Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Who are the Sufis?

Who are the Sufis?
The Suffi are considered by some as  the inner or mystical dimension of Islam They are not considered a sect of Islam. A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a SÅ«fÄ« , though some senior members of the tradition reserve this term for those practitioners who have attained the goals of the Sufi tradition. Another common denomination is the word dervish. The word, 'Sufi' has been ascribed various ...

Burglars tear Quran to pieces in Muslim family’s home

Burglars tear Quran to pieces in Muslim family’s home
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A Muslim family in the US state of Virginia said burglars tore up their Quran and scrawled anti-Muslim graffiti on a wall in their apartment.   The family said that they returned to their Fairfax County apartment on Monday after a weekend away to find their apartment broken into.  The couple, Mahrukh and her husband Shoaib, asked that they be identified only by their first names. In addition to the Quran, ...

Razavi international calendar of 2018 released

Razavi international calendar of 2018 released
The Razavi International Calendar of 2018 proposed and ordered by the Astan Quds Razavi Center for International Affairs was produced and published by the Islamic Reseach Foundation of Astan Quds ...

How to prevent and treat nail biting:

How to prevent and treat nail biting:
Habits Similar to stereotypic movements, a habit is a learned behaviour that a person repeats so often that he or she begins to do it without even thinking about it. Certain habits can be helpful but some may seem to serve no particular purpose. • Helpful habits - brushing teeth before going to bed or buckling your seatbelt when getting into a car. • Habits with no purpose - hair twirling, thumb sucking, nail biting... etc. Some habits ...

Khaled Nabi apostle in era betw Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed (s)

Khaled Nabi apostle in era betw Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed (s)
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Khaled Nabi was an Apostle who lived in the era between Jesus Christ (a) and Prophet Mohammed (s), and like Prophet Mohammed (s) he was a descendant of Prophet Ismail (a). Allah says in the Holy Quran, And indeed We have raised in every people a messenger (saying): “Serve Allah and avoid all false deities.” So among them is he who Allah has guided, and among them is he upon whom the straying was ...

Woman, a blessed being in Islam

Woman, a blessed being in Islam
Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Most benefits come from women.[Vasa'il-al-Shia, v.14, p.11]       In Islam, woman are paid great attention and they are treated as admirable creatures. How the women is viewd in the human past and how they are viewd in Islam v.s western countries ? is answered and analysed by Professor Hossein Ansaryan in his book “ the structure of family in Islam”. The following text is an exemplar.  Mental Deviation of ...

Conceit Leads to People’s Resentment

Conceit Leads to People’s Resentment
Conceit Leads to People’s Resentment Self-love is a basic human instinct. It is an essential factor for survival, for man’s vast relationship with the universe rises from this instinct. Nevertheless, despite it being a fruitful power from which many noble traits arise, if this natural source is exaggerated, many sins and various immoralities will stem from it. The first real threat to manners is extravagance in self-love. For it can reach a ...


WHY ISLAM HAS NOT PROHIBITED DIVORCE  Here a few other questions arise. If divorce is so loathsome and so disliked by Allah, why has it not been totally prohibited by Islam? Islam could at least lay down certain conditions for its validity. In that case anybody who wanted to divorce his wife, would have been judicially bound to justify his intended action before a court of law.  The second question is: What does the sentence, "Out of all ...

A Greek Girl Reverts to Islam

A Greek Girl Reverts to Islam
My name is Janna. I’m Greek. I was born in Germany and I grew up in a very strict traditional Greek Orthodox family. We grew up almost as other Muslim families with other children. Our families wanted to guarantee that we will be brought up in a Christian way, in the Orthodox way. We always went on our vacations all together and we never split up for vacations. So family vacations for all were always very nice and especially our very first ...

Health Benefits of Smiling and Laughing that You Didn’t Know about

Health Benefits of Smiling and Laughing that You Didn’t Know about
Smiling and laughing can have a positive effect on your well-being, but as you make the transition from child to adult, you often tend to lose the habit of indulging in these behaviors. A good example of this is a children’s playground: You often see the kids running around, constantly laughing and smiling as they enjoy living in the moment, while the parents sit around the edge, full of the stresses that modern life can bring, with the ...

Those Who Are Disobedient to Their Parents

Those Who Are Disobedient to Their Parents
The sixth Greater Sin is to be disobedient to one's parents as expressly mentioned in the traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Pure Imams (a.s.). These have already been quoted in the first chapter. A tradition of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says that the greatest sins are shirk and to be disobedient to one's parents. The seriousness of disobedience to parents as a Greater sin can be gauged from the fact that the Holy Prophet ...

Defence team unable to discuss defence plan with Sheikh Ali Salman - says Bahraini lawyer

Defence team unable to discuss defence plan with Sheikh Ali Salman - says Bahraini lawyer
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Lawyer Abdullah Al-Shamlawi, Defence panel member of Bahraini opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman, said that the defence team was unable to "discuss defence plan" with Sheikh Ali Salman, because the team was prevented "from giving him any paper without showing it to the prison's administration first which is against the law."Sheikh Salman's second appeals hearing is expected to be held tomorrow on Wednesday (October 14, ...

Sunni, Shia Muslims attend three-day prayer ceremony hold by Hindus after 20 years in Kurram Agency

Sunni, Shia Muslims attend three-day prayer ceremony hold by Hindus after 20 years in Kurram Agency
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - PARACHINAR, Pakistan: After almost 20 years, the special three-day-long prayer ceremony held by Hindus and Sikhs made a comeback in Ibrahimzai village in Kurram Agency.On Monday 500 people, including a large number of Sunni and Shia elders, attended the event. Kurram Agency Assistant Political Agent Shahid Ali Khan was also present at the joint dua’a ceremony on behalf of the government.A ritual of oldThe special ...

Blessed Relation

Blessed Relation
Fatima Zahra (S.A.) had grown up along with Ali (A.S.) and considered Ali (A.S.) as best husband and the lover and devotee of his father. The fate's hand had joined these two blessed persons in such a special way, which did not have any example in that period of darkness and ignorance. Fatima (S.A.) knew that although Ali (A.S.) does not possess any thing from the wealth of the world but he has the great treasure of self sacrifice and ...

Top Malaysian Sunni official: Wahhabism has no place here, they split Muslim society

Top Malaysian Sunni official: Wahhabism has no place here, they split Muslim society
It really disturbs Dr Zamihan Mat Zin when he sees Muslims in Malaysia gravitating towards a Wahhabi/Salafist brand of Islam.This is dangerous and divisive, he feels.Dr Zamihan, a Home Ministry religious officer currently attached to the prisons department, has been helping rehabilitate religious extremists such as the detained IS militants. Through his interaction with them he has no doubt that it is their exposure to Wahhabism/Salafism that ...

The Nicer Thing: Simplicity in Islam

The Nicer Thing: Simplicity in Islam
One day our first Imam, Imam Ali (A.S) went to the market with his servant, Qambar. There he bought two shirts, one which was really nice and expensive and the other which was not as nice. When Imam Ali (A.S) returned home he gave the better shirt to Qambar and kept the other one for himself. Qambar told Imam Ali (A.S) that it would look better if he wore the nicer shirt as he was the leader of the Muslims (Commander of the Faithful) while ...

The ears are active during sleep

The ears are active during sleep
(Qur'an, 18:11)According to recent scientific discoveries, the ear is the only sensory organ active while a person is sleeping. This is why we need an alarm clock to wake ...

Imam Khamenei Pays Tribute to Late Imam Khomeini & Martyrs of Islamic Revolution

Imam Khamenei Pays Tribute to Late Imam Khomeini & Martyrs of Islamic Revolution
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Saturday morning paid homage to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, two days before the beginning of Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn) ceremonies, marking the victory of 1979 Islamic Revolution.Ayatollah Khamenei visited the mausoleum of the late Imam Khomeini, south of Tehran, to pay tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic.The Iranian nation toppled the ...

An Explanation of Hijab

An Explanation of Hijab
 Islam essentially aims to pave the way for human being’s salvation and all religious beliefs and moral and juridical precepts have been revealed in line with this ultimate goal.In other words, the purpose of all practices and teachings ordained by The All Wise Creator is to meet all mental and physical, material and spiritual, personal and social needs of the human beings.Consequently, all the divine precepts related to the women ...

How to Get Rid of Teeth Grinding?

How to Get Rid of Teeth Grinding?
Teeth grinding (bruxism) is involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth. It is thought that about half of the population bruxes from time to time, while around five per cent are habitual and forceful tooth grinders. It generally happens during sleep, but some people experience it when they are awake.Bruxism can be a physical expression of stress; for example, susceptible people may tend to grind their teeth when they are angry, ...