Sunday 23rd of June 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Infallibility, the zenith of Piety

Infallibility, the zenith of Piety
`i¥mah is virtually the light of theoretical and pragmatic intellect. An infallible man has the power to prevent the influence of illusion on theoretical intellect and to prevent the influence of lust and wrath on pragmatic intellect so that he will not be polluted with sin and he will strive voluntarily towards virtues and perfection. Pragmatic infallibility is the highest degree of piety which will become manifest in behaviors and deeds. All ...

Hazrat Zainab (peace upon her), the great lady to whom Islam will always remain indebted

Hazrat Zainab (peace upon her), the great lady to whom Islam will always remain indebted
Every year the 15th of Rajab revives memory of a great lady to whom Islam will always remain indebted. She was not just the granddaughter of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and the Immaculate Daughter of such noble parents, as Imam Ali and Hazrat Fatema Zahra (peace upon them), but, as the sister of the Greatest Martyr of all times, Imam Husain (A.S), she played an immortal role in keeping alive forever the values of the heartrending tragedy ...

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) in the Psalms of David

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) in the Psalms of David
The Rule of Imam al-Mahdi Referring to the age of Imam al-Mahdi, Quranic verses read: The end is for those who guard against evil. (7:128) Narrations also testify that the rule of Imam al-Mahdi will come about at the end of the world: Our rule will be the last rule. (Kitab al-Irshad by Shaykh al-Mufid: 384/2) Quranic verses have stipulated that this news has been mentioned in the books of the former prophets: And certainly We have written in the ...

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Muhammad bin `Abdullāh is the last and final messenger of God. The message he brought from God is known as “al-Islām,” and the scripture he was given by God is known as “al-Qur’ān.”  1. Arabia at the Prophet’s Birth  The Arabs prior to Islam were idol-worshippers; they believed that apart from the life of this world there was no other life. It was a society in which respect depended on wealth and family. Woman was a commodity, ...

Ali Advises to Follow the Example of Ahlul Bayt

Ali Advises to Follow the Example of Ahlul Bayt
In Sermon 97, page 143, Ali points to Ahlul Bayt:   Lo! Ponder about the Prophet's family [Ahlul Bayt]. ▪    Cling to their direction and ▪    Follow in their footsteps, ▪    Since never will they mislead you, ▪    Nor will they lead you to malice.       Do what they do, whither they sit so you do, and if they rise up, rise up with them.       Follow their example:  Do not outsmart ...

Conveying the Voice of Imam Husayn to the World

Conveying the Voice of Imam Husayn to the World
Conveying the Voice of Imam Husayn to the World There are therefore certain duties that we must discharge with respect to the movement of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, some of which are: 1. We must present the movement of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, as well as his principles and aims to the world through modern media such as Radio and Television, books, internet, etc. in the way that Imam Husayn alayhis-salam would want it. We must glorify ...

Ziyaraat of Imam Sadiq(A.S)

Ziyaraat of Imam Sadiq(A.S)
English Translation: O my masters! O the sons (descendants) of the the Messenger of Allah! I am your servant, the son of your bondwoman, I yield to you in submission, I stand in awe of the sublimeness of your authority, I am fully aware of your rights, I have come to you, seeking refuge with you, moving towards your holy resting place; I apply to your consideration, and through you seek the divine notice and favour. May I enter O my masters? May ...

Why School of Ahlul-Bayt?

Why School of Ahlul-Bayt?
  The purpose of this article is merely to demonstrate that Shia views about the special importance and the leadership of Ahlul-Bayt do not come out of the blue. In this way, I hope to contribute to better understanding among Muslims and hence help to reduce some people's hostility against the followers of the Members of the House of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). The fact that we (Shia) have adopted a creed which differs from that of the Ash'arites ...

The Imams call People to Islamic Unity

The Imams call People to Islamic Unity
  it is well known that the Household of the Prophet tried hard to preserve the rites of islam, to call Muslims to restore its glory, to unify their beliefs, and that they also strived to maintain the brotherhood of Islam and to remove malice and enmity from the hearts of the Muslims.We cannot ignore imam Ali's dealings with his predecessors to the khilafah. He treated them with consideration although he believed that they had taken what was ...

"Mashhad-ar-Reza" – Martyrdom Place of Reza (A.S.)

On 29th of the Islamic month of Safar in 203 AH, Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Infallible Heir of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), attained martyrdom at the age of 55, as a result of a fatal dose of poisoning in the city of Tous, Khorasan, northeastern Iran, by the crafty Mamoun, the self-styled caliph of the usurper Abbasid regime. Born in Medina in 148 AH, he was 35 years when the mantle of Imamate (divinely-decreed leadership) came to rest on his ...

Principle of Confronting Oppressors

Principle of Confronting Oppressors
The Holy Qur'an called all the Muslims to legitimate defense and fighting against despotism and aggression and emphasized on it. Imam Khomeini (R.A) says in this regard: Anyone who is a little familiar with the logic of the Holy Qur'an will realize that it made the Noble Prophet constantly fight with capitalists, with those that were in Hijaz and Ta'if and Mecca. They were capitalists and powerful and tyrants. It was the Qur'an that decreed the ...

Resorting to Ahl al-Bayt & holding mourning ceremonies as a way to approach Allah

Resorting to Ahl al-Bayt & holding mourning ceremonies as a way to approach Allah
Resort to Ahl al-Bayt When a devotee of and obedient to Ahl al-Bayt faces a difficulty which external factors fail to resolve, it will be certainly resolved if he truthfully beseeches Ahl al-Bayt to intercede for him with Allah. Holding Mourning Sessions For Ahl al-Bayt One of the subjects highlighted by Ahl al-Bayt is to hold sessions for propagating their life-giving culture and commemorating the tragic events they went through, especially ...

Why Are Ahl al-Bayt Infallible?

Why Are Ahl al-Bayt Infallible?
Reporting Ibn `Umayr, Mu¦ammad ibn B¡bawayh in his valuable book, Dhakh¢rat al-`Ib¡d, narrates the following: During my association with Hush¡m ibn al-°akam, I did not find but four best words only when I asked him, “Is the Imam infallible?” He answered, “Yes, he is.” I asked, “For what reason?” He said, إنَّ جَمِيعَ الذُّنُوبِ لَهَا أرْبَعَةُ أوْجُهٍ لأ خَامِسَ لَهَا: ...

Disseminating knowledge and learning

Disseminating knowledge and learning
His profound knowledge of religion and other sciences was famed throughout the entire Islamic world. People came from distant regions to learn from him. The number of his students reached over Four Thousand. Among them were scholars of Jurisprudence, Tafsir, Haidth such as Imam Noman bin Thabit Abu Hanifa and Imam Mali Ibn Anas. Heads of other religions also came there to discuss with the Imams students many matters of dispute and on many ...

Imam Al-Hasan (Peace Be On Him)

Imam Al-Hasan (Peace Be On Him)
His father was the Commander of the faithful (Amir al-mu'minin), 'Ali b. Abu Talib. His mother was the mistress of the women of the worlds, Fatima the daughter of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family.   His Birth He was born in Medina on the night of the middle day of the month of Ramadan, in the year 3 A.H. He was the eldest son. When al-Hasan was born, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, took him. Then ...

Kindness of Imam Hasan while eating

 Kindness of Imam Hasan while eating
Ayatullah Shaheed Syed Abdul Husayn Dastaghaib ShiraziIt is mentioned in the book Kashful Ghummah that once Imam Hasan Mujtaba spread his dining cloth with an intention of taking food. A dog saw this from a distance, approached and sat in front of the holy Imam. The holy Imam was taking one morsel and giving one to that dog. One of his companions arrived and said, "O Master! Do you allow me to drive away this dog?" "No. Let it be." What I want ...

Morality and Character of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J.)

Morality and Character of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J.)
The Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (a.s), due to restrictions imposed on them from every side, had no chance to fully reveal their capacities. The Imam of the Time, may Allah expedite his reappearance, will have a chance to reveal his multi-dimensional capacity as foreseen by the Holy Prophet and the Imam’s of Ahl al-Bayt. Therefore, his behavior, conduct and temperament have a dimension wider than those of the other Imams. In most narrations, we read ...

To live with the love for Ahl al-Bayt

To live with the love for Ahl al-Bayt
Therefore believe in Allah and His Apostle and the Light which we have revealed… The Imam said: يَا أبَا خَالِدٍ! النُّورُ، وَاللهِ، الأئِمَّةُ مِنْ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ 4 إلَى يَوْمِ القِيَامَةِ. وَهُمْ، وَاللهِ، نُورُ اللهِ الَّذِي أنْزَلَ. وَهُمْ، وَاللهِ، نُورُ اللهِ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ ...

religious scholars concerning Ja'far al- Sadiq

religious scholars concerning Ja'far al- Sadiq
Who Was Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)?   By:Ayatullah Shaykh Muhammad Husain Muzaffar Indeed, the writer should give a general idea about the person whom he writes about before he goes deeper into his writing so the reader does not misunderstand such a person when he reads each chapter of his life. Here I would like to mention a group of the viewpoints of the religious scholars concerning Ja'far al- Sadiq, peace be on him, because such ...

Ancestry of Hadrat Ali and the holy Prophet

Ancestry of Hadrat Ali and the holy Prophet
Hadrat Ali was the son of Abu Talib, a prominent Quraish chief and custodian of the Holy Ka'bah. Abu Talib was so-called because he was the father of "Talib," the eldest brother of Hadrat Ali. The real name of Abu Talib was 'Abd Manaf.' However, he was more popularly known by his surname than by his real name. Abu Talib was the son of Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib was also a surname, his real name being Shaybah. Abdul Muttalib was the son of ...