Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet (PBUH&HF)

Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet (PBUH&HF)
According to most authentic traditions in collections of both Sunni and Shia, Ahlul-Bayt (People of the House) of the Prophet are one of the two most precious Symbols of Islam after the departure of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). There are numerous traditions in the collection of both schools that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) has reminded us to stick to these two weighty things (al-Thaqalain), namely Quran and Ahlul-Bayt, in order not to go astray after him. ...


Courteousness Being polite and showing others respect are admirable traits that both Islamic law [sharī‘ah] and the methodology of religious leaders have advised us to follow. The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) placed great importance on such principles and always preserved the dignity of others by treating them with respect. There are numerous instances of the Prophet's behavior that teach us to honor ...

The thought of Imam Ali

The thought of Imam Ali
Praise is due to Allah whose worth cannot be described by speakers, whose bounties cannot be counted by calculators and whose claim (to obedience) cannot be satisfied by those who attempt to do so, whom the height of intellectual courage cannot appreciate, and the divings of understanding cannot reach; He for whose description no limit has been laid down, no eulogy exists, no time is ordained and no duration is fixed. He brought forth creation ...

His greatness

His greatness
His Character The late George Gordon was a famous Christian historian, linguist, philosopher and poet of Egypt. Arabic was his mother tongue, at the same time he was well versed in English, French, German, Persian and Latin, and he used to contribute to historical and philosophical magazines of France, Germany and England. About Hazrat Ali he said: "None can praise Ali to the extent that he deserves. So many instances of his piety and fear of ...

No Prophet Would Come After Him

No Prophet Would Come After Him
When Allah made Muhammad (S.A.W.) Prophet, He designated him as the "Last Prophet". For this reason, from the very beginning of his mission! the Prophet of Allah told the people that he was the "last of the prophets", and that no prophet would come after him. Those who believed in Muhammad (S.A.W.) and became Muslims in the early days of Islam, all recognized him to be the last of Allah's prophets. The Qur'an, the Word of Allah and the permanent ...

Amir al-Mu’minin (a.s) used to wear simple and inexpensive dress

Amir al-Mu’minin (a.s) used to wear simple and inexpensive dress
Amir al-Mu’minin (a.s) used to wear simple and inexpensive dress, the type of dress generally worn by the poor and middle class Arabs of those days. Sometimes he wore dress of a quality even poorer than that! His intention always was to cover the body and not to show off grandeur of the dress! He sometimes wore summer apparel during winters and wore the winter apparels during the summers. In time of need, he would patch up his dresses with the ...

Maxims of Imam Baqir(A.S.) / Part II

Maxims of Imam Baqir(A.S.) / Part II
Short wonderful maxims were reported on the authority of Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him. They are full of noble morals and are useful. The following maxims are some of them. 1. He, peace be on him, said: "If you can deal with anyone and do him a favor, do that." 2. He, peace be on him, said: "Flatter the hypocrite with your tongue. Make your love sincere to the believer. When a Jew associates with you, associate well with ...

Transliterated Message of Thaqalayn

Transliterated Message of Thaqalayn
Ahl-al-Bayt (`a): Its Meaning and Origin The term "ahl" signifies the members of a household of a man, including his fellow tribesmen, kin, relatives, wife (or wives), children, and all those who share a family background, religion, housing, city, and country with him. "Ahl" and "al" are both the same term with the exception that "al" is exclusively used for human beings and should come before the family name, but such a condition is not ...

Hazrat Abulfazl’s Characteristics

Hazrat Abulfazl’s Characteristics
Hazrat Abulfazl's Characteristicshazrat abulfazl al-abbas (a.s) Politeness in Childhood One of the sublime virtues of man in Islam is politeness, particularly being polite and nice to elderly, great men, and holy things or persons in all aspects of life because this trait enhances and enriches morality and is considered as one of the important elements of spirituality. Commenting on politeness, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (A.S) said to ...

Imam Hasan Askari's Life: Some Anecdotes

Imam Hasan Askari's Life: Some Anecdotes
One of those was Ishaq al-Kindi. This man was a great philosopher of Iraq. He collected such verses of Noble Qur'an whose meanings were apparently contradictory, in a book called as "self-contradictions". He wanted to prove thereby that it was not the word of Almighty Allah (SWT). When the news reached Imam Hassan Askari (as), he waited for an opportunity to refute him. One day, by chance some of his disciples (students) came to Imam Hassan ...


Leaders of society should be forbearing and patient, strong and powerful, brave and valiant, fearless and bold, and should possess a great soul. How can it be possible for persons who are timid and chicken-hearted, weak and cowardly, feeble-minded and lazy to lead the society through intricate paths? How can they take a stand before the enemies and protect their entity and personality from the attacks of the people at large? The greatness and ...

Knowledge and Actions of the Holy Imams (A.S.)

Knowledge and Actions of the Holy Imams (A.S.)
By: Maulana Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi Knowledge and actions are the two arms of Islam. Just as a bird cannot fly without two wings the Messenger of Allah (S) has said: Knowledge without action is a curse and action without knowledge is deviation. Just as for knowledge it is necessary to have information about the realities of various things and the causes of all the phenomena, in the same way sincerity and purity of intention is needed for all ...

Fatima-The Withering Rose

Fatima-The Withering Rose
It was a short life... As short as the lives of fragrant roses... A life that Lady Fatima (A.S.) endured and now it is coming to an end... even before it was given the chance to completely blossom!! Surely the successive calamities and severe hardships which befell Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.), while she was still young, left her with a broken rib and confined to bed, suffering from her broken rib and remembering what had come to pass and her ...

Awaiting in the Perspective of Responsibilities

Awaiting in the Perspective of Responsibilities
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The awaiting of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) also holds the same distinct characteristics. Even here awaiting purports that an awaiter is not satisfied with his present circumstances and is hoping for a bright and better future. A believer is a witness to the assaults of the enemies of Islam which they are inflicting on Islam with their full might and munitions. The genuineness of beliefs and deeds are not judged as per ...

Sharing in the Difficulties of Others

Sharing in the Difficulties of Others
Sharing in the Difficulties of Others The Most Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) was a religious leader who shared in the life of the people in every way. He never considered himself to be separate from his community and it was never the case that his friends and followers lived in difficulty while he lived in comfort. Rather, he was in the front line of all events and shared in their happiness and sorrow and he ...

The Best Of All Women

The Best Of All Women
Name:             Fātimah. Agnomen:       Umm Abiha. Title:               az-Zahrā’; as-Siddiqah; al-Batūl; Sayyidatu ’n-Nisā’. Father:           Muhammad, the Messenger. Mother:           Khadijah, the Mother of the Believers. Birth:              20th Jumāda ’th-Thāni, 5th year after the Bi‘that. Death:             3rd Jumāda ’th-Thāni, 11 ...


Introduction: All the human beings experience ups and downs and face different problems in life The individuals , usually get weak and unable when facing a problem and try with the aid and guide of the experts to save themselves from the trouble;And by finding the "examples" in any field , and then following them , perform their duties in the best way as to solve their problems and relieve their pains. One of these examples is the honoured ...

Abbas - The Standard Bearer of Husain

Abbas - The Standard Bearer of Husain
The shifting sand dunes of Karbala were smeared with blood. Near one of wash dunes, on the bank of Alkoma, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so, it seemed as if he was anxiously expecting somebody to come to him, to be near him before he breathed his last. Through his starched throat he was feebly calling somebody. Yes, Abbas was anxiously expecting his ...

Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the Generous and Benevolent Holy Imam (A.S.)

Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the Generous and Benevolent Holy Imam (A.S.)
The ninth Infallible Imam of Shi'as in the world, Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), his sobriquet is Aba Ja'far and his titles are: Taqi, Javad, Qane, Morteza and Montakhab, but the most noteworthy of them is `Taqi', signifying a pious person, and `Javad', meaning generous and benevolent.The Ninth Imam (A.S.) was renowned for having a sweeping command of science, philosophy and ethics, even when he had not reached the age of puberty. His peers were in no ...

Husayn the Imam: His Birth and Early Life

Husayn the Imam: His Birth and Early Life
Husayn the Imam: His Birth and Early Life   Husayn, the son of Ali and Fatimah, daughter of the Prophet, was born at the beginning, perhaps on the 3rd, of Sha'ban in the fourth year of the Hijrah. Only he and Jesus, son of Mary, we are told, were in the womb for only six months. Thus we can see that his birth was not an ordinary event since he is regarded by the Shi'i community as the third Imam after 'Ali,his father and al‑Hasan his ...