Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Vicissitudes of Mecca and Medina

Vicissitudes of Mecca and Medina
Vicissitudes of Mecca and Medina The great cities of Islam at its birth were Mecca and Medina. Mecca, the centre of old Arabian pilgrimage, the birthplace of the Prophet, rejected the Prophet's teaching, and cast him off. Its idolatry was effete; its tribal exclusiveness was effete; its ferocity against the Teacher of the New Light was effete. The Prophet shook its dust off his feet, and went to Medina. It was the well-watered city of Yathrib, ...

Ancestors of The Prophet (s) part 3

Ancestors of The Prophet (s) part 3
ABDUL MUTTALIB GOES TO THE CAMP OF ABRAHA Abdul Muttalib proceeded to the camp of Abraha accompanied by a few of his sons. The sobriety grace and dignity of the leader of Quraysh made Abraha admire and respect him. So much so that he descended from his throne took the hand of Abdul Muttalib in his own hand and made him sit by his side. Then he very respectfully enquired from Abdul Muttalib through an interpreter as to why he had some there and ...

Ali admonishes the audience, refers to Ahlul Bayt

Ali admonishes the audience, refers to Ahlul Bayt
By Allah, I have been taught [by the Prophet (pbuh)] the knowledge: ▪    to convey the messages, ▪    to fulfill the promises, and ▪    to express with eloquence.   We the people of the house [Ahlul Bayt] maintain the doors of wisdom and the authority to govern.   O people!  Look out, for the paths of religion are one, and its highways are forthright. ▪    The one who follows them will achieve [the aim of ...

Ahl al-Bayt and their spiritual dignity

Ahl al-Bayt and their spiritual dignity
The Holy Prophet was light that is the same truth which was luminous in all aspects and gave light to all others. He knew the entire truth inwardly and outwardly and was eagerly willing to make others aware of the truth of their existence and their relation with the outward and inward of universe. This is the meaning of light as mentioned by theosophists: Light is a quality, being manifest by itself, and revealer of other things.[1] Based on ...

Imam Ali’s Internal Policy (Part 2)

Imam Ali’s Internal Policy (Part 2)
He entertained only that thought, he uttered only that word, and he performed only that deed which he knew, would win for him the pleasure of God. His every thought, his every word, and his every deed, was tested on the touchstone of taqwa. His whole existence revolved around one question, viz., what shall I think or what shall I say or what shall I do that will please my Creator? To the Machiavellians of all times the ends have justified the ...

Do You Know The One Who Splits Knowledge Open?

Do You Know The One Who Splits Knowledge Open?
Imam's Greatness Concerning him al-Qurazi says: "O (you) who split open (baqir) knowledge (making it available) to the people of piety and the best of those who seek to answer the call of the Exalted." Malik b. Ayan al-Juhni said in praise of him, peace be on him: "When the people seek for knowledge of the Qur'an, Quraysh rely upon him. If someone asked where is the son of the daughter of the Prophet, you would gain through him the wide ...

Salman Farsi, the Son of Islam

Salman Farsi, the Son of Islam
It was before noon. Some Muslims sat in Prophet's Mosque waiting for Azan (call to prayer) to say noon prayer. Salman entered mosque and greeted his believing brothers. The Muslims wanted to know the Persian man's tribe. They mentioned their tribes loudly to let Salman hear them One of them said: I belong to Tamim's tribe. Another said: I belong to the Quraish. A third said: I belong to al-Aus tribe. And so on. But Salman was silent. They wanted ...


HIS FAMILY HIS MARRIAGES The Imam's first wife was his cousin, the daughter of Imam Hassan (A.S). Her name was Fatima. She was a very pious person. She was the mother our fifth Imam, Hazrat Muhammad Baqir (A.S). It is reported that once she was sitting leaning against the wall. All of a sudden, the wall began to fall on her. She called out saying. "O wall, by the honour of the Messenger of Allah you have no permission to fall down right know" ...

The Intellectual Qualities of Imam al Hadi (A.S)

The Intellectual Qualities of Imam al Hadi (A.S)
Like the other Imams, the knowledge of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) was also divinely gifted and none had the capacity to excel him in knowledge and virtue. One day poison was administered to Mutawakkil. He made a vow that if he survived he would give a lot of money in charity. When he recovered there was a difference among the scholars regarding what constituted "a lot of money." At last, Mutawakkil sent his slave to Imam Ali Naqi (a.s). He said, ...

Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) in the Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions (sunnah)

Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) in the Qur'an and  the Prophet's Traditions (sunnah)
  The Qur'an emphasizes the lofty position and significance of the Ahlul-Bait so as to make mankind follow their right path, consult them when their opinion differs or their faith, situation and concepts contradict. Investigating the verse of Revelation, we will find that the Qur'an sometimes addresses them as 'Ahlul-Bait', like the Almighty's saying: ..Allah desires only to keep away uncleanness from you O people of the House (Ahlul-Bait) ...

Ummul Baneen the first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.)

Ummul Baneen the first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.)
Hazrat Abbas(A.S.) was the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(A.S.).His mother's name was Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi. She was also known as 'Ummul Baneen'. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kilah, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valour of its warriors. According to historical accounts Hadrat Ummul Baneen was born in the year 5 A.H. Some years after the martyrdom ...

The Sublime Knowledge of Imam Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Sublime Knowledge of Imam Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)
  Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Jawaad (as) was only six years when his father Imam Reza (A.S.) was martyred and He (as) assumed the role of Imamat (Divine Leadership). Many Shia’hs were confused. Some thought that a six-year-old child could not become an Imam and the Imamat should be entrusted to an older man. ‘Ali ibn Asbaat has narrated that: Once Abu Ja’ffar (reference to Imam al-Jawad) came to me, so I stared at him so as to be ...

Imam Hasan (as), a brief look

Imam Hasan (as), a brief look
(This is) an account of the Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him. The Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the mistress of the women of the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) returned from Basra

 Imam Ali (A.S.) returned from Basra
After the battle of Jamal was over, Imam Ali (A.S.) returned from Basra to Kufa in Rajab of 36 A.H. He decided to transfer the capital of his government to Kufa from Madina because it was more centrally placed in the Muslim Empire, and he could halt Muawiya's progress into Iraq. Before marching towards Muawiya, Imam Ali (A.S.) tried to settle matters peacefully by sending Jarir, chief of Bani Bajila and the governor of Hamdan, to Syria as an ...

Severe Pain in the Eyes of Amirul Momineen (a.s.)

Severe Pain in the Eyes of Amirul Momineen (a.s.)
Once Hazrat Ali (a.s.) had sore eyes. The pain was so severe that he was groaning loudly. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) came to visit him and said: "Is this sighing and groaning due to the restlessness or due to severe pain?" Ali (a.s.) replied:  "I have never had such severe pain." The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) related to him a tradition which was so frightening that Ali (a.s.) forgot his pain. The tradition is as follows: A Frightening ...

The Holy Prophet's Marriage with Hadrat Khadija

The Holy Prophet's Marriage with Hadrat Khadija
The Messenger of Allah (S) married Lady Khadija at the age of twenty?five, while Khadija herself was forty years old. Yet some historians allege that she was twenty?five, and still others claim that she was twenty?eight years old.It is also said that she had two previous marriages before marrying the Prophet (S) some historians dispute this and indicate that she was a virgin when He (S) married her. This last claim is not common.The Prophet's ...


(This part gives) an account of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the first of the Imams of the believers, of the rulers (wulat) of the Muslims and of God's (appointed) successors in religion after the Apostle of God, the truthful one and the trusted one, Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, the seal of the Prophets, blessings on him and his pure family. (He was) the brother of the Apostle of God and his paternal cousin, and his helper (wazir) ...

The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) The verse of relationship, from the Quran, says: "Say: `No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin. 'And if anyone earns any good, We shall give him an increase of good in respect there of for Allah is Oft?Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service)." (42: 23) This verse is a clear command from Allah to His noble Prophet. It is as follows: (Say) O Muhammad, to ...

Who are Ahlul-Bayt? (Part I)

Who are Ahlul-Bayt? (Part I)
  According to most authentic traditions in collections of both Sunni and Shia, Ahlul-Bayt (People of the House) of the Prophet are one of the two most precious Symbols of Islam after the departure of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). There are numerous traditions in the collection of both schools that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) has reminded us to stick to these two weighty things (al-Thaqalain), namely Quran and Ahlul-Bayt, in order not to go astray after ...


SURA-E-FATEHA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Today is the first night of Moharram - the start of a new Islamic year. We do not greet it with merry-making, nor celebrate it by holding parties. Our hearts are filled with sadness and grief because we remember those martyrs who were killed in Kerbala. For the next twelve days and nights, we hold Majaalis-e-Husayn to mourn the death of Imam Husayn, his family and companions. The word ...