Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Lebanese students protest against execution of Sheikh Nimr

Lebanese students protest against execution of Sheikh Nimr
Hundreds of students have poured onto the streets of the southern Lebanese town of Nabatieh to express their anger at Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. The students from different schools and universities took part in Wednesday’s demonstration to condemn the Al Saud regime’s killing of Sheikh Nimr, chanting slogans against Riyadh, Washington Israel. Holding pictures of the clergyman, the ...

Prophetic advice: Take advantage of five matters in life

Prophetic advice: Take advantage of five matters in life
The dear Prophet Mohammad (PBUH and his progeny) advised Muslims to take advantage of five matters, each and every day.  “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death." This lesson from the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH and his progeny) ...

Bahrainis to Hold Rallies in Support of Ayatollah Nimr

Bahrainis to Hold Rallies in Support of Ayatollah Nimr
People in Bahrain have been invited to attend rallies on Thursday and Friday to voice support for prominent Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. The Islamic Wafa opposition group has urged Bahrainis to take part in the rallies. Ayatollah Nimr has been in detention since July 2012 has been sentenced to death by a Saudi court. Saudi Arabia’s Court of Appeals and Supreme Court have approved the death sentence handed to the senior ...

Heavenly Women and Houries

Heavenly Women and Houries
Since the greatest physical bounty in paradise are houries the Holy Quran makes a mention of them on various occasions. The houri is called a houri because it denotes a female having a fair body and Ten' means a large-eyed lady. As both these specialities are found in houries they are called Hourul Een. It also may be so because the whiteness in their eyes will be extremely white and the blackness extremely black and it will make them highly ...

Islamic Conception of Knowledge

Islamic Conception of Knowledge
One of the distinctive features of Islam is its emphasis on knowledge. The Quran and the Islamic tradition (sunnah) invite Muslims to seek and acquire knowledge and wisdom and to hold men of knowledge in high esteem.In the Holy Quran the word al-Ilm, knowledge, and its derivatives are used more than 780 times. The first few verses that were revealed to our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) mention the importance of reading, pen, and teaching for human ...

The Summer Heat: Melting Away Our Hijab

The Summer Heat: Melting Away Our Hijab
Although it is obligatory upon all Muslims to practice Hijab in its various forms, unfortunately some of us do not take the concept of modesty as seriously as we must. Only at our convenience will we walk, talk, and dress in accordance with modesty. When Hijab "gets in the way" of partaking in the fleeting sinful pleasures of this world, we'll let our guard down using whatever excuse we can get. The slippery spiral down the abyss of sin sadly ...

Tens of thousands Participated in Ashura Procession in Zaria, Nigeria

Tens of thousands Participated in Ashura Procession in Zaria, Nigeria
    Tens of thousands Muslims in Zaria, Nigeria joined the rest of the Muslim world to Commemorate Ashura tragedy. The Leader of the Shia Islamic Movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky also joined the processions barefooted on Sunday the 10th Muharram 1434 (25/11/12).(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Tens of thousands Muslims in Zaria, Nigeria joined the rest of the Muslim world to Commemorate Ashura tragedy. The Leader of the Shia Islamic ...

Stop the Killing! Stop Saudi Arabia’s campaign of violence!

Stop the Killing! Stop Saudi Arabia’s campaign of violence!
In the terrible  day in February, without his parents ever being informed, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr was taken to a juvenile prison – there he was tortured for months and asked to confess to crimes he never committed: all of it to implications Shiekh Nimr.  For the next four month Ali Mohammad al-Nimr was held incommunicado, without any access to legal counsel or contact with the outside. For he attended a peaceful rally in the Shia ...

The Change of the Qiblah

The Change of the Qiblah
Someone asked Imam Taqi (A.S): O son of Allah’s Messenger, why was Baitul Maqdas made the first Qibla? His Eminence (A.S) replied: Allah Himself mentions the reason:…and We did not make that which you would have to be the qiblah but that We might distinguish him who follows the Apostle from him who turns back upon his heels…Simply: And we made Baitul Maqdas the Qibla, which you faced previously, to know who follows Our ...

How the instincts of independence & freedom are related to the marriage

How the instincts of independence & freedom are related to the marriage
Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam Don't be anyone's slave since God created you to be free." [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, p.214] Human Freedom and Independence Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily affairs and in control over choices. No one has the right to make another his slave imprisoning that individual to serve his own needs. To deprive others of freedom and free will is a mortal ...

Why Syrian Kurds Prefer Moscow to Washington?

Why Syrian Kurds Prefer Moscow to Washington?
- The Kurdish Democratic Union Party which is the largest political umbrella for the Syrian Kurds, opened its first European representation office on Thursday, 11 February in Moscow, a move that does not seem to please Washington and Ankara.  Syrian Kurds opened their office in Moscow while over the past two years, especially during Kobani siege by ISIS militants, Washington greatly aided the Kurds through airstrikes. The US aids have also ...

EU Union of Shia Scholars denounce recent terror attacks in Beirut and Paris

EU Union of Shia Scholars denounce recent terror attacks in Beirut and Paris
Head of Islamic European Union of Shia Scholars and Theologians, during his speech at the fourth conference of dialogs among religions in Hamburg on Saturday, strongly condemned the recent terror attacks in Lebanon and France which left more than 150 innocent people dead and over 200 others wounded. Ayatollahi Ramezani asserted that one of the objectives of holding such dialogues is to draw attention to the similarities among all divine ...

Our Youth ...the Essential Model

Our Youth ...the Essential Model
The World of Happiness and Suffering "The happy one is happy from the womb of his mother, and the sufferer suffers from the womb of his mother." This hadith implies that certain inherited characteristics are transferred from the father and the mother. What is the rebuttal to one who claims that children, according to this concept, are programmed in what they do? Firstly, the concept of the spirit of thought suggested by this hadith is not ...

Sins and the ability to repent

Sins and the ability to repent
Mothers do not give birth to sinful children, and children do not come to this world defiled with sins. When a baby comes to this life for the first time, his mind is empty of any knowledge, intellect and information. He is completely ignorant of what is around him. When he comes to this world, he does not know anything, save crying and suckling. At the same time when he cries or suckles his mother’s breast, he is ignorant of that too. ...

On the role of religious leaders in guiding Community seminar to be held in Bosnia

On the role of religious leaders in guiding Community seminar to be held in Bosnia
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A seminar entitled "The Role and Responsibility of Religious and Social Leaders in Guiding Community" will be held on June 3, in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the contribution of the Islamic Republic of ...

Benefits of Kindness

Benefits of Kindness
The Worldly Benefits of Kindness to Relatives Numerous reports (Rawayaat) testify that Sileh Rahmi (kindness to one's relatives) also has worldly benefits. Like, increase in the life-span, postponement of death, increase in the number of descendants etc., Hazrat Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) related three traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in the court of Mansur Dawaniqi (l.a.). 1) "A man who has only three years of life remaining, ...

Self - Recognition

Self - Recognition
So far as the recognition of self is concerned, bigger the scale of the recognition is, greater the distance between the Master and the slave will be.  The man will maintain himself by keeping away from terrorism and cruelty only when he becomes certain that the real thing is Spirit or Soul, which is immortal and death is only been related to the physical body and does not affect the Soul. In fact, it is the Soul of a person, which receives ...


DOWER AND MAINTENANCE - II  In the preceding chapter we have described the philosophy and origin of dower. It was pointed out that the law of creation has fixed the relationship between the two sexes and has allotted them separate roles in life. It was also pointed out that the custom of dower has originated from the gentle and affectionate feelings of man, and not from his sense of domination and harshness. The role played by woman in this ...



Desire and Hope

Desire and Hope
  ... Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (al-Kulayni)-may God be pleased with him-reports from al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, he from Mu'alla ibn Muhammad, from al-Washsha', from `Asim ibn Humayd, he from Abu Hamzah, who narrates on the authority of Yahya ibn `Aqil that the latter reported that Amir al-Mu'minin `Ali (A) said, "I am apprehensive for you on account of two things: submission to desire and cherishing of inordinate hope. As to desire, it prevents one ...