Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Iran Supreme Leader to Ahmed Jibril: Palestine issue a top concern of Muslim World

Iran Supreme Leader to Ahmed Jibril: Palestine issue a top concern of Muslim World

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that Palestine issue is at the top of the concerns of the Muslim World.

The Supreme Leader made the remarks in a meeting with the Secretary General of Palestinian People's Liberation Front (PLF) Ahmad Jibril.

'The Islamic Republic of Iran will resolutely stand by the Palestinians and the young people until the day that the Palestinian resistance will bear fruit. We will definitely see that day,' the Supreme Leader said.

Appreciating Ahmad Jibril's efforts in the way of liberation of Palestine and efforts made to materialize the Palestinians' ideals, the Supreme Leader said: You are definitely one of the pillars and strong columns of the Palestinian issue and I hope you will continue preserving this resistance spirit till achieving final victory.

Ahmad Jibril expressed pleasure with the chance to meet the Supreme Leader, saying that the Islamic Revolution of Iran turned Iran into an effective country in regional developments.

'The Islamic Republic of Iran's achieved progress has been under the sagacious and insightful leadership of Your Excellency,' added the Palestinian movement's leader.

Secretary General Jibril meanwhile appreciated Iran's strong stands in the way of materializing the basic rights of the Palestinian nation.


source : www.abna.ir
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