Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Role of the Movement of Ashura in the

The Role of the Movement of Ashura in the
The Role of the Movement of Ashura in theContinuity of the Islamic Revolution Akbar Abediyan If we meticulously do research on the Ashura, we will learn about the role of the Ashura in the perpetuation of the Islamic Revolution.The revolt of Abu'Abd Allah has a special splendor when compared with the sacrifices of other great men. The impressive luminescence of this epic is rooted in the holy blood of Abu'Abd Allah(A) which will remain ...

Do you know this man

Do you know this man
Abu-Matar, one of the inhabitants of Basrah, reports: I was coming out of Kufah Mosque when suddenly a man called from behind, “Hold up your garment which makes it last longer and cut your hair short, if you are a Muslim.” I followed him while he had covered himself with a cloak and held a lash in his hand like a Bedouin, “Who is this man?” He said, “I find you a stranger in this city!” I said, “Yes, I am a man from Basrah.” He ...

Yazid’s son admitted his father’s guilt

Yazid’s son admitted his father’s guilt
Ya‘qubi relates from Mu‘awiyah ibn Yazid ibn Mu‘awiyah, Yazid's son, that after inheriting his father's position and ascending to the caliphate, he addressed the people in this way, "And after praising Allah... Be informed that my grandfather Mu‘awiyah ibn Abi Sufiyan had quarrelled and disputed about the caliphate with a person who was more deserving and worthy of it as regards blood relationship and proximity to the Holy Prophet ...

Utmost respect for children:

Utmost respect for children:
I want to kiss your forehead: During the days when Imam would go to the Madressa Alavi, people would come to meet him in groups (men in the morning and women in the afternoon).  There would often be a lot of crowding and usually a number of people would become unwell and would need to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Once, I was in the presence of Imam in the midst of this crowding.   Imam’s eyes fell on a boy of 10 years who ...

Human History and Islam

 Human History and Islam
Haughty tribes and nations which lived without following God's teachings preached by the Prophets and mentioned in the scriptures all suffered from mental deviation regarding humankind and all world affairs. They made wrong judgments about Creation and nearly all creatures. They stated incorrect things based on their wrong impressions and unjust judgments; thus they lived a life full of oppression both to themselves and others. The pages of life ...

How is the meaning of events and facts distorted?

How is the meaning of events and facts distorted?
How is the meaning of events and facts distorted? Historical events and facts have on the one hand certain causes behind them, and, on the other, they are inspired by certain goals and motives. Misrepresentation of a historical event lies in ascribing to it causes and motives other than what they have actually been, or in attributing to it goals and motives other than what they in fact were. For instance, you visit someone who has recently ...

Events After the Migration of the Prophet P.B.U.H part 2

Events After the Migration of the Prophet P.B.U.H part 2
  The Battle Of Hunayn After the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) proceeded to clear out the suburbs of the city and fought numerous battles with the Arab idol-worshippers, one of which was the Battle of Hunayn. The Battle of Hunayn was one of the most important battles of the Holy Prophet (s.a.). It took place in the valley of Hunayn against the tribe of Hawazin. The army of Islam, with twelve thousand soldiers, arrayed in front ...

Ghadir Khumm and the Orientalists By

Ghadir Khumm and the Orientalists By
1. Introduction [1]The 18th of Dhu 'l-Hijja is celebrated in the Shi'a world as the 'idd of Ghadir Khumm in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said about Imam 'Ali: "Whomsoever master (mawla) I am, this 'Ali is also his master." This event is of such significance to the Shi'as that no serious scholar of Islam can ignore it. The purpose of this paper is to study how the Orientalists handled the event of Ghadir Khumm. By "orientalists", I mean the ...

Prophethood and promulgation of the Religion

Prophethood and promulgation of the Religion
Chapter OneProphethood and promulgation of the Religion On the Threshold of Prophethood The Holy Prophet’s ancestors were all monotheists and his household was pure. Beside the sincerity and purity of his ancestors and household, he enjoyed pure and high education and always stayed away from the unseemliness and abomination of idolatry practiced by the Meccan people.[1] Referring to the period of the Holy Prophet’s training and education, ...

Encounters on the Battlefields

Encounters on the Battlefields
Islam was advancing rapidly but at the same time the idol-worshippers of Mecca, as well as the Jewish tribes of Arabia, were unrestrained in their harassment of Muslims. With the help of the hypocrites of Medina who were among the community of Muslims, they created new misfortunes for the Muslims every day until finally the matter led to war. Many battles took place between the Muslims, the Arab polytheists and the Jews. The Muslims were ...

Islamic Scientists

Islamic Scientists
Islamic Scientists   1. Physics(a). Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haitham ( 965 - 1039 )* Know as Alhazen to the West* Mathematical evolution of spherical mirrors* Rectilinear motion of light and use of lenses* Refraction angle variations* Magnifying effects of the Plano convex lens(b). Abu Raihan al-Biruni ( 973 - 1051 )* Gravitational force* Introduced the concept of elliptical shape of cosmological bodies(c). Abu'l Fath' Abd al-Rahman ...

Popular Distortions and our Responsibility

Popular Distortions and our Responsibility
Our discussion concerning the distortions (tahrifat) in popular accounts of the historical event of Ashura consists of four parts:  The meaning of distortion (tahrif) in general.  A description of the distortions that have taken place in regard to the historic event of 'Ashura and their examples.  The factors responsible for these distortions and the causes that lead to tahrif in general and the special factors that have been particularly ...

The Relationship between the Muslims and Jews-2

The Relationship between the Muslims and Jews-2
A Part of the ConspiracyIt seems clear that 'Umar's assassination was a conspiracy, and that Ka'b Al-Ahbar was a part of the plot. The assassination of 'Umar would weaken the Muslims because an outburst of violence against the caliphate would shake the confidence in the Islamic regime and create confusion. Announcing the event before it took place made the companions believe in what Ka'b predicted and what he claimed to be recorded in the Old ...

The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali

The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali
The Prophet (a.s.) paid much attention to establish a society balanced in behavior, understanding, values, and morals. Therefore, he supplied the society with treasures in the field of education and social development that would take people to perfection.   The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali The Prophet (a.s.) recommended Imam Ali (a.s.) with maxims and decencies to be not specially for Imam Ali (a.s.), but to be a guide and method ...

Spread of Tashayyu' and Beginning of Shi'ite Historiography during the Safawid Era

Spread of Tashayyu' and Beginning of Shi'ite Historiography during the Safawid Era
It should be noted that during the Safawid period, part of the historiography is related to the recording of historical developments of the Safawid State. We do not intend to describe such compilations whose outstanding examples are the different 'Alam Ara-s[65] and the Khula-sah al-Tawa-ri-kh. We only intend to point out those historical books that exclusively deal with the history of the advent of Islam, such as the biography of Prophet ...


JihadAmmar devoted most of his time to the life of Jihad. He took part in the Muslims conquest battles. He also fought bravely against the apostasy in Yemen. When Umar bin al-Khattab became the Caliph after Abu Bakr, he appointed Ammar to rule over Kufa.There Ammar treated people according to Allah's law. And the people were pleased with his just, merciful and humble ...

Islam, the Qur'an and the Arabic Literature

Islam, the Qur'an and the Arabic Literature
Since the advent of Islam and the revelation of the Qur'an in the early years of the seventh century AD, the Muslim Holy Book has been the subject of many extensive analytical studies. The focus of the great majority of these studies has been the theological and legislative aspects of the Holy Book, for the Qur'an provides Muslims with detailed guidance on their everyday problems. Together with the sayings, actions, and recommendations of ...

Historical Events in Madinah in the Life of Holy Prophtet (S.A.W)

Historical Events in Madinah in the Life of Holy Prophtet (S.A.W)
THE CONQUEST OF MAKKAIn 6 A.H., the treaty of Hudaybiya had been signed by the chiefs of the Quraish of Makka and the Holy Prophet (S). An important clause of this treaty stated that there would be no fighting between the two parties or their allies. In the years following the treaty, there was general peace and the Muslims went freely to Makka to perform their pilgrimage in the presence of thousands of idol worshippers who were the enemies of ...

How Does Culture Change?

How Does Culture Change?
All cultures are constantly changing. Changes may happen rapidly or slowly. Since culture consists of various factors, changes in one will also affect the others. Some sociologists believe much social maladjustment is due to unequal changes in different cultural components. When some parts tend to lag behind others, cultural retardation develops. Most of the cultural retardation observed in the history of the United States concerns ideas, ...

The Hashmite Prince

The Hashmite Prince
The whole town of Medina was humming with activity. People from all parts of the town were looking into the street of the Hashimites where a caravan was getting ready for a journey. The elders of the town were talking to each other in hushed tones, recalling the words of the Prophet, that a day will dawn when his beloved grandson Husain (as) would leave Medina with his sons, brothers, nephews and kinsmen never to return. There was sadness on the ...