Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Egyptian Nude Blogger Urges Muslim Women to Pose Without Veil

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the Egyptian blogger who stirred a controversy in the Arab world by posting nude pictures of herself on Twitter to protest against Islamism, has urged women to send her photos of themselves without a headscarf.

The 20-year-old activist is in hiding after receiving thousands of death threats after her naked pose.

"Women who were veiled and took off the veil and women who are veiled and want to take off the veil, send me all or some of these items if you agree to publish them," Elmahdy wrote on her blog.

The blogger, who faces a lawsuit along with her boyfriend and fellow blogger Kareem Amer for inciting indecency and insulting Islam, made headlines worldwide for a series of naked pictures on Twitter she posted under her real name in a protest against Islam. Her move sparked a heated debate on Twitter.

source : http://abna.ir
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