ṣ) in which he defines the earth as the place of his prostration, when he says:
  ”جُعِلَتْ لِيَ الأَرْضُ مَسْجِداً وَ طَهُوْراً.“ “The (pure) earth has been made for me as a place of prostration and an agent of purification.”[1] From the word “ja‘ala” [“made”] which is used here to have a legal and legislative sense, meaning (“ordained”), we understand that this issue is a decree ordained by the Divine for the followers of Islam to abide by. This proves the ...

QUESTION: Was Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) the founder of the Shi‘a school or its promulgator and explainer?

QUESTION: Was Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) the founder of the Shi‘a school or its promulgator and explainer?
Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq & the Shi’a School of Thought By: Ayatullah al-Uzma Lutfullah as-Safi al-GulpayganiQUESTION: Was Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) the founder of the Shi‘a school or its promulgator and explainer?ANSWER: Imam as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) acquainted the public with the original Shi‘a school of thought, which perhaps even some friends and devotees of Ahl al-Bait (peace be upon them) had not recognized ...

The Use of Reading Questions As a Pedagogical Tool: Fostering an Interrogative, Narrative Approach to Philosophy (1)

The Use of Reading Questions As a Pedagogical Tool: Fostering an Interrogative, Narrative Approach to Philosophy (1)
ABSTRACTIn this paper I examine the text of the Symposium to illustrate two non-philosophical responses to Socrates' pedagogical provocation. While Apollodorus and Aristodemus, two Socratic disciples, demonstrate their erotic commitment to Socrates, they do not practice philosophy. They manifest their non-philosophical behavior in two ways. First, they idolize and imitate Socrates. Second, they constantly tell stories about Socrates. In the ...


1 Question: We are unaware of the ingredients of food sold in shops in Western countries: it might be free from those ingredients that are forbidden to us or it might contain them. Are we allowed to eat such items without looking into their ingredients, or inquiring about them? Or is that not allowed to us? Answer: It is permissible [to eat such food] as long as it is not known that it contains meat, fat, and their derivatives that are ...

What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?

What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?
What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?                                                                 Reply: The most important issue in the study of monotheism [tawḥīd] and polytheism [shirk] is discerning what their criterion is, and if this issue is not decisively settled, part of the secondary issues ...

The ruling about the mix of dead and alive fish at the time of fishing/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

The ruling about the mix of dead and alive fish at the time of fishing/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered a question about mixing dead and alive fish at the time of fishing. Question: At the time of fishing if it is noticed that some fish have been dead in water before fishing but are mixed with Halal and clean fish, and it is not possible to separate them due to large number of fish; what is the ruling in this situation? What is the ruling if the number is small? The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei: Must avoid all ...

When invoking blessings [ṣalawāt] on Muḥammad (ṣ), why do you also associate his progeny [ā] to him by saying, “Allāhumma ṣalli ‘alā Muḥammad wa Āli Muḥammad” [“O Allah! Bless Muḥammad and the progeny of Muḥammad”]?

When invoking blessings [ṣalawāt] on Muḥammad (ṣ), why do you also associate his progeny [ā] to him by saying, “Allāhumma ṣalli ‘alā Muḥammad wa Āli Muḥammad” [“O Allah! Bless Muḥammad and the progeny of Muḥammad”]?
When invoking blessings [ṣalawāt] on Muḥammad (ṣ), why do you also associate his progeny [ā] to him by saying, “Allāhumma ṣalli ‘alā Muḥammad wa Āli Muḥammad” [“O Allah! Bless Muḥammad and the progeny of Muḥammad”]?                                                                 Reply: It has been established that the Prophet (ṣ) himself had ...

What are the different dimensions of Lady Fatimah’s (as) character?

What are the different dimensions of Lady Fatimah’s (as) character?
Please tell me about the different dimensions of the greatest woman's (Lady Fatimah (as)) character.Concise answer The dimensions of Lady Fatimah's (as) character are very vast and can only be understood through deep and profound thought and study. Reading and researching about her spirituality, knowledge and political struggles and the other aspects of her life, will help us in reaching our goal. According to both Shia and Sunni sources, some ...

What are the ways through which we can get familiar with the Quran?

What are the ways through which we can get familiar with the Quran?
There is a saying from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) according to which eternal happiness and salvation would be achieved only through getting familiar with the Quran at the time of youth age: ‘If one reads the Qur'an in his youth as a true believer, the Qur'an mingles with and becomes a part of his flesh and blood, and Allah places him alongside the pious and noble scribes, and on the day of resurrection the Qur'an will be a witness in his ...

What are the names of Shia's most important Hadith collections (sources)?

What are the names of Shia's most important Hadith collections (sources)?
: Does the Shia religion have authoritative hadith collections as do the Sunnis? The Sunnis have six major hadith collections like Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, etc. If Shia has similar hadith collections, please name them.Concise answer The Shia school is very rich in terms of reliable hadith collections thanks to the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (s) and his pure progeny. The infallible Imams, peace be upon them, are the closest people to the ...

Please explain for me the procedure of acquiring education in the Islamic Seminary (Hawzah) and in its stages?

Please explain for me the procedure of acquiring education in the Islamic Seminary (Hawzah) and in its stages?
In the name of the Ultimate Truth, Salamun Alaykum,My friends and I have launched a series of classes dubbed in as "Hawzah or University" to discuss about the nature of Hawzah studies and its procedures. We request you to kindly help us get answers to the understated questions:What is Hawzah? What is it like? Why? What are the Hawzah educational methods? What are the subjects taught in the Hawzah? What are the different scientific stages or ...