Sunday 23rd of June 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Hassan Askari (as) and the wild animal

Imam Hassan Askari (as) and the wild animal
Mu'tamid, the Abbasid Caliph is just like his forefathers he too was an open enemy of the Ahlul Bayt (as). He declared that Imam Hassan Askari (as) should be imprisoned and that no mercy should be shown to Him. And hence Mu'tamid, the Abbasid Caliph went to Salih bin Wasif and told him to treat Imam Hassan Askari (as) harshly. Salih bin Wasif sent for two of the evilest men he could find to take charge of the Imam, but the men changed into men ...

Chronology of Imam Hussain's Shrine at Karbala

Chronology of Imam Hussain's Shrine at Karbala
AH CE Events 61 1 Oct 680 Imam Hussain (A) was buried at this sacred spot. 65 18 Aug 684 Mukhtar ibn Abu Obaidah Thaqafi built an enclosure around the grave, in the form of a mosque and erected a dome over the grave. There were two entrances to this building. 132 12 Aug 749 A roof was built over a part of this mosque and two entrances were added during the reign of as-Saffah. 140 31 Mar 763 The roof was demolished during the reign of al-Mansur. ...

Lessons of Faith and Optimism in the Sīrah of the Prophet

Lessons of Faith and Optimism in the Sīrah of the Prophet
Lessons of Faith and Optimism in the Sīrah of the Prophet The problems and crises facing Muslims today are that many Muslims become deeply pessimistic about the future of the Muslim community.  In his talk at a Mīlād Conference in Pretoria last month, Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, highlighted the centrality of optimism in the Sīrah. The intensity of problems confronting Muslims worldwide from ...

Abbas (A.S.), The Gateway of Needs

Abbas (A.S.), The Gateway of Needs
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz "My God, submerge me in the most blissful lights of Your majesty, so that I become intimate with You, renouncing all else, fear You and be wary of You, O Majestic and Munificent! And may the blessings of Allah be upon His Prophet Muhammad, and his pure Family, and may countless greetings be to them!" This is how the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS), ends his famous munajat or 'whispered supplication' to the Lord ...

Saying Of Imam Sajjad a.s

Saying Of Imam Sajjad a.s
1. (Oh people) contemplate, meditate & practice for the (place, thing) that you have been created for, Allah did not at all create you in vain & useless.2. There are three (qualities) which is present in a faithful, he is supported & backed by Allah, & Allah provides him the shade of His celestial throne & secures him from the great horror of the dooms day: the one who gives those rights to the others which he wishes & looks forwards to from ...

MASUMEEN STORIES Love in Islam (Al-Hubb) Prophet Muhammad sa Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib Sayyida Fatima Zahra Imam Hasan stories Imam Husayn stories Imam Zain al Abidin as Imam al-Baqir stories Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) Imam Musa Kadhim (as) Imam Al

    MASUMEEN STORIES  Love in Islam (Al-Hubb)  Prophet Muhammad sa  Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib  Sayyida Fatima Zahra  Imam Hasan stories  Imam Husayn stories  Imam Zain al Abidin as  Imam al-Baqir stories  Imam Jafar Sadiq (as)  Imam Musa Kadhim (as)  Imam Al
The distinguished scholar, Sheikh Baqir Kadhimi, who lived near Najaf-e-Ashraf, narrates that a truthful barber, once related the following story: I had an old father, whom I served diligently. I exercised such great care never to be neglectful towards him, that I would even place water for him in the toilet and remain in wait outside till he emerged. All throughout (the week) I would be watchful of him, except on Wednesday evenings when I ...

Ahl al-Bayt are light in essence

Ahl al-Bayt are light in essence
The Perfect Light of Ahl al-Bayt Based on the following authentic narration reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet: The first thing Allah created was my light. And based on the fact that Ahl al-Bayt are the manifestation of this light, we should admit that Ahl al-Bayt are light in essence and this light is the light of Allah which cannot be put out with the puffing of the ignorant ones: They desire to put out the light of Allah with ...

Ghadir Tradition

Ghadir Tradition
Ghadir Tradition Preface You may have heard the name of Ghadir. It is a territory between Mecca and Medina, near Johfeh, which is 200 km far from Mecca. It is a cross road, where the pilgrims of different parts separate from each other:a road towards Medina, northwarda road towards Iraq, eastwarda road towards Egypt, westwarda road towards Yemen, southwardToday, it is an abandoned area, but once it was the witness of one the greatest events in ...

Imam Javad (A.S): Favoring One's Father

Imam Javad (A.S): Favoring One's Father
Bakr the son of Salih narrates the following story:My son in law wrote Imam Javad (PBUH) a letter which included the following: "My father has great animosity with Prophet Muhammad's progeny (PBUT). His belief is corrupted, and he mistreats me to a great extent.My Master, I first like to request your prayer on my behalf, and second to ask for your suggestions on how to deal with this matter. Should I inform others of his corrupted thoughts or of ...

The Learned Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

The Learned Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
Hadrat Fatima Masumah (S.A.) the Blessed and the Gracious Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) was born in the holy city of Medina on the First Day of the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah 173 A.H. Hadrat Fatima Masumah (S.A.) was the most learned scholar and very pious lady and was greatly revered by the Holy Imams (A.S.). She was buried in the holy city of Qum (Iran) and her holy shrine is every year visited by millions of the lovers of Holy Ahlul ...

Anecdotes of Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.)

 Anecdotes of Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.)
ModestyOne day Imam Musa Kazim was passing by the tent of a Nomad who was a black man. He went up to him and said "Salam-Alaikum", in a warm and friendly manner.Upon leaving he said good-bye to him in a very kind manner with these words: "If there is anything I can do for you, I'm more than willing to do it".One of the followers of the Imam who saw this attitude said "Is it suitable for you, the son of the messenger of Allah, to sit and talk ...

Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Proclaimed Islamic Jurisprudence

Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Proclaimed Islamic Jurisprudence
As for the jurisprudence of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them, most of it was taken from the two Ima`ms al-Ba`qir and his son al-Sa`diq, peace be on them. The Ima`mi jurisprudence encyclopedias - such as al-Hada'iq, al-Jawa`hir, and Mustamsak al-'Urwat al-Withqa`- are full of the traditions reported on their authority. Ima`mi jurists depend on them when they conclude legal precepts and give religious opinions. As for ...

Momineen Ali (‘a)

Momineen Ali (‘a)
The revolution against Uthman established a great victory for the Muslims. Because it ended the profiteering and playing with the destinies of the people and it destroyed social deceit and oppression and it demolished the throne of the despotic regime. It created for the community an important thing, which was awaited for the establishment of justice, prosperity and security. That uprising kept in view the matters for shaping the future of the ...

Hazrat Ali An-Naqi (AS)

Hazrat Ali An-Naqi (AS)

Name - Ali

Title - An-Naqi and Al-Hadi

Kunyat - Abul Hasan

Born - Friday 15th of Zilhajj 212 A.H., at Surba

Father's Name - Muhammad ibn Ali

Mother's Name - Summana Khatoon

Died - At the age of 42 years, at Samarra , on Monday, 26th Jamadi-ul-Akhar 254 AH. Poisoned by Mu'taz the Abbaside Caliph

Buried - at Samarra, Baghdad.

Imam Sadiq's Message to His Adherents and Companions

Imam Sadiq's Message to His Adherents and Companions
So, then, Ask Allah for good health. Adhere to courtesy, decorum, tranquility, and pudency, and promote yourselevs against what the virtuous ones among you promote themselves against. Remark favorably on the wrong people: be steadfast against their oppression, beware of opposing them, and use taqiyyah of which Allah ordered you when you sit, associate, and discuss with them. You have to sit, associate, and discuss with them, They will surely ...

The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt

The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt
I found the following astonishing tradition in one of the most famous Tafsir book of the Sunni brothers, that is, "Tafsir al-Kabir", by Fakhr al-Razi who is a leading Sunni scholar with multiple specialties in Tafsir, Fiqh, and theology. The full address of the document is given at the end. I have provided Arabic text for each sentence of this tradition. This tradition can also be found in other Sunni commentary books of Quran, "Tafsir ...

Ramadan Acts of Worship

Ramadan Acts of Worship
For 30 days during the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan, healthy adult Muslims abstain from drinking a single drop of water or eating a bite of food, from before dawn until after the sun sets in the sky, as a religious obligation to God. Every year Muslims look forward to this test of faith with great longing. Last year I wrote a primer on fasting and Ramadan that can be found here. Each fasting day during August will be a trial on my body and my ...


The First Imam Amir al-mu'minin Ali Amir al-mu'minin Ali[1] - upon whom be peace - was the son of Abu Talib, the Shaykh of the Banu Hashim. Abu Talib was the uncle and guardian of the Holy Prophet and the person who had brought the Prophet to his house and raised him like his own son. After the Prophet was chosen for his prophetic mission, Abu Talib continued to support him and repelled from him the evil that came from the infidels among the ...

Al-Hasan (a.s) during his childhood

Al-Hasan (a.s) during his childhood
Without doubt, righteous education plays an important role in forming the child and in developing his or her mental faculties. Likewise, the parents’ conduct has a great effect on developing their children’s cleverness and general behavior. All these vital elements were available to al-Hasan (a.s) during his childhood. The Prophet (a.s) took great care of educating his grandson and gave him his noble qualities. Imam Ali, the Commander of the ...

The Cradle of Human Civilization

The Cradle of Human Civilization
The Cradle of Human Civilization The problem of the origin and development of human civilization continues to baffle the student in modern times. Scholars have long thought that Egypt was the cradle of civilization six thousand years ago and that the earlier ages consisted of a proto-history of which no scientific knowledge was possible. Today, however, archeologists have been at work in `Iraq and Syria in the hope of discovering ...