Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Lessons from Quran" held at Islamic Centre of England during holy Ramadan

Lessons from Quran" held at Islamic Centre of England during holy Ramadan
Quranic sessions titled “Lessons from the Quran” are being held at the Islamic Centre of England during the holy month of Ramadan. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Quranic sessions titled “Lessons from the Quran” are being held at the Islamic Centre of England during the holy month of Ramadan.The center hosts the program every day during the holy month starting from an hour before Iftar.Three Shia clerics will each address the ...

Sincerity of Action

Sincerity of Action
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said, "O Abu Dharr! Happy are the people who shun the world and have their attention riveted on the Hereafter! They consider the place for taking rest and the dust their linen. They consider water as a substitute for fragrance. They feel that the Holy Book is their raiment and supplication their garment! They think that their harvest for the Hereafter is the good deeds and the worldly harvest is their wealth and the ...

The Battle of Uhud

The Battle of Uhud
Reasons for the battle of UhudThe Qureshites came out from the Battle of Badr with an astonishing result which they did not expect. They were confident of their capability to annihilate the Muslims easily. Because of they were more numerous and with a bigger reserve and more logistics. Yet, they suddenly found themselves losing seventy of their warriors and leaders, along with seventy captives, in a one-day battle. And above all, the ...

Laughter and Jest of a Mumin

Laughter and Jest of a Mumin
A mu'min will have gracefulness on his face even if he is sad at his heart. A person remaining morose all the time is not good. A mu'min must keep a broad forehead, pleasant mien, and good nature. He should also have a good sense of humor. But all this should be in moderation.It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (S) that excessive jesting puts one to shame and excessive laughter harms ones faith. If a person lies, the radiance of his face ...

Society and Tradition

Society and Tradition
If society has real existence, it should naturally possess laws peculiar to it. If we accept the first theory about the nature of society (which we have already discussed) and reject the existence of society as a real entity, naturally we have to admit that society lacks laws which may govern it. And if we accept the second theory and believe in artifi­cial and mechanical composition of society, then we would have to admit that society is ...

Senior Lebanese Cleric Calls Iran ‘Standard-Bearer’ of Islamic Unity

Senior Lebanese Cleric Calls Iran ‘Standard-Bearer’ of Islamic Unity
The chairman of the Society of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon praised Iran for its efforts to promote unity among various Islamic schools of thought. “Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the standard-bearer of the unity of (Islamic) schools of thought,” Sheikh Ahmed Alzain said in an address to a conference on the proximity of the Islamic schools of thought in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan on Tuesday. This means that ...

Quarrelling with One’s Father

Quarrelling with One’s Father
31 - Quarrelling with One’s Father    قَالَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللٌّهِ )ع): ثَلاَثَةٌ مَنْ عَازَهُمْ ذَلَّ الْوَالِدُ وَ السُّلْطَانُ وَ الْغَرِيـمُ.   Imam as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “There are three individuals that whoever argues with them shall suffer humiliation and disgrace: one’s father; a (just) ruler; and one in debt.”   Biharul ...

Love and Affection in Islamic Culture

Love and Affection in Islamic Culture
Love and affection is an asset which God has placed in human hearts. In Islamic culture the heart ought to be the repository of love of God and affection towards people. In other words, love and affection is one of the most valuable characteristics which adorn the human heart and behavior. Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) says: “If the human heart is free from any evil characteristics, all other bodily organs will be pure, and if the human heart is ...

In Makkah

In Makkah
In MakkahAl Miqdad decided to join the polytheistic troops. He took advantage of the condition to immigrate to Madina.Utbah bin Ghazwan became Muslim secretly. Al-Miqdad headed for him. They agreed on joining the polytheistic troops.Abu Sufyan led two hundred fighters and headed for Rabgh Valley. There, the polytheists met the Muslim company. The two sides reciprocated arrows. In the meantime, the polytheists were surprised to see two of ...

Marseille Grand Mosque Awaits Rescue

Marseille Grand Mosque Awaits Rescue
  MARSEILLE - Dreams for a grand mosque in Marseille have been put on hold for more than two decades, after far-right opposition and lack of funding stalled construction plans for the worshipping house needed for more than 250,000 Muslims in France's second-largest city. "I'd love to go to that Grand Mosque for Friday prayers," Hakim, who owns a café next to the flea market and goes to pray at the mosque next door several times a day, told ...

Young Pakistani Shia activist sentenced to death for being anti-Wahhabi

Young Pakistani Shia activist sentenced to death for being anti-Wahhabi
The court in Punjab province's Bahawalpur district announced the sentence for Taimoor Raza after holding him guilty of posting derogatory content on social networking website Facebook. Shafiq Qureshi, public prosecutor in Bahawalpur, confirmed Raza was convicted for allegedly making derogatory remarks against the Deobani sect, which is akin to the Wahhabi tradition and Takfirism practiced in Saudi Arabia. "An anti terrorism court of Bahawalpur ...

Rights of the Relatives and the Ease in Reckoning

Rights of the Relatives and the Ease in Reckoning
The Creator of the Universe, Almighty Allah remarks in the Holy Quran: "Certainly Allah orders equity, kindness (to people) and the giving (of what they need) to the relatives." (Surah Nahl 16:90) In Surah Raad is the following verse: "And those who join that which Allah has bidden to be joined and have awe of their Lord and fear the evil reckoning." (Surah Raad 13:21) The expression 'reckoning' in this Ayat denotes the accounting of one's ...

Marriage, a Great Worship

Marriage, a Great Worship
12.The Holy Prophet [s] forbade the life of celibacy, and prohibited women from living in chastity and allowing their selves to remain unmarried." 13.Imam al-Jawad [a] wrote in a letter: "Whoever solicits you in marriage and you are convinced of his religion and his honesty, then do unite with him in wedlock." Man La Yahdhuruhul- Faqih, vol. 3, p. 393; AI-Tahthib, vol. 7, p. 394 AI-Mustatraf, vol. 2, p. 218 ...

Trial of Bahraini Shiite cleric postponed for fourth time

Trial of Bahraini Shiite cleric postponed for fourth time
Another ‘mass trail’ in Bahrain has been postponed to November 12 during Monday’s ...

Arizonan Muslims celebrate Ramadan, bringing community together

Arizonan Muslims celebrate Ramadan, bringing community together
- A crescent moon shines bright in the night sky, casting a celestial light. The lunar cycle signifies Ramadan, one of the most holy times for Muslims across the ...


HOW DOES ISLAM BUILD THE FAMILY Imam Al-Sadiq relates that a woman who came to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) was asked by him whether she was a `put-off woman'? She asked the meaning of that, and the Prophet replied: 'She is the woman who, when her husband calls her for some need (i.e. to make love), keeps putting it off until he falls asleep. Such a woman will, then, continuously be cursed by the angels until husband wakes up." ...

Hygiene and Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure

Hygiene and Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure
The Worth of Cleanliness and Hygiene in IslamOnce the marriage takes place and the young couple start their mutual life with love and affection, they must attend to basic issues in life, and seriously avoid any indifference or sluggishness in this regard. One of these basic issues is cleanliness and hygiene in all aspects of life. We must pay close attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of our body, hair, mouth and teeth, clothing, the floor ...

Ghani denounces massacre of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan

Ghani denounces massacre of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has strongly denounced the recent beheading of a group of Shia Muslims by terrorists in the country’s troubled south.  According to Press TV, Ghani said in a statement on Monday evening that he was "profoundly saddened" by the murder of seven Shia Muslims belonging to the Hazara community in the Southern Province of Zabul. The statement said "The heartless murder of innocent individuals, ...

Removing Misunderstanding and Suspicion in the Family

Removing Misunderstanding and Suspicion in the Family
  Misunderstandings Crop UpMisunderstandings crop up because of waswasa (repeated, unfounded doubts or fears). Sometimes Satan gains control of a person's mind, rendering him worse than a hypocrite or a show-off. In other words he becomes Satan in the garb of a human being! Satan enslaves his thought-process, and the person does whatever Satan wants him to doSometimes Satan is also able to dominate the hearts of certain people. According to ...

The Reward of Sileh Rahmi

The Reward of Sileh Rahmi
The reward for Sileh Rahmi has been described by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in one of his traditions. He says: "When a person goes towards his relatives so that he can fulfill his rights with his life and his wealth, Allah bestows upon him the reward of a martyr at every step he takes. He (Allah) writes down forty thousand Hasana (the unit of Divine rewards) and He erases forty thousand of his sins and He elevates him by forty thousand grades. ...