Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Facebook threatened by 2.5 million Muslim users

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), A template letter posted into numerous Facebook pages is warning Mark Zuckerberg and his team that 2.5 million Muslims will leave the social networking site if certain demands are not met.

The anger of these 2.5 million users appears, from the letter, to revolve around the free display of anti-Islamic symbols and pages and the removal of four Facebook pages that were highly popular amongst the site’s Muslim users.

The letter wants those pages re-instated and wants new rules that make it an offense to post anti-Islamic comments on the site, otherwise 2.5 million people will move to an Islamic alternative to Facebook.

“Although you have attended the world’s best communication skills courses you have been most successful in growing great hatred and hostility between you and Muslims around the world,” reads part of the letter.

It goes on to decry the company’s acceptance of an ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ page, which is controversial because it allows users to draw the Prophet Mohammed, a highly revered figure in Islam whom Muslims believe it is an offense to portray in any visual medium.

t goes on to decry the company’s acceptance of an ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ page, which is controversial because it allows users to draw the Prophet Mohammed, a highly revered figure in Islam whom some believe it is an offense to portray in any visual medium.

The letter asks Facebook to respect their beliefs and feelings and reinstate their pages, but Facebook said in a statement that the ‘I love Mohammed’ and ‘Quran Lovers’ pages were disabled because they were spamming users.

“The pages in question were taken down because they violated our policies about spamming users. These pages were not removed because of content violations,” said a spokesperson, though her comments referred to why the pages were disabled, not why they couldn’t be reinstated.

source : http://abna.ir
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