Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Necessity of Hijab

Necessity of Hijab
 The divine commandments and clear orders of the Almighty God in the Qur’an impart to us the following points in describing the philosophy of necessity of hijab:1. Preventing the scope of promiscuity in the society and the increasing number of the illegitimate children is considered as another reason for the philosophy of necessity of hijab.A brief review of the number of children born illegitimately in the U.S.A. (1999) shows that ...

Muharram program hold in Jannusan, Bahrain

Muharram program hold in Jannusan, Bahrain
    Muharram program hold in Jannusan, Bahrain 1437-2015 (first four days)Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad ...

IBN SINA: ABU ‘ALI AL-HUSAYN (980-1037) [Routledge]

IBN SINA: ABU ‘ALI AL-HUSAYN (980-1037) [Routledge]
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the foremost philosophers in the Medieval Hellenistic Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd His philosophical theory is a comprehensive, detailed and rationalistic account of the nature of God and Being, in which he finds a systematic place for the corporeal world, spirit, insight, and the varieties of logical thought including dialectic, rhetoric and poetry. Central to Ibn Sina’s ...

Philosophy of Education as a Tool for Understanding

Philosophy of Education as a Tool for Understanding
In a sense such a course as Education 381 is an introduction to educational philosophy. It gives an opportunity to seek consistency to the solutions which you will develop for the problem in the operation of a school system.  It is sometimes suggested that every one has a philosophy of life and that every teacher has a philosophy of education.  For a truly professional consideration of education, and even for satisfactory consideration ...


Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid Caliph, once arranged for an old man in Yemen who had seen the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) personally to come to Baghdad and visit him. As the old man was very weak, he was brought on a stretcher. On entering his court, Haroon welcomed and made the Old man sit beside his throne. He then asked him whether he had seen the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) personally. The Old man in his weak and lowly voice ...

Tunisia massacre gunman was inspired by fanatic running global terror cell in London

Tunisia massacre gunman was inspired by fanatic running global terror cell in London
Links between the Tunisia beach massacre and Islamist extremism in Britain can be revealed today. The fanatic who inspired gunman Seifeddine Rezgui ran a global terror network from London, a Daily Mail investigation has found. The mentor – Saifallah Ben Hassine – was himself a disciple of hate preacher Abu Qatada, then also based in the UK.    The dramatic revelation came as: Survivors of the attack that cost as many as 30 ...

Bahraini regime releases one of the oldest detainees of Feb. 14th uprising

Bahraini regime releases one of the oldest detainees of Feb. 14th uprising
The Bahraini security authorities released on Friday (October 21, 2016) Shiite youth Shawki Radhi, from Al-Ekr village, after serving his 5 and half years prison term. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Bahraini security authorities released on Friday (October 21, 2016) Shiite youth Shawki Radhi, from Al-Ekr village, after serving his 5 and half years prison term.Radhi, along with others, was allegedly accused of what is known as "incidents of ...

Women the Latest Target of Bahrain's Crackdown

Women the Latest Target of Bahrain's Crackdown
For the past 2 1/2 months, Bahrain's government has cracked down brutally on opposition figures who led massive anti-government protests in February and March. Doctors, journalists, human rights workers and even elected officials have been detained and beaten.  The government's most recent targets are women. "They took me from my work," one woman says. "And from the beginning, they slapped me on my face, on my head, ...

Absolutely nothing justifies attacks on children in northern Syria: UNICEF

Absolutely nothing justifies attacks on children in northern Syria: UNICEF
 This week in Syria, more than 20 children were reportedly killed in air strikes in Manbij and a 12-year-old boy was brutally murdered on-camera in ...

Family of killed Russian pilot to reject compensation from Turkey

Family of killed Russian pilot to reject compensation from Turkey
- The family of Russia’s air pilot Oleg Peshkov, who was killed after his bomber was shot down over Syria by a Turkish jet last autumn, has dismissed the idea it might agree to accept compensations from ...

Ahl al-Bayt(A.S.), Source of Mercy

Ahl al-Bayt(A.S.), Source of Mercy
The linguistic meaning of mercy is kind or forgiving attitude shown towards somebody by one who has the right or power to punish. Mercy in the Holy Quran is accompanied with various concepts and paragons. Mercy is a Divine truth and one of Allah’s attributes shown towards all beings especially man. All creatures are manifestation of Allah’s general and particular mercy. Mercy in the Holy Qur'an The Holy Quran has raised the question of ...

The marvels of the eyes and tongue

The marvels of the eyes and tongue
The marvels of the eyesUsually the eyes are compared with the camera with has delicate lenses that take pictures of various scenes. The pictures reflect like a movie in the eye channel and from there with the help of sight nerves transfers to the brain.This apparatus of taking the photographs which is very much fine and accurate, in the entire period of day and night may do the photography from the different scenes but in many ways it cannot be ...

Lady Zainab's birth anniversary celebrated in Kano, Nigeria

Lady Zainab's birth anniversary celebrated in Kano, Nigeria

Pictures from the birthday commemoration of Sayyida Zainab (A), the commemoration was organized by the sisters forum of the Islamic movement in Nigeria on Wednesday 17/2/2016 at center, K/Waika in Kano. Malama Halima represented Malama Ummul Khair of Tijjaniya sect and Malama Baraka of Qadiryya sect also spoke at the occasion. The guest speaker Malam Sunusi Abdulqadir spoke on the life of Sayyida Zainab (A) and pointed out lessons from it.

Over 20 World countries hold pro-Nimr protest rallies

Over 20 World countries hold pro-Nimr protest rallies
Human rights activists in 20 countries held rallies on Saturday in solidarity with top Saudi Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Human rights activists in 20 countries held rallies on Saturday in solidarity with top Saudi Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.They called on Saudi authorities to revoke the death sentence for Sheikh Nimr and immediately release the senior cleric.The rallies were staged in ...

Shia, Sunni Muslims appeal for peace during Ramadan in India's Chennai

Shia, Sunni Muslims appeal for peace during Ramadan in India's Chennai
CHENNAI, India: Amidst the backdrop of attacks on Shia Muslims in different parts of the world, Chennai sent out a message of unity, harmony and peace to convey the true meaning of Islam.Shia and Sunni sects came together on Sunday at a city hotel to celebrate Iftar (breaking fast) under the umbrella of the Shia Sunni Unity Movement which was launched in the city in April."Though there are some conflicts between Shias and Sunnis in different ...

Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Seattle, Washington (USA)

Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Seattle, Washington (USA)
    'Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Seattle, Washington (USA) / 2015-1437Ahlul Bayt News Agency - 'Who Is Hussain' campaign organized by youth people of University of Washington in city of Seattle (USA) on Oct. 2015. People of different cultures, and religions expressed high interest in learning more about Imam Hussain (A').Organizers of “Who is Hussein?” Campaign distributed pamphlet and water bottles to local ...

Some Realities about Abu Hurayra

Some Realities about Abu Hurayra
The man who narrated the largest number of hadith—5,374 (446 of which are in Sahih al-Bukhari), although he says that he only spent three years with the Prophet [1]—was Abu Hurayra al-Dusi. He embraced Islam on the seventh year after the migration to Madina. Abu Hurayra himself says that only ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrated more traditions than he did, and that ‘Abdullah used to write them down whereas he did not.[2]In ...

Islam Prohibits Breach of Promises

Islam Prohibits Breach of Promises
Islam Prohibits Breach of Promises Man is bound to behave reasonably so as to be considered a human being. The success of human societies is totally dependent upon the unity of its members. Therefore, it is of special importance that every person conduct his life according to the fundamentals of truth and righteousness, and wholeheartedly endeavors to refrain from any action that may cause dissention or disunity. Furthermore, if the sanctity of ...

Why Is Alcohol Banned in Islam?

Why Is Alcohol Banned in Islam?
Thou believers, do not approach prayers while you are drunk, until you know what you are saying" (The Quran: Surah 4, Verse 43). (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Alcohol is generally regarded as an invisible or forgotten drug, often referring to a substance extensively used by people, most of whom do not know or consider it as an addictive drug. From psychological point of view, alcohol is not the answer, it just makes you forget the ...

23 Bahraini people sentenced to 10 years in jail each

23 Bahraini people sentenced to 10 years in jail each
A court in Bahrain has sentenced 23 people to 10 years in prison each over their alleged involvement in an attack on Al Khalifa regime forces in the Persian Gulf Arab kingdom.According to Bahraini media, the country’s High Criminal Court ruled on Wednesday that the defendants had detonated an explosive device intended to target regime forces. Additionally, they were charged with unlawful assembly in the northwestern village of Bani ...