Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Amir al-Mu'menin

Amir al-Mu'menin
Name: AliTitle: al-Murtada Agnomen: Abu ' l-Hasan Father's name: Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib Mother's name: Fatimah bint Asad Birth: In the Holy Ka'bah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH Death: Died at the age of 63, in Kufah (Iraq) on Monday, 21st Ramadan 40 AH; murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the mosque of Kufah during the morning prayer on 19th Ramadan; buried in an-Najaf al-Ashraf ...

Islam’s Spiritual Program (2)

Islam’s Spiritual Program (2)
(B) The Daily Spiritual Training  Islam has also provided its followers with a program for spiritual training on a daily basis. This program is known as salāt. Salāt is not a “prayer” in the sense of talking to God whenever, wherever and however you like. Salāt is an act of worship which must be done in a prescribed manner. Whenever we use the words “ritual prayer” it refers to salāt and not to “prayer” in the sense explained ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in Hindu Scriptures

Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in Hindu Scriptures
One Hindu research professor, in his stunning book, claims thatdescription of avatar found in the holy books of Hindu religion is infact that of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). A little while ago, in India afact revealing book has been published, which has been the topic ofdiscussions all over the country. Amazingly, the author ofthis book is a fair-minded famous professor, who happens to be a Hindu. His name is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhai and the ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate-3

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate-3
Mu'awiya's Plans: After the battle of Siffin and the order of judgement, Mu'awiya began to behave as if he was the absolute ruler. He began to collect the properties gained by poor-rates (zakat) and taxes and sent armies to different regions in order to terrify people and dominate these areas. Therefore, he chose some criminals as leaders of his armies. These people had no previous convictions to Islam, but, were among those who bore hatred and ...

Maxims of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.)

Maxims of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.)
1 - The highest grade of conviction is to satisfy yourself with the detested act of Allah.2 - He who honors himself will debase the worldly life.3 -As he was asked to define the greatest of people, Imam As-Sajjad(A.S.) said: The greatest of people is that who does notsee the world as great.4 -Before Imam As-Sajjad(A.S.), a man said: O Allah, make me do without people," The Imam instructed: This is not accurate. People are in the service of each ...

Anticipating the Savior of Humanity

Anticipating the Savior of Humanity
Anticipating the Savior of Humanity Written by: Sayyid Murtuda Mujtahidi Sistani Translated by: Naimah Iman Hazrat Ali (A.S.) has said: The best worship of the believer is to have Anticipation for the reappearance of the Mahdi (A.S.) from Allah. Value of Anticipation Anticipation is one of the excellent characteristics of people on the road to success. Because as states in the precious words by the Household of Revelation concerning ...

The Behavior of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

 The Behavior of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
As for the behavior of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, it was similar to that of his grandfathers, who were the source of guidance to mankind. The Ima`m spared no effort to follow the behavior and guidance of his grandfather Ima`m 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him. The narrators said: "He (Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin) followed his grandfather's behavior. When worship made him tired, he sighed deeply and said with regret: 'I am not strong ...


According to A'isha, Ayah of Tat'heer (Purification) was revealed on behalf of Fatima, Ali, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain.[1]  The Occasion:       The term Ahlul Bayt was endearingly used by the Prophet (pbuh) when he was in his wife's house, Umm Salama.  While busy with her chores, Umm‑Salama heard the Prophet say, “Bring them to me, bring them to me.”  He wanted to immediately see Fatima, Ali and their two sons, Al‑Hasan and ...


HASAN AND HUSAYN Islamic tradition has preserved numerous anecdotes depicting the tender care and love which the Prophet showed Hasan and Husayn. They were both born in Medina, and thus knew the Prophet only as children. It is therefore with the intimacy and love of a grandfather that the early life of the two Imams is coloured. Once more, these family anecdotes also reflect clearly the theological and political tension within the community, a ...

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.), The Secret Helper of the Poor

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.), The Secret Helper of the Poor
The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Ali ibn al Hussain, Sajjad (A.S.) however, contradicts this view.Despite his long unique prayers and ...

Obeisance to Ahl al-Bayt Makes you Allah’s Favorite

Obeisance to Ahl al-Bayt Makes you Allah’s Favorite
Anyone who wishes to be Allah’s favorite must endeavor to purify himself internally and externally by obeying Him, His Prophet (¥), and Ahl al-Bayt. In this relation, the Holy Qur’¡n says: Say: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is forgiving, Merciful. (3:31) The Holy Prophet, the obeisance to whom will make us Allah’s favorites, has emphatically ordered his ummah to love Ahl ...

Imam Ali cites the magnificent status of Ahlul Bayt

Imam Ali cites the magnificent status of Ahlul Bayt
n sermon 154, page 215 Imam Ali cites the magnificent status of Ahlul Bayt:  In this sermon Ali alluded to the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and the people who caused disturbances when the liars spoke and the believers remained silent.  He talked about faith, man's finality, and mentioned Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and [Ahlul Bayt].  Ahlul Bayt are mentioned as follows:     The grace of the Holy Quran is about them, [by ...

From Revolt to Martrydom

From Revolt to Martrydom
From Revolt to Martrydom   We have tried so far to set the martyr of Karbala in his religio‑devotional context. It is hopefully clear from what has been said up to this point, that Husayn, before being a martyr, was a man of special status in the religious and social history of Islam. His death, moreover, was not the death of just any martyr or hero, but the death of one with a special divine mission in the dynamic life of Islam, and ...

The Scientific School of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)

The Scientific School of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)
The way of learning from al- Sadiq and discussing for evidence was not as the way we find today in the Islamic theological centers. Rather, his students, except some of them, believed in his Imamate. As we have mentioned earlier, the Imamis believe that the knowledge of the Imam did not depend on the idea and ijtihad (capability for issuing a verdict according to Islamic Law).So, the Imam was asked about the reference. Rather, his knowledge was ...

Glance At The Holy Shrine

Glance At The Holy Shrine
A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)   When Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.) was buried in Qum there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khajraj. The first dome which was in the form of a tower, was built by Hadrat Zainab (A.S.), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this ...

Imam al-Hadi (A.S.) as Ahl uz-Dhikr

Imam al-Hadi (A.S.) as Ahl uz-Dhikr
The author of Ad-Dam’atus- Saakibah has related that:[One day, a non-Muslim, who had committed adultery with a Muslim woman was arrested and presented in the court of Mutawakkil, the Abbasid ruler. As soon as he entered the court, the non-Muslim said, “Do not pass the ruling of punishment for me for I have become a Muslim”.When Yahya bin Aktham, the Chief Justice heard this, he said, “Now that he has become a Muslim, the penalty cannot ...

Imam al Musa al Kazim

Imam al Musa al Kazim
(This is) an account of the Imam who undertook (the office) (al-qa'im) after Abu Abd Allah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be on them, (describing) who gave birth to him and the date of his birth. (It includes) the evidence for his Imamate, the age he reached and the period of his succession (khilafa), his death, its cause, and the place of his grave. As we have mentioned before, the Imam after Abu Abd Allah Jafar, peace be on him, was Abu al-Hasan ...

Fatimah bint Asad named him Haydar

Fatimah bint Asad named him Haydar
Abū-Talib named him Zayd after his ancestor, Qasi ibn Kalab. Fatimah bint Asad named him Haydar after her father Asad. Asad and Haydar both the words mean a tiger. Therefore, in the battle of Khaybar, while reciting the martial poetry combating with Marhab, he said, “I am that whose mother has named him Hayder!” The Prophet (a.s), under divine inspiration called him with the name of `Ali (a.s). There is another opinion that Abū-Talib ...

Quran and the seas of the knowledge

Quran and the seas of the knowledge
Surah 3 (Aali‑Imraan), Ayah 7 designates Ahlul Bayt as the erudite (deeply rooted) in knowledge of the Divine. هُوَ الَّذِيَ أَنزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آيَاتٌ مُّحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ وَأُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ في قُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغٌ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا ...

Concealing the Virtues and Greatness of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

Concealing the Virtues and Greatness of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
n every religion, rather in every school of thought there are some principles which are considered as basic and fundamental and all the other matters are judged under them. Islam is no exception to this rule. There are some things in Islam which are final and cannot be challenged by anybody. And on the basis of these fundamental, the reliability and validity of other matter are measured. This final and ultimate word in Islam is the word of Allah ...