Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Quran calls Ahlul Bait (a.s) truthful ones

Quran calls Ahlul Bait (a.s) truthful ones
Surah 9 (Taubah), Ayah 119 specifies Ahlul Bayt as the Truthful Ones. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَكُونُواْ مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ O' Men of Faith!  Safeguard yourselves against evil [be Muttaqi] and associates yourselves with the Truthful Ones.   Commentary       The Holy Quran commands the faithful to associate with ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Transformed the World

 Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Transformed the World
By: Martyr Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahari"It was by the mercy of Allah that you were gentle with them (O, Muhammad) for if you had been harsh and hard of heart they would of dispersed from around you. So pardon them and pray forgiveness for them and consult with them in the affair" (Quran 3:159).This verse from the Holy Quran indicates that Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.) attitude was a factor in attracting people to Islam. Any leader who wants to ...

Hadrat Zainab bint Ali(A.S.): The Greatest Messenger of the Hussaini Revolution

Hadrat Zainab bint Ali(A.S.): The Greatest Messenger of the Hussaini Revolution
Name:ZainabTitle:Siddiqua-e-Sughra(Kunyat:Umm-al-MasaibBorn : At Madina On 5th Jamadi-al-Awwal 5th Year after HijrahGrand-father:Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)Grand-mother:Umm-ul-Mumineen Hadrat Khadija-e-KubraFather:Imam Ali(A.S.)Mother:Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.)Hadrat Zainab(A.S.) was born in the holy city of Madina on 5th Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the 5th year of Hijrah/627 A.D.Her Holiness became famous for her knowledge of the Holy Qu'ran and ...

Ali (a.s) as a Judge

Ali (a.s) as a Judge
Ali was the most learned man of the age in Islamic law. He acted as a Judge during the time of the Holy Prophet, and the Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar. Some of the judgements delivered by Ali are on record, and show his highly developed sense of discerning the truth, and doing justice.  The story of loaves Once two companions went on a journey. One of them had five loaves with him, and the other one had three loaves. On the way they were joined ...

Favored with The Greatest Form of Infallibility [‘iṣmat al-Kubrā’]

Favored with The Greatest Form of Infallibility [‘iṣmat al-Kubrā’]
5. Favored with The Greatest Form of Infallibility [‘iṣmat al-Kubrā’] Infallibility is a faculty of the soul that prevents man from sinning or committing errors. If this is found in an individual in its highest form, it is referred to as "the greatest form of infallibility". And if a lower form of this faculty exists in an individual, it is called "the lower form of infallibility"[‘iṣmat al-ṣughrā’]. Without a doubt, the Prophet ...

A brief description of morality of the holy prophet

A brief description of morality of the holy prophet
Morality of Ahl al-Bayt is a collection of their godly and human virtues towards their fellow human beings. On many occasions, the infidels, atheists, and pagans were attracted to Islam because they had been influenced by the morality of Islam represented by Ahl al-Bayt. Free from error and vices, Ahl al-Bayt are the paragon of virtues for all human beings until the Judgment Day. Morality of the Holy Prophet Imam al-¯¡diq (a.s) reports: ...

Elegy (Marthiya) on Husayn: Arabic and Persian

Elegy (Marthiya) on Husayn: Arabic and Persian
Lynda Clarke, University of Toronto. From Al-Serat, Vol XII (1986). I propose to give here an account neither of the development, nor of the themes, of the elegy on Husayn, in Arabic or Persian, nor of the outstanding poets of elegy, the literature in both these languages is too vast for that, and spread out over too great a period. Rather, I would like to give some idea of the place of these marathi in literary and religious tradition, ...

Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was a pure branch from the tree of prophethood

Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was a pure branch from the tree of prophethood
Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was a pure branch from the tree of prophethood and a shiny bough from the tree of imamate. By him and his fathers Allah has consolidated Islam and exalted monotheism. Before talking about the aspects of his great personality, we talk about his pure origin, birth, and upbringing. The origin and the birth His father The father of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was Imam Muhammad al-Jawad bin[1] Ali bin Musa bin Ja’far bin Muhammad ...

Fatima (S.A.) was sure that none of her plans can mature in connection with Ali (A.S.)

Fatima (S.A.) was sure that none of her plans can mature in connection with Ali (A.S.)
Fatima (S.A.) was sure that none of her plans can mature in connection with Ali (A.S.). Therefore, she did every thing possible so that a wrong foundation for the caliphate is not laid. But evidently and obviously she could not succeed in her efforts and was compelled to face hopelessness and dismay. After that, it became hard for her to live and she became fed up with the world and day by day got keen and restless for her death. Till at last, ...

Qualities of Imam Reza (as)

Qualities of Imam Reza (as)
Reason behind his title - ‘al- Reza' A group of historians maintain that it was al - Mamun who gave him this title, for he was satisfied with him and appointed him as his successor. Imam Jawad (as) refuted this statement before a group of his companions, saying: Verily Allah, the Blessed and the Most High named him al - Reza, for he was the pleasure of Allah, of His Messenger (saw) and of the Imam's (as). Somebody asked him, Weren't all your ...

Baqiyatallah, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (aj) and Truthful Barber

Baqiyatallah, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (aj) and Truthful Barber
The distinguished scholar, Sheikh Baqir Kadhimi, who lived near Najaf-e-Ashraf, narrates that a truthful barber, once related the following story: I had an old father, whom I served diligently. I exercised such great care never to be neglectful towards him, that I would even place water for him in the toilet and remain in wait outside till he emerged. All throughout (the week) I would be watchful of him, except on Wednesday evenings when I ...

Muslim ibn Aqil: A Symbol of Loyalty and Sacrifice

Muslim ibn Aqil: A Symbol of Loyalty and Sacrifice
Whenever mention is made of Muslim ibn Aqeel (a), one is immediately reminded of loyalty, courage and sacrifice. Integrity, valour and steadfastness still shine upon the pages of time with pride at the achievements of this great personality. Indeed, he stands as an eternal symbol of fortitude, faith and virtue for millions across the world. Meanwhile, when mention is made of Kufan society one thinks of treachery, deceit and cowardice. Worldly ...


Cooperation Cooperation and helping other members of society are the foundations of social life. Providing help and removing the needs of one another bring about both progress in social affairs and increase in friendliness amongst the members of society. The Qur’an has drawn our attention to these principles and advised us with the following: "Help one another in doing good and in piety and do not help one another in sin and ...

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Devotion To Allah

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Devotion To Allah
Among the most prominent qualities of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin was his turning in repentance to Allah and his devotion to Him. This appeared in the Ima`m's whispered prayers, supplications, and words which showed his strong dedication to Allah, the Creator of the world and Giver of life. The Ima`m dedicated himself to Allah and entrusted all his affairs and tasks to Him, the Exalted. When he faced a certain matter, he rushed to Allah, for he ...

Ali Akbar (A.S.): Paragon Par Excellence for All Virtuous Youth

Ali Akbar (A.S.): Paragon Par Excellence for All Virtuous Youth
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz The 11th of Sha'ban is another day of celebration in the month that was of special significance to Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) because of its being a prelude to blessed Ramadhan when the Divine Banquet is spread for the fasting believers and all those striving for the proximity of the All-Forgiving God. It is the day which the Islamic Republic of Iran marks every year as the Day of the Virtuous Youth in remembrance of a youth ...

Demise Anniversary of Hadhrat Ma'suma

Demise Anniversary of Hadhrat Ma'suma
The title of Masuma was given to this noble lady by her brother, Imam Ali Al-Ridha (AS). It is worth noting that this title was awarded to her after her death and she was not referred to by this name during her life-time. This also nullifies the erroneous view that she died after her brother, Imam al-Ridha (A), on hearing the news of his death.A question arises as to why she was given this title of “Masuma”? Was she infallible in the same ...

Are AhlulBait (A.S) greater in status than the Prophet's (A.S)?

Are AhlulBait (A.S) greater in status than the Prophet's (A.S)?
All Prophets (A.S) acknowledge the superiority of the Imam's (A.S)حدثنا السندى بن محمد عن يونس بن يعقوب عن عبدالاعلى قال قال ابو عبدالله عليه السلام مانبئى نبى قط الا بمعرفة حقنا وبفضلنا عمن سواناNarrated to us Al-Sanady Bin Muhammad, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub, from Abdul Aala who said;Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: "No Prophet (A.S) has ...

Prophets & Human Guidance

Prophets & Human Guidance
1. The Purpose of Life   Did God create man as part of the chain of reproduction, to be a cog in a machine, and to be counted only as an automaton? Was man created only for his own enjoyment? Was he created only to amass as much wealth as possible through any means, direct or devious, so as to satisfy his material wants? Is there no greater idea behind His creation?  A large number of people regard only man's material aspect and neglect the ...

Taherah (The Virtuous) Part 1

Taherah (The Virtuous) Part 1
As we have already mentioned, one of Fatima Zahra’s (A.S.) names was "At Taherah" (the virtuous or pure). This meaning is related to the verse:   "And Allah only wished to remove all abomination from you, ye member of the Family and to make you pure and spotless." XXXIII:33 The above mentioned is of great importance because of its subtle meaning and significance.   This verse is considered the main source of virtues granted to ...

The Noble Lineage of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)

The Noble Lineage of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)
Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) was from the heart of the prophetic family, by which Allah had honoured the Arabs and Muslims. It was the holiest family that had undertaken the issues of truth and justice among all peoples of the earth. There is no lineage in this world like the noble lineage which Imam al-Askari (a.s.) belonged to. He was the son of Imam al-Hadi bin Imam Muhammad al-Jawad bin Imam Ali ar-Redha bin Imam Musa ...