Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Reward of Sileh Rahmi

The Reward of Sileh Rahmi
The reward for Sileh Rahmi has been described by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in one of his traditions. He says: "When a person goes towards his relatives so that he can fulfill his rights with his life and his wealth, Allah bestows upon him the reward of a martyr at every step he takes. He (Allah) writes down forty thousand Hasana (the unit of Divine rewards) and He erases forty thousand of his sins and He elevates him by forty thousand grades. ...

The Different Grades of Sileh Rahmi

The Different Grades of Sileh Rahmi
Shaheed-e-Thani1 (r.a.) describes the grades of Sileh Rahmi in the following words: It is deduced from the traditions that the highest stage of Sileh Rahmi is to consider the relatives as our own selves. That is, we should wish for our relations whatever we wish for ourselves. The next stage of Sileh Rahmi is to help relatives overcome the difficulties and hardships they may be facing. Next, we must earnestly try to benefit our kith and kin as ...

Perfection without marriage is beyond the bounds of possibility

Perfection without marriage is beyond the bounds of possibility
The most important and the most sacred divine issue in the view of muslims is the issue of marriage. Islam lays stress on marriage and accentuates it from different points of view. It is intensified by the prophet and the innocents in different tradition and narrations. These issue is analysed and exemplified by Professor Hossein Ansaryan in the book “ The Islamic Family Structure”. The text to be followed is an exemplar. Man and ...

People in Alberta put messages of love, support around site of Sherwood Park mosque

People in Alberta put messages of love, support around site of Sherwood Park mosque
A group of residents of Sherwood Park in Alberta, Canada, is putting messages of love and support around the site of the area’s first ...

The Appointment of the Prophet (PBUH&HP;)

The Appointment of the Prophet (PBUH&HP;)
Introduction The appointment of Muhammad (PBUH&HP), the Prophet of Islam and his selection as the Messenger of Allah (SWT), can be considered the most significant event in the history of Islam. Descent of the Holy Quran began at this time. The word Bi'that means to be chosen and its expressional meaning is "being chosen by the Almighty Allah to guide people". It can be concluded from the Islamic and historical texts that the appointment of ...

Allah's Confidential Talk To Prophet Moses (A.S)

Allah's Confidential Talk To Prophet Moses (A.S)
The following are Allah's confidential talks to Moses (A.S) the prophet, son of Imran.1- O’ Moses, do not have a long expectation in this world lest your heart will be hard. The hard-hearted are far away from Me. Deaden your heart with fear (of Allah). Your dress should be worn - out but your heart should be fresh. You should be unknown by the people of this earth but well-known for the inhabitants of the heavens. Cry to me, for the plenty ...

On Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hadi, thousands of pilgrims flock to Askariyya Shrine in Samarra

On Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hadi, thousands of pilgrims flock to Askariyya Shrine in Samarra
Thousands of pilgrims have flocked to the Askariyya Shrine in the Iraqi city of Samarra, 125 km north of Baghdad, Iraq’s Shia Awqaf Department said. AhlulBayt News Agency - Thousands of pilgrims have flocked to the Askariyya Shrine in the Iraqi city of Samarra, 125 km north of Baghdad, Iraq’s Shia Awqaf Department said.The devotees of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) have travelled to the city to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hadi (AS), ...

Bahraini authorities arrest a woman in house raid, transferred her to criminal investigations directorate

Bahraini authorities arrest a woman in house raid, transferred her to criminal investigations directorate
The Bahraini authorities arrested Taiba Ismail on Sunday (June 26, 2016) after raiding her house and confiscating her electronic devices.Human rights activists stressed that Ismail's arrest was based on charges related to freedom of expression, adding that she was transferred to the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID).Human Rights Watch says that torture, for the purpose of securing confessions, is in the repertoire of Bahrain's General ...

German TV Airs Muslims' Eid Prayers

German TV Airs Muslims' Eid Prayers
German TV has broadcast live Muslim Eid prayers from a mosque in a town near Munich, a move that is the first of its kind in the country's history. The prayers, at 4:45am local time on Friday, were aired from the Penzberg Mosque on public TV and radio broadcaster Bayerischen Rundfunk. The sermon marked the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr holiday and the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. The broadcast was part of a wider two-hour coverage on ...

Muslim community in Canada holds food, clothing drive for Syrian newcomers and needy

Muslim community in Canada holds food, clothing drive for Syrian newcomers and needy
More than 150 volunteers helped a Muslim charity hand out food and winter clothing to an estimated 1,200 needy Calgarians in Canada on Sunday. The Muslim Families Network Society (MFNS), a Calgary non-profit, provided canned food, warm clothing and grocery gift cards to newly arrived Syrian refugees. But the charity also helped many others. “We are making no distinction; we are serving everybody who is in need,” said Idrees Khan, ...

Mother of Bahraini Detainee: My Son Will Lose His Sight If Not Released to be Treated Abroad

Mother of Bahraini Detainee: My Son Will Lose His Sight If Not Released to be Treated Abroad
The mother of detainee Ali Hassan Adam appealed to the Bahraini Ministry of Interior to release her son so that he would be able to receive treatment before losing his sight in both eyes because he suffers from Retinal Atrophy. "Adam was studying in India, and was arrested when he was returning to Bahrain, even though he was not present during the events Bahrain has witnessed in 2011; he was sentenced to 15 years. He had suffered since his ...

Conference on 'Israeli Crimes in View of Arts and Culture' hold in Tunisia

Conference on 'Israeli Crimes in View of Arts and Culture' hold in Tunisia
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - A conference was held in Tunisia earlier this week titled “Israeli Crimes in View of Arts and Culture”.It was organized with the participation of a number of cultural and arts institutes and supported by the Iranian Cultural Center in the North African country.The conference came on the anniversary of the 1985 Israeli attack on Hammam al-Shatt, near the Tunisian capital of Tunis, in which 68 Tunisian and ...

'Enforced Disappearance' a big crisis in Bahrain

'Enforced Disappearance' a big crisis in Bahrain
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - In 2012, the Bahrain Independent Commission for Inquiry (BICI) stated in its final report that it had received 169 cases of enforced disappearances in Bahrain and that more than 1000 cases were submitted to the commission by another party. The commission said that it has received allegations that “persons were arrested and subjected to enforced disappearance without acknowledgement or in facilities the location of ...

Darby library in US to host second presentation on Islam

Darby library in US to host second presentation on Islam
For the second time within two weeks, a public body in Darby in USA, will host a special meeting to discuss a planned presentation on Islam by a longtime University of Montana (UM) professor. The Darby school board will hold a special board meeting on Monday at 6 p.m. in the high school library to talk about a plan to host UM Professor Samir Bitar on Wednesday. His talk at the library is titled “Perspectives on Islam.” Bitar is the ...

Fighting and Aggression

Fighting and Aggression
   It is common for children to have disagreement or arguments at times. However, when children fight, the risk is that someone will be hurt. Fighting and aggression range from common `rough and tumble' play to more severe, destructive behavior. If not dealt with early, aggression can get worse. Children may not learn better ways of behaving without help from their parents. This article gives some suggestions to help you teach your preschooler ...

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: Israel not able to wage new war on Lebanon

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: Israel not able to wage new war on Lebanon
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks in a speech on the anniversary of Israel's defeat in the 33-day military onslaught against Lebanon back in the summer of 2006. During his speech, Nasrallah noted that the main reason behind the victory of Hezbollah fighters in the war with Israel was their patience, steadfastness, valor and faith. Stressing the rise in Hezbollah’s power since the war in 2006, Nasrallah noted that the resistance ...

Parts of Truth

Parts of Truth
* Truth of speech: It stands for telling the very reality of a thing without falsification or concealment. * Truth of deeds: It stands for the conformity of deeds with words, such as the commitment to oath and fulfillment of pledges. * True determination: It stands for the determination to do good. * True intention: It stands for purifying the intent from blemishes of showiness.             1. Sharia: The ...

Intercession and God’s Knowledge

Intercession and God’s Knowledge
The Knowledge of God is eternal and He knows from the beginning what will happen to a certain creature and based on the changing state of that creature He will make a certain Divine decision. In this sense, different wills have been granted based on the number of temperaments and changes in the subjects. Thus no flaw or change has been made in the First Order of God, rather, each knowledge is appropriate in proportion to its subject and any will ...

The Birthday

The Birthday

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam
Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily affairs and in control over choices. No one has the right to make another his slave imprisoning that individual to serve his own needs. To deprive others of freedom and free will is a mortal sin, capital treason and a great crime. Liberty and the control over one's affairs are ingrained in man's essence, whose nature was created with this truth in mind. ...