Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

The punishment of misappropriation according to the Holy Quran

The punishment of misappropriation according to the Holy Quran
The Almighty Allah says "...and he who eats unfaithfully shall bring that in respect of which he has acted unfaithfully on the Day of Resurrection; then every soul be paid fully what it has earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. Is then he who follows the pleasure of Allah like him who has made himself deserving of displeasure from Allah, and his abode is hell; and it is an evil destination."  (Surah Aale Imraan 3:161-162) In ...

Violation of a promise is caused by disbelief

Violation of a promise is caused by disbelief
    It is an established fact that there are numerous Quranic verses and traditions which prohibit the breaking of a promise, and makes obligatory the fulfillment of promise. The following verses are sufficient to prove this point: "Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe. Those with whom you make an agreement, then they break their agreement every time and they do not guard ...

Shia are Muslim - Fatwa of Grand Mufti Shaltoot

Shia are Muslim - Fatwa of Grand Mufti Shaltoot
What follows is the Fatwa (religious verdict/ruling) of one of the Sunni world's most revered scholars, Shaikh Mahmood Shaltoot with regard to the Shia. Shaikh Shaltoot was the head of the renowned al-Azhar Theological school in Egypt, one of the main centers of Sunni scholarship in the world. It should be of interest to know that a few decades ago, a group of Sunni and Shia scholars formed a center at al-Azhar by the name of "Dar al-Taqreeb ...

Honesty, the Most Manifest Sign of Personality

Honesty, the Most Manifest Sign of Personality
Undoubtedly, two attributes of truthfulness and honesty (truth and trust) are the most manifest signs of personality. Rather, we can not call a human the one who lacks these two, and both of them originate from a common source, because truthfulness is nothing else than trust in speech, as trust is nothing else than truth in action, and as we will see their social results are similar. Haply for this respect, "truth in speech" and "trusteeship" ...

What is the cure for doubts and obsession in beliefs?

What is the cure for doubts and obsession in beliefs?
I am hereditarily suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. I have been to different specialists and psychiatrists but to no avail. I am interested in believing in God and the Prophet (S) and avoiding sins. I am making every effort to know God and to get rid of this disease which no one knows except those who suffer from it. My efforts have led to nowhere. That is the reason I have begun to face doubts and have realized that the Imam of Time ...

Is questioning pervasive and all-encompassing? What does questioning of prophets mean?

Is questioning pervasive and all-encompassing? What does questioning of prophets mean?
The Holy Quran says, "Most certainly then We will question those to whom (the messengers) were sent, and most certainly We will also question the messengers." (Al-A\'raf: 6) Elsewhere the Quran again says, "And most certainly you will be questioned as to what you did." (Nahl: 93) When it comes to these two verses, two important questions seem to be of considerable significance: 1. It is inferred from the foregoing two verses that questioning is ...

The Evils of Westernization

The Evils of Westernization

Refraining From Sins is Genuine Worship

Refraining From Sins is Genuine Worship
"Abstaining from sins is the basis of religion. Hence, refrain from sins in order to become the most pious worshipper. Adorn yourself with piety. Do not perform a single good deed without piety. Surely that deed is most acceptable by Allah which is accompanied by piety, even though it may be trifle. As Allah says, "Allah accepts the good deeds only from the pious people."  (Iddatud-Dai) Hence if you succeed in remaining aloof from sins, then ...

Arguments against the Existence of God

Arguments against the Existence of God
The Problem of Evil One of the major arguments proposed against the existence of God in contemporary western philosophy is the problem of evil. It is based upon the inability to reconcile the magnitude of evil in the world with the all-loving nature of God. John Hick describes the problem from the perspective of its proponent: "If God is perfectly loving, God must wish to abolish all evil; and if God is all-powerful, God must be able to abolish ...

Authority and Tradition

Authority and Tradition
  Authority, in Islamic terminology, may be defined as ”wilayah”. Literally, this term means intimacy, assistance, love, and tenure of office. He who has such qualities is called ”wali”. According to the Holy Quran, God is to be known as “wali”. God owns all existence[1] and as a result, He leads the universe.[2] Since God is Wali and Guardian of the entire world, He is its “Guide” as well. God, Who has authority over the ...

Islamic Philosophy

Islamic Philosophy
For a long time Islamic philosophy was under a cloud of doubt and uncertainty. Some people denied its existence while others affirmed it. This uncertainty continued all through the nineteenth century. Those who denied the very existence of an Islamic philosophy feigned ignorance and maintained that the teachings of Islam opposed all free discussion and investigation, and therefore Islam has never risen to the aid of philosophy and science ...

Belief in the Qur'an

Belief in the Qur'an
We believe that the Qur'an was Divinely inspired, and revealed by Allah on the tongue of His honorable Prophet, making clear everything, an everlasting miracle. Man is unable to write anything like it because of its eloquence, clarity, truth and knowledge, and no alteration can be made to it. The Qur'an we have now is exactly what was sent to the Prophet, and anyone who claims otherwise is either an evil-doer, a mere sophist or else a person in ...

Acts of virtue and goodness

Acts of virtue and goodness
  Lord! Grant brightness of sincerity to the mirror of the heart, Cleanse the rust of hypocrisy from the tablet of the heart, and show the path of virtue and salvation to the helpless wanderers in the mazes of the bewilderment(astonishment) and error and confusion. Endow us with the nobleness and generosity of character. Reveal to us your glory and splendour, that you have reserved only for your chosen servants. Expel the legions of ...

Every Sin is Pardonable

Every Sin is Pardonable
According to the verse of the Holy Quran and Mutawatir (widely related) traditions all the sins which man commits are pardonable if he repents sincerely. It is wrong to say that such a sin can never be pardoned. The Almighty Allah says in the Glorious Quran,  "And He it is who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons the evil deeds and He knows what you do."  (Surah Shura 42:25) Allah has mentioned His names as: 1) Tawwabun (one who ...

Earth as a Big Cradle

Earth as a Big Cradle
The Earth is the place of living, rest and comfort for mankind. The Beneficent God has created, on the earth, all the necessary means, and has left them at man’s disposal: Suitable soil for growth of various plants, air for breathing, water by which everything is alive, various resources and mines, the mountains which like pins hold the earth in place and cause its surface to be safe from severe storms and quakes. The Earth’s gravity ...

The Significance of Prayer

The Significance of Prayer
    ...Muhammad ibn Ya`qub (al-Kulayni), from `Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from al-Nawfali, from al-Sakuni, from Abu 'Abd Allah (al-'Imam al Sadiq) (A) that he said: "Amir al-Mu'minin (A) used to say: `Arouse your heart to contemplation; keep your side clear off the night; and be heedful towards your Lord." [1] Exposition: The phrase kana yaqul (used to say) has a meaning different from qala (said) ...

Who Are Disobedient to Their Parents

Who Are Disobedient to Their Parents
Those Who Are Disobedient to Their Parents The sixth Greater Sin is to be disobedient to one's parents as expressly mentioned in the traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Pure Imams (a.s.). These have already been quoted in the first chapter. A tradition of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says that the greatest sins are shirk and to be disobedient to one's parents. The seriousness of disobedience to parents as a Greater sin can be gauged ...

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin
  1) All those sins are Greater which have been specifically termed as Greater in the Holy Qur'an and the traditions. The number of such sins exceeds forty and they all have been explained in the traditions of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The explanation of these traditions will follow later. 2) All those sins are Greater about which the Qur'an and Hadith explicitly state that those who commit these sins will enter Hell. Or if it is not ...

Divine Bounties (Barakat) are Removed

Divine Bounties (Barakat) are Removed
  To lay bets with articles not usually employed in gambling is also Haraam. Archery and horse racing are exceptions to the extent that it is permissible only for those who participate in the sports to bet amongst themselves. Apart from these two games it is Haraam to bet in any other competition. For example, yatching, weightlifting, lancing etc. The income of the participant who wins is Haraam. He must return it to his opponent. Horse ...

The Continuity of Prophethood

The Continuity of Prophethood
Continuity is one of the main points in the discussion of prophethood. In the first Sermon of the Nahj-ul-Balagha, the Commander of the Faithful aims at picturing the line of prophethood as a consistent and continuous line in the course of history extending to the time of the Prophet of Islam. In fact, never in the course of history has there been a time or place devoid of a Prophet or signs of a Prophet in the past, i.e. either a Prophet has ...