Friday 19th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Last Message the Last Prophet

The Last Message the Last Prophet
From the first, Islam has said that it is the last message, and Muslims have accepted this fact with wisdom and with love, and have realised that Islam is the last manifestation of revelation prophethood and the culmination of the former pure religions Also, all Muslims, on the basis of ayahs in the Qur'an and hadith believe that the prophet of Islam (S.A.) is the last messenger of Allah who was the recipient of human leadership. The great ...


وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ أُوْلَئِكَ الْمُقَرَّبُونَ فِي جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ ثُلَّةٌ مِّنَ الاَوَّلِينَ وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنَ الاخِرِينَ عَلَى سُرُرٍ مَّوْضُونَةٍ مُتَّكِئِينَ عَلَيْهَا مُتَقَابِلِينَ ... And the foremost in faith will be foremost [in receiving ...

The Childhood and Youth of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

The Childhood and Youth of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Al-Mustafa (S), was born after sunrise on Friday the 17th of Rabiul Awwal 570 A.D. in Makka. He was born in the Year of the Elephant, when Abraha tried to destroy the Holy Ka'ba.The parents of the Holy Prophet (S) were Abdullah son of Abdul Muttalib and Aamina daughter of Wahab. Abdullah died two months before his son was born and was buried in Madina. The Holy Prophet (S) belonged to the respected family of ...

The third factor is of a particular nature. The two factors that we have discussed above, that is, the hostile ends of the enemies and the human tendency for conjuring legends and myths, apply to all histories of the world, but there is also a factor whi

 The third factor is of a particular nature. The two factors that we have discussed above, that is, the hostile ends of the enemies and the human tendency for conjuring legends and myths, apply to all histories of the world, but there is also a factor whi
The Third Factor  The third factor is of a particular nature. The two factors that we have discussed above, that is, the hostile ends of the enemies and the human tendency for conjuring legends and myths, apply to all histories of the world, but there is also a factor which is specific to the event of Ashura' that has led to fabrication of stories.  The leaders of the faith, from the time of the Noble Messenger and the Pure Imams, have ...

Mahdi (AJ) in Shia

Mahdi (AJ) in Shia
Mahdi (AJ) in Shia One of the common beliefs among all nations and religions is believing in a divine savior who is the cause of vast blessings and charity for human being. Of course, such savior differs from one nation to another; and it would be discussed in the article: “Mahdi in religions”. Believing in a savior is in human’s nature that causes hope giving and inspiring. Shia- like other schools - insists explicitly on existence of ...

Ali ibn abi Talib, Amir al-Mu'menin

Ali ibn abi Talib, Amir al-Mu'menin
  Name: Ali Title: al-Murtada  Agnomen: Abu ' l-Hasan  Father's name: Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib  Mother's name: Fatimah bint Asad  Birth: In the Holy Ka'bah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH  Death: Died at the age of 63, in Kufah (Iraq) on Monday, 21st Ramadan 40 AH; murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the mosque of Kufah during the morning prayer on 19th Ramadan; buried in an-Najaf ...

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Devotion To Allah-2

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Devotion To Allah-2
be on him, praised Allah with the praise that resulted from belief, knowledge, and sincerity. He acknowledged his falling short of thanking Allah for His lavish blessings and favors. After that he asked Allah for pardon and forgiveness, seeking refuge in Him. He, peace be on him, showed great fear and apprehension to the extent that the souls and hearts quiver.(bid, Supplication no. 51) 5. His Humbling himself before AllahThe Ima`m, peace be on ...

'The Myth of his Divorces' Imam Hasan

 'The Myth of his Divorces'  Imam Hasan
Imam Hasan has been the victim of a most malicious propaganda for the last 1,250 years. He is portrayed as "fond of ease and quiet" by his admirers (Ameer Ali in "Spirit of Islam") and "the great divorcer" by his detractors (Willi Frischaurer in "The Aga Khans"). Before looking at individual reports, it is important to find out when this allegation was put forward, by whom and why. After a thorough study of these reports, I have found that the ...

The Reward of Visiting Her

The Reward of Visiting Her
 Sa'd bin Abdullah said:“I asked Abal-Hassan Ar-Ridha “a.s.” about Fatima the daughter of Musa bin Jafar “a.s.” so he answered:“who ever visited her, he would win paradise”.(1)[The Reward of Visiting Her]2- The son of Ar-Ridha “a.s.” said:“whoever visited the holy shrine of my aunt in Qom, he would gain paradise.” (2)3- As-Saadiq “a.s.” said:“Allah ...

Imam Hadi's (A.S.) Praise for Islamic Scholars

Imam Hadi's (A.S.) Praise for Islamic Scholars
There was a great Shia’h Scholar in the days of our tenth holy Imam al-Hadi (as). Once a Nasibi (a person who curses the Ahlul-Bayt) had a debate with this scholar and the scholar defeated him through Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions.One day this scholar came into a gathering, which consisted mostly of Sayyids and people of Banu Hashim; and Imam al-Hadi (A.S.) was also present. In the centre of that gathering, Imam (A.S.) was seated and ...

The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) [Poem]

The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) [Poem]
  Part-1Billions of salutes to Muhammad!The greatest Prophet Muhammad Allah created him from light Allah gave him the greatest might Allah gave him great kingdom The heaven and earth was his kingdom Billions of salutes to Muhammad!The greatest Prophet Muhammad Before his birth he was powerful He spoke with knowledge so powerful The words of God he recited Holy Quran he recited Billions of salutes to Muhammad!The greatest Prophet Muhammad When ...


THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN WHICH THE IMAM (A.S.) LIVED AND HIS MARTYRDOM  It was stated earlier in this unit that Imam Zainul Abidin (A.S) lived at a time when political position in the Islamic World was very bad for the Imam (A.S) and for those who loved 'Ahlul Bayt' of the Prophet. In this chapter we shall briefly see how bad the Government was. THE RULERSHIP OF MUAWIYA BIN ABUSUFYAN Imam Zainul Abidin (A.S) did not have to deal directly ...

And Allah does not guide the unjust people.

And Allah does not guide the unjust people.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied,  "Lying. When a believer speaks a lie, he becomes prone to commit every other sin; and when this happens, he commits kufr (disbelief) which then makes him enter Hell." (Mustadrakul Wasael) Lying causes forgetfulness 26. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said, "One of the divine punishments for too much lying is that Allah makes the liar afflicted with forgetfulness."  (Wasaelush Shia) Thus ...

The Infallibles Are Not Tempted by Satan

The Infallibles Are Not Tempted by Satan
Should man live in the sanctuary of pure reason, he will be immune from inward and outward Satans: I will certainly lie in wait for them in thy straight path. (7:16) Iblis (Satan) who threatens to mislead all human beings with all his power cannot find his way in a person who himself is a straight path, for Sir¡§ which represents the infinite power of Allah is immune from all temptations. For the followers of the spiritual path, the straight ...

The Word House (Ahlul-Bayt) in Quran

The Word House (Ahlul-Bayt) in Quran
Quran testifies that Sarah, the wife of Prophet Abraham (AS), was blessed by angels and was given the glad tiding that she will give birth to two prophets of God: 11:71 And his wife, standing by, laughed when We gave her good tidings (of the birth) of Isaac, and, after Isaac, of Jacob. 11:72 She said: "Alas for me! Shall I bear a child when I am an old woman and my husband now is an old man? That would indeed be a strange thing!" 11:73 The ...


  IMAM ALI's COLLECTED SERMONS, LETTERS, AND SAYINGSCOLLECTED BY ALLAMA SYED RAZI NEHJUL BALAGHA Translared by Sheikh Hasan SaeedChehel Soton Library and Theological SchoolMasjid e Jame, Tehran, Iran, 1977. The book comprises 245 sermons, 79 letters and 210 sayings. The compiler has only extracted parts from sermons, letters and sayings are reproduced  as it is, readers should not infer that the material which is not reproduced is less ...


HIS PATIENCE ("SABR") AND FORGIVING- NATURE Imam Zainul Abidin (A.S) was similar to his uncle Imam Hassan (A.S) and his grandson Imam Musa Kazim (A.S) (Our 7th Imam) by showing a lot of pat, ience to their enemies. You will remember that after the events of Kerbala, he went through very bad times in the hands of his enemies, but at no occasion did he show sign of anger or impatience. Whenever necessary, he replied to his enemies bravely but ...

Umm-al-Banin -- The Mother Who Bore And brought Up a Hero

Umm-al-Banin -- The Mother Who Bore And brought Up a Hero
The woman, who bore and brought up a hero such as Hadrat Abbas (SA), the standard-bearer to Imam Hussein (AS), was Umm-al-Banin (SA). She was the daughter of Hazam ibn Khali and wife of Imam Ali (AS). She was from the courageous family of Bani Kalab.Aquil arranged the marriage. Her maiden name was Fatima, but when she bore Imam Ali four sons -- Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman -- she was called Umm-al-Banin (i.e., mother of sons only).Her sons ...

The necessity of Hujjutullah [Imamate] for the survival of the earth

The necessity of Hujjutullah [Imamate] for the survival of the earth
Sipah-e-Sahaba’s beloved author Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Numani (late) had cited the following Shi’a traditions from Usul-e-Kafi so as to mock the Shi’a viewpoint on Imamate: These narrations are absolutely correct! The Shi’a believe in the justice of Allah [swt] and also acknowledges His (swt) mercy as well. We believe that our Imams are Allah [swt] ‘s ‘Hujjah’ [proofs] on earth, they represent Him [swt], His religion and the ...

Ali, the Holy Prophet’s Brother

Ali, the Holy Prophet’s Brother
Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad has quoted Zayd ibn `Awfi as saying: I went to the presence of the Holy Prophet (s.a) where `Ali was speaking about covenant of brotherhood among the companions. He said: O Messenger of Allah, when I saw that you made covenants of brotherhood among your companions but I was ignored, my soul was going out of my body! If this is because I have done something wrong and you are angry with me, here I am for any ...