Friday 28th of June 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sayings of Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

Sayings of Muhammad (p.b.u.h)
CharityA man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die. To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a feast are charitable acts.To extend consideration towards neighbors and send them presents are charitable acts. Education To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female. The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. He who ...

Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S)

Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S)
1. When few blessings come in your way do not drive them away through thanklessness. 2. The wise aims at perfection, the foolish aim at wealth. 3. People, often hate those thing which they do not know or cannot understand. 4. Ask your heart about Friendship, for surely it is a witness that cannot be bribed. 5. One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. 6. Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity ...

Al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali al-Mujtaba

Al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali al-Mujtaba
Name: al-Hasan. Title: al-Mujtaba. Agnomen: Abu Muhammad. Father's name: 'All Amir al-Mu'minin. Mother's name: Fatimah (daughter of the Holy Prophet). Birth: In Medina on Tuesday, 15th Ramadan 3 AH. Death: Died at the age of 46, in Medina on Thursday, 28th Safar 50 AH; buried in Jannatu 'I-Baqi, in Medina. Imam Hasan was the eldest son of Imam 'Ali and Hadrat Fatimah. When the Holy Prophet received the happy news of the birth of his ...

Know the Family (Ahlul Bayt) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Know the Family (Ahlul Bayt) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
The Holy Qur'an in Sura 42, V 23 tells us in the words of Prophet Muhammad (saw), " I do not ask you for any recompense for this (communication of the revelation) except the love of the near kinship." (Mawaddata fil-Qurba). Asking the believers to love the Prophet and his Ahlulbayt. In Sura 33 (Ahzab) V.33 there is further elaboration of the Ahlulbayt and their status. This state of purity, which distinguished Hadhrat Muhammad (a.s.) and his ...

General Invitation of the Prophet Peace be upon him

General Invitation of the Prophet Peace be upon him
Three years had passed since the commencement of the prophetic mission of the Prophet. After inviting his nearest kinsfolk the Prophet resorted to general invitation. During these three years he had guided some persons by special contacts to accept the Islamic faith but this time he invited the general public openly to the religion of worshipping Allah the One and the Unique One. One day he took his place on a high rock and said aloud: 'Ya ...

Hardening of the heart

Hardening of the heart
  A typical feature of earnings by haraam means the money and wealth so acquired. It is narrated from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said, "The madness of (acquiring or constructing) buildings. Mud and water occupies the head of one who earns by unlawful means."(Behaarul Anwaar) It means that a person with unlawful earnings is constantly worried about his wealth and strives to convert it into fixed property so that it is not lost. The ...

The Sermon of Mina -2

  The Sermon of Mina -2
O scholars, you who are celebrated and enjoy good repute on account of your learning! You have achieved fame in society because of your devotion, the good counsel you impart, and the guidance you dispense. It is on account of God that men venerate and stand in awe of you, so that even the Powerful fear you and feel compelled to rise respectfully before you, and men who are not subject to you and over whom you hold no authority willingly regard ...


      Imam Ali bin Husayn Zayn ul A'abideen (A.S.), Peace be on you, O depositories of Allah's knowledge! Peace be on you,O commentators of "Wahi" (revealed words of Allah)! Peace be on you,O rightly guided Guides unto the true way of life!Peace be on you, O symbols of devotion to duty! Peace be on you,O descendants of the Messenger of Allah!I am aware of your true rights; look attentively at your refined disposition, full of ...

Al-Sayeda Zainab (p.b.u.h.), the Greatest Women Messenger of Imam al-Hussain (p.b.u.h.) Revolution

Al-Sayeda Zainab (p.b.u.h.), the Greatest Women Messenger of Imam al-Hussain (p.b.u.h.) Revolution
Al-Sayeda Zainab (p.b.u.h.) was born in the holy city of al- Madina al-Monawara on the 5th Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the 5th year of Hijrah /627 A.D.Her Holiness became famous for her knowledge of the Holy Qu'ran and virtuous life. Her character she reflected the best attributes. In sobriety and serenity she was likened to Umm-al-Mumineen al-Sayeda Khadija (p.b.u.h.), her Grand-Mother, in chastity and modesty to her Holy Mother Fatima al-Zahra ...

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), Allah’s Favourite

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), Allah’s Favourite
Self-Purification Makes Ahl al-Bayt Allah’s Favorites Ahl al-Bayt’s being purified from uncleanness and being endowed with good qualities is the reason for their being Allah’s favorites. In the Holy Quran, Allah has praised them with their best quality, which is a thorough purification and their access to the hidden truth: None shall touch it save the purified ones. (56:79) Due to their knowing of the hidden truth, Ahl al-Bayt are aware of ...

Description of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Description of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Appearance Muhammad (pbuh) was of a height a little above the average. He was of sturdy build with long muscular limbs and tapering fingers. The hair of his head was long and thick with some waves in them. His forehead was large and prominent, his eyelashes were long and thick, his nose was sloping, his mouth was somewhat large and his teeth were well set. His cheeks were spare and he had a pleasant smile. His eyes were large and black with a ...

His Patience, literary achievements

His Patience,  literary achievements
Patience Against Unpleasant Events (Tragedies) The human life is always accompanied by events and unpleasant calamities, and there is no escape from such happenings. The human structure has been created in such a way, that it has to deal with these imposed situations, i.e. always encountering unpleasant events and calamities during the entire span of our lives. The following famous sentence of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A.S.) ...

Allah sent him the Angel

 Allah sent him the Angel
When the Prophet (a.s) was about to die, Allah sent him the Angel of Death to raise his pure soul to the Garden and to the farthest nabk-tree. The Angel of Death came and asked permission from the Household of the Revelation to come in to Allah’s Apostle (a.s). However, Fatima al-Zahra’ told him that the Prophet (a.s) was distracted from him because he had fainted due to his intense illness. After a while, he repeated his request, so ...

A Glance on the Life of Hazrat Abbas (A.S)

A Glance on the Life of Hazrat Abbas (A.S)
Abbas ibn Ali was the son of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima binte Hizam, commonly known as Ummul Baneen. Abbas is particularly revered by Shi’a Muslims for his loyalty to his half-brother and third Shi’a Imam, Hussain ibn Ali, his respect for the Ahl al-Bayt, and his role in the battle of Karbala. Abbas was married to Lubaba binte Obaidullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib. He had three sons, and their names are Fazal ibn Abbas, Qasim ibn Abbas, ...

Imam Hussain's Role in Reviving Islam-2

 Imam Hussain's Role in Reviving Islam-2
Imam Husain (A.S.), the second son of Imam Ali (A.S.), and the grandson of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), was a pure page of the book of Islam, and a vivid translation of its goals and concepts. That is why he first one who responded to the call of faith in his time. In order to honor his commitments to the Shar'ia, he had no other way before him other that of uprising. Without it there would be no reforms. The first communiqué of his ...


FROM MARRIAGE UP TO PROPHETHOOD The most sensitive period of the life of a person begins when he (or she) comes of age. It is so because at this time the sexual instincts attain perfection, the sensual self inspires passions in one's head every moment, the storm of lust darkens the atmosphere of human intellect, the foundation of the rule of material instincts becomes more firm and as a result of all this the lamp of wisdom becomes dim. During ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.):The Innocent Holy Imam

Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.):The Innocent Holy Imam
Imam Reza(A.S.) lived under the wing of his father, Imam Musa al-Kazim, peace be on him, for twenty five years and some months. He witnessed various kinds of ordeal and misfortune which befell his father, who worried and frightened the 'Abbasid government, for he was the focus of the attention of the Muslims and the place of their hope for saving them from the ruling 'Abbasid band, who went too far in wronging the people and forcing them (to do) ...

Hazrat Fatimah’s worship and her Duaa after Dhuhr Prayer

Hazrat Fatimah’s worship and her Duaa after Dhuhr Prayer
  The happiest times Fatimah (A.S) had were the times when she communicated with her Lord in prayer. When she offered the prayer, her heart traveled high to the Divine Sphere, and her body shook out of the fear of her Lord. After each prayer, Fatimah (A.S) devotedly supplicated her Lord with some Dua’a. The following are some of that Dua’a: Her du’a after the Dhuhr (noon) Prayer When Fatimah (A.S) finished the Dhuhr Prayer, ...

The Torch of Guidance and Ark of Salvation

The Torch of Guidance and Ark of Salvation
The Torch of Guidance and Ark of Salvation It is reported that on one occasion Imam Husayn alayhis-salam entered into a room where Prophet Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih was present, and the latter welcome him by saying, "Welcome to you O Aba- Abdillah, the beauty of the heavens and earths". It was said to the Prophet, "How can anyone other than you be the beauty of the heavens and earths?" Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih ...

Karbala and the Imam Husayn

Karbala and the Imam Husayn
I still remember the deep impression which the first Persian poem I ever read in connection with the tragic events of Karbala' left on me. It was Qaani's elegy which begins with the words: What is raining? Blood.Who? The eyes.How? Day and night.Why? From grief.Grief for whom? Grief for the king of Karbala' This poem, in its marvellous style of question and answer, conveys much of the dramatic events and of the feelings a pious Muslim ...