Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Kaduna State governor 'El-Rufai' to make report of Inquiry on Zaria Massacre public

Kaduna State governor 'El-Rufai' to make report of Inquiry on Zaria Massacre public
The Kaduna State governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai has disclosed that the final report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into last December’s Army attack on unarmed members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, in Zaria will be made available to the public even while the process for issuing a White Paper is ongoing.The governor stated this on Friday while receiving the Justice Mohammed Lawal Garba-led commission’s report, stressing ...

The lofty advantages of marriage in Islam

The lofty advantages of marriage in Islam
The Lofty Goals Behind Marriage in Islam God doth wish to lighten your (difficulties). [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:28] An Honorable Household If a young adult or an adult man or woman does not marry, it seems to be rather impossible to remain chaste and free of corruption. It is a difficult problem to find a young adult out of millions, not married, yet be chaste and sinless. If we find a youth who is truly chaste and not married, then we may say ...

English Muharram mourning ceremonies held in Tehran

English Muharram mourning ceremonies held in Tehran
A group of foreign nationals located in Tehran along with Iranians who used to live abroad or even pay occasional visits to Iran, have gathered together to commemorate martyrdom of Imam Hussain on the Day of Ashura. Commemoration ceremonies for Imam Hussain can be found all over the Islamic Republic of Iran during this Islamic month of Moharram. However a gathering in Tehran reflects to the extent that not only did the message of Imam Hussain, ...

The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences

The Relevance of Islamic Ideology in Human Sciences
Now, how should the influence of the culture and ideology of Islam be exercised upon the human sciences Should it be done in a revolutionary manner or in the way of a reform, or in a way different from either of these two If the question facing us is how to apply Islamic culture and ideology to the existing social sciences, the answer is clear.Let me ask another question. Why did we revolt Why did our Islamic nation revolt Some people say that ...

Islamic Movement in Nigeria strongly condemns illegal attack on Free Zakzaky protest In Abuja

Islamic Movement in Nigeria strongly condemns illegal attack on Free Zakzaky protest In Abuja
Following the Nigerian Army's attack on peaceful Free Sheikh Zakzaky protest in Abuja capital of Nigeria, the Islamic Movement of Nigeria issued a statement, condemning the security forces for the illegal attack on its members.The full text as follows:On Thursday 22/09/16, thousands of members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) converged in Abuja to protest the continued illegal detention of our Leader Shaikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky, who ...

Former UK boxing champion cleared of plot to join ISIS in Syria

Former UK boxing champion cleared of plot to join ISIS in Syria
A former British boxing champion has been cleared of a plot to go to Syria to fight alongside the terrorist group of ISIS. “Anthony Small, 33, was accused of plotting with two others to slip out of the UK on false passports to join and support ISIL in Syria”. It said that the former British and Commonwealth light middleweight champion had begun to sell items including boxing gloves and boots in the run up to leaving the UK, jurors ...


KINDS OF LOVE   1- LOVES OF LUST AND PASSION   These are on the basis of sexual attractions, lust and passionate desires. Although this kind of love is necessary in spouse selection and joint life and must definitely exist, it is not sufficient alone. Moreover it does not have all those benefits, qualities, and peculiarities, which have been stated about love, and it can not last forever, because with the passage of time of the couple's ...

The Shariah Limits in the Permitted Look

The Shariah Limits in the Permitted Look
The Shariah Limits in the Permitted Look What, then, is the philosophy behind the permissibility of looking at certain non-mahram female? The fatwa which the question raises entails two others. The first fatwa is that the glance is towards those who remain uncovered after being asked to cover, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, although some ulama enjoin that, based on caution, one ought not to look at such Muslim women. This is because ...

Intercession (Shafa'ah) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

Intercession (Shafa'ah) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
It is written in Tafseere Qummi that Sama'ah says that I asked Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that, "How will the Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) intercede on the day of Qayamat? He (A.S.) replied, "When people will become weary and tired and will be sweating profusely, they will go to Prophet Adam (A.S.) and plead for his intercession. Adam (A.S.) will put forth his Tarke Ula' (leaving the better work for a less (desirable thing) and excuse himself. He ...


Let us read what the Glorious Qur'an says about these practical principles and values in respect to marriage: "And marry such of you who are single and the pious of your male slaves and female slaves. If they be poor Allah will enrich them of his bounty. Allah is of ample means, Knowing. And let those who do not find means to marry keep chaste till Allah gives them independence by his grace. And such of those who seek a writing (of ...

Buhlul, the Gravedigger: repentance

Buhlul, the Gravedigger: repentance
Note: Not to be confused with Buhlul who lived during the time of Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S)Mu'adh ibn Jabal was in tears when he arrived in the presence of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and greeted him. The Noble Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied to his greeting and asked: "What makes you cry?""At the door of the mosque, there is a good-looking youth who weeps as intensely as a mother whose young son has died, and he wishes ...

Pope calls on France to respect Muslim women Hijab

Pope calls on France to respect Muslim women Hijab
 Pope Francis has urged France to respect the right of Muslim women to profess their faith and wear the hijab same as Christians are allowed to wear the ...

Divine Virtues in the Family and Society

Divine Virtues in the Family and Society
True Concept of PietyThe literal infinitive and root of the abstract Arabic noun TAQWA, which has the most beautiful and original meaning, is "WQY". WAQAYA means self-control, being fearful and protecting one's self from all divinely prohibited actions. Actually the word WAQAYA means the spirit, power and ability attained by the practice of giving up sinning, by practicing abstinence and by self-restraint against committing sins. keeping the ...

The Levels of Certainty

The Levels of Certainty
By:Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziAnas b. Malik has narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said, “Surely the weakness in certainty is due to people trading the (seeking of the) pleasure of the people for the anger of Allah, the Most High; praising the people for the sustenance which Allah, the Most High has conferred upon you (instead of praising Him); and for blaming others for that which Allah has not given you …You do not refrain ...

The qualities of human society after the re-appearance of Imam al-Mahdi – the state of Justice, oppression, poverty and sin

The qualities of human society after the re-appearance of Imam al-Mahdi – the state of Justice, oppression, poverty and sin
 The qualities of human society after the re-appearance of Imam al-Mahdi – the state of Justice, oppression, poverty and sin   Question: After the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), how long will it take before the rule of justice [becomes universal]? Will any poor person or tyrant remain? If no, then does that mean that no sin will ever be committed again? Is it correct that he will be martyred at the ...

Saudi Arabia risks revolution with execution of activist Sheikh al-Nimr

Saudi Arabia risks revolution with execution of activist Sheikh al-Nimr
By Catherine Shakdam With over 30,000 political prisoners languishing in prison, Saudi Arabia has become the epitome of oppression. Now, newly crowned King Salman is set to paint the Kingdom red with the blood of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, a prominent Shia cleric. Sheikh al-Nimr, arguably one of the fiercest and most vocal critics of the monarchy, was condemned to death in October 2014 on charges of sedition. His crime: the denunciation of Saudi ...

Friends in the Hereafter

Friends in the Hereafter
Friends in the Hereafter There is the verse "Friends on that day will be enemies to one another, except those who guard (against evil)" (al-Zukhruf, 43:67). From the previous discussion, we equally understand that the friendship built on everyday life incidents in this world will merit the charge of responsibility in the hereafter. Those friends who used to gather together in the world to waste time and to be idle, for deceit, perversion, or ...

The Philosophy of Maintenance in Islam

The Philosophy of Maintenance in Islam
ISLAM, more than 1400 years back introduced laws which showed to be far advanced when compared with the societies 14 centuries ago, and some of these laws concern the Rights of the Family. Annual statistics reveal the difficulties arising from thousands of births of children born every year without anybody to look after them, thousands of unmarried women becoming pregnant, and thousands of teenagers and adolescents committing suicide. In ...

Character of Woman

Character of Woman
Character of Woman Chapter 1 The issue of the woman's character has a leading role in recognising the woman in every creed and religion, and every thought course can, through the portrait it displays for the woman's character, give its opinion and lay bare its stance in respect of other affairs of the woman. In other words, all other subjects like: woman's rights, her social participation, moral perfections and veil and adornment are relevant ...

Leaders of Shia Islamic Movement of Nigeria List 5 Conditions For Peace

Leaders of Shia Islamic Movement of Nigeria List 5 Conditions For Peace
Leaders of Shia Islamic Movement of Nigeria have listed five conditions for possible truce and presented a some demands to the federal government.Leadership reports that the main condition was the immediate release of their leader, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky.Briefing journalists in Abuja, Abdulmumin Giwa, the group’s media forum secretary, and Abdulrahman Abubakar, the leader of the movement in Yola, insisted that the killing of ...