Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Weeping during tragic times

Weeping during tragic times
By: Second Martyr, Sheikh Zayn ad-Din Ali ibn Muhammad al-Jabil AmiliTranslated from the Arabic by Yasin T. al-JibouriBe informed that weeping by itself does not clash with perseverance or with accepting destiny; rather, it is a human norm of behavior, an indication of one's humanity, an expression of affection towards kinsfolk or a loved one; so, there is no harm in demonstrating it, nor is there any harm in getting out to the open as long as ...

The State of War and the State of Nature

The State of War and the State of Nature
Aristotle: The State of War and the State of Nature Politics, Book I, Chp. 2, selections He who thus considers things in their first growth and origin, whether a state or anything else, will obtain the clearest view of them. In the first place there must be a union of those who cannot exist without each other; namely, of male and female, that the race may continue (and this is a union which is formed, not of deliberate purpose, but because, in ...

We have inherited repentance from our father Adam and mother Eve

We have inherited repentance from our father Adam and mother Eve
When Allah has created Adam as His caliph in the earth and when Adam’s body has become straight and the divine spirit has been breathed into it,[2] he has become fit to be taught the names and then Allah has ordered the angels to prostrate themselves before Adam to glorify him. Then Allah has let him and his wife live in Paradise. Allah has permitted Adam and his wife to enjoy all the blessings of Paradise except a certain tree. Allah has ...

Philosophy of Creation of Woman

Philosophy of Creation of Woman
Philosophy of Creation of Woman In two Quranic verses a reference is made to a subject from which we can conclude a supposition that the woman was created for the man and she being a parasite to him.Herewith I cite these verses, after which I will elaborate and explain their meanings:· "He it is Who created you from a single self and from it did He make his mate that he may dwell resting unto her, when he covereth her, she beareth a light ...

Hadrat Abu Taleb’s Steadfast Faith in Islam

Hadrat Abu Taleb’s Steadfast Faith in Islam
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz Although over 50 years in age Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) became an orphan anew this day with the loss of the Primordial Muslim, his uncle and guardian, Abu Taleb (AS). It was a double blow within a year for the widower Prophet who was still in the state of mourning for his loving wife, Umm al-Momineen (Mother of Believers), Hazrat Khadija (SA), who had left the mortal world on the 10th of the previous Ramadhan and with whom ...

A Reversion to Islam

A Reversion to Islam
Birth and UpbringingSister Tania Pauling was born in 1976 in Germany. Her country of birth is recognised as a very developed country of great importance in Europe and the World, whose population is approximately sixty-five million of whom three million are Muslims. These Muslims are mainly of German, Turkish, Iranian and Arabic origin and the majority of them reside in Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Hanover.  Thus Sister Tania was brought ...

Mistakes Parents often make

Mistakes Parents often make
Mistakes Parents often make       Many parents have frustrated and angry relationships with their children. Even very young children sometimes become a source of annoyance with their constant demands, whining, and disobedience. Family life is supposed to be joyous and fulfilling but reality is often very different in many cases. However, a lot of the heartache and pain of child rearing is quite unnecessary. If parents would take a little ...

How Do You Look at Marriage?

How Do You Look at Marriage?
The Western culture has a big impact on the youth of today, but Islam has provided a way to keep us on the right path. It has strongly recommended early marriage. All the problems of today can be solved with this simple step. It is said that the Holy Prophet was proud of the fact that Islam has made it easy to get married. Have we not turned this around? Traditional Muslim wedding most parents today view marriage through the glass of culture and ...

From Darkness to Light

From Darkness to Light
Salamalaikum my new brothers and sisters! I’m a new revert to Shia Islam – I said my shahada in May of this year (2008), so I’ve been a Muslimah for just over 2 months.  It’s difficult to know where to begin my story, as God has been leading me to Him my entire life.[From Darkness to Light]I had been a Christian my entire life, as I was raised in a conservative Christian family.  We were Pentecostal for the ...

Astan Quds Razavi has an Influential Role in Spreading Religious Culture in the World

Astan Quds Razavi has an Influential Role in Spreading Religious Culture in the World
On the occasion of the Fajr days, the Razavi holy shrine was the host of Sayyedana Tawashih group from Egypt who performed Qur'an recitation and Tawashih in Dar al-Marhamah and Imam Khomeini (R.A.) porticos. In the sideline of performing the Tawashih programs by this group in Dar al-Marhamah portico Astan Quds Razavi had an interview with the leader of this group, Abu al-Abbas Muhammad. Q: When was the Sayyedana Tawashih group formed and in what ...

Moscow, Tehran, Ankara may lead Syria to Peace

Moscow, Tehran, Ankara may lead Syria to Peace
The simultaneous visits of the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Mikhail Bogdanov, the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special envoy to the Middle East, to Tehran have been seen as highly significant. Focusing on the Syrian crisis, the political institutes have suggested that these two visits indicate that Tehran is in process to establish a regional balance of power which would go in favor of Syria. Such a role could only be ...

Outside Influences

Outside Influences
Outside Influences       Although many parents try hard to bring up their children in the right manner, a variety of forces sometimes destroy their efforts. The influences of these outside forces often play havoc with the training given at home. This should not be under estimated and parents must be aware of their negative potential. Once the enemy is realized, it becomes easier to control and decrease its impact.    Human society ...

Great Lady Mary in Islam (01 of 03)

Great Lady Mary in Islam (01 of 03)
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, holds a very special position in Islam, and God proclaims her to be the best woman amongst all humanity, whom He chose above all other women due to her piety and devotion. “And (mention) when the angels said, ‘O Mary!  Indeed God has chosen you, and purified you, and has chosen you above all other women of the worlds.  O Mary!  Be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those bow (in ...

ISIS bans private internet access in Syria’s Shaddadi to prevent media from reporting atrocities against civilians

ISIS bans private internet access in Syria’s Shaddadi to prevent media from reporting atrocities against civilians
The radical group of Daesh (ISIS) has banned  private internet access in the city of Shaddadi in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah, activists said on Saturday.The ISIS-affiliated Sharia Court issued a decision to close all private internet cafés across Shaddadi city. It also banned the residents from using any internet devices at home. The Sharia Court has vowed that anyone violates the decision “will be ...

Love in The Relationship between God and Man

Love in The Relationship between God and Man
Some of the great Islamic philosophers have said that love is the relationship we have with those things that contribute to the maintenance and completion of our existence. When we experience or meet such things we don’t like to be separated from them and we feel a great need for them in our lives. This attachment is what we call love.Thus we find ourselves loving food, loving wealth, loving power, the opposite sex, etc., all of which ...

IHRC: Saudi's Execution of Sheikh Nimr another blow to reform movement

IHRC: Saudi's Execution of Sheikh Nimr another blow to reform movement
The execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia represents another assault by Riyadh on the forces of reform and political empowerment in the Muslim world.The outspoken leader was executed after being convicted in 2014 under charges that included disobeying the ruler, inciting sectarian strife and encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations.His killing signals a renewed determination in Riyadh to undermine opposition and reform ...

His Behavior in his House

His Behavior in his House
As for the behavior of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, it was similar to that of his grandfathers, who were the source of guidance to mankind. The Ima`m spared no effort to follow the behavior and guidance of his grandfather Ima`m 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him.  The narrators said: "He (Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin) followed his grandfather's behavior. When worship made him tired, he sighed deeply and said with regret: 'I am not strong ...

12 Boko Haram fighters killed in gun battle in Nige

12 Boko Haram fighters killed in gun battle in Nige
Security forces in Niger killed around 12 fighters of the terrorist militant group Boko Haram who launched an attack in the southeastern region of Bosso close to the border with Nigeria, according to an army statement on Saturday. Three members of the security forces were lightly wounded during Friday's battle and government forces captured machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers and mobile telephones from the enemy, said army ...


One of the great merits of the writings of Michel Chodkiewicz is that he has placed the Muhammadan dimension of Ibn ‘Arabi’s spirituality at the center of his concerns. Too often in earlier studies of al-Shaykh al-Akbar, scholars pretended that he had appeared in Islam almost in spite of the Koranic revelation and that his chief contribution was to formulate a philosophical system that had certain advantages over Western philosophy ...

A Meeting with Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr

A Meeting with Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr
I went with Abu Shubbar to al-Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr's house, and on the way he honoured me and talked to me about the famous Ulama and about Taqlid (adoption of a legal decision by the Mujtahid) and so on ... until we entered the house where we found al Sayyid al Sadr surrounded by many young turbaned students. Al-Sayyid stood up and greeted us, then I was introduced to him and he welcomed me warmly and sat me next to him. After that he ...