Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Shiites in Holland Promoted Ashura Culture in Intresting Way + Pics

 Shiites in Holland Promoted Ashura Culture in Intresting Way + Pics
The youth of "Kawthar Cultural Institution" in an interesting way, began to promote Shiism and Ashura incident by distributing bottled water.      (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The youth of "Kawthar Cultural Institution" in an interesting way, began to promote Shiism and Ashura incident by distributing bottled water.  They wrote about the story of Imam Hussain's thirst on slips of papers and attached them to the ...

Holy Quran Recitation Festival in Khartoum

Holy Quran Recitation Festival in Khartoum

 President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir, on Monday evening attended a festival on Holy Qur’an recitation at Al-Hadarab Mosque at Shambat quarter in Khartoum.

The Festival held in celebration of the victory scored in Heglig by the Armed Forces and the other forces.

The festival is organized by the Higher Islamic Da'awa Council, in collaboration with Imams and those who recite the Holy Qur’an. 

Saudi, Bahrain, Iraq voice solidarity with senior Saudi Shia cleric 'Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr'

Saudi, Bahrain, Iraq voice solidarity with senior Saudi Shia cleric 'Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr'
hlul Bayt News Agency - Protesters in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iraq have expressed their solidarity with prominent Saudi Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr behind bars in the kingdom.On Saturday, Saudi protesters once again took to the streets in Eastern Province and called on Riyadh to free the dissident cleric, who has been in prison for over three years.The protesters in the city of Awamiyah also chanted slogans against the rule of Al ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Takfiri Beliefs must be rooted out

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Takfiri Beliefs must be rooted out
Senior cleric Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi said Takfiri beliefs should be rooted out by Islamic Ulama, media and thinkers, because military confrontation with such a terrorist group is not adequate. He made the remarks in a meeting with the UN Secretary General Special Envoy for Iraq Nicolay Mladenov and his accompanying delegation here on Monday evening, Iran's official news agency reported. 'Of course, challenging their wrong thoughts is ...

Winners of Quran Memorization Contest Honored in Tanzania

Winners of Quran Memorization Contest Honored in Tanzania
(AhlulBayt News Agency) -  Winners of national Quran memorization contest in Tanzania were honored at a ceremony held today, October 16, in Dar-es-Salam, the capital. According to the website of the World Association of Quran Memorization, the competition was organized by the association in cooperation with Tanzania’s Charity Association for Quran Memorization. It was attended by 364 participants who competed in categories of ...

Forum on Eid Al-Adha Held by Azerbaijani Shia Muslims in Baku

Forum on Eid Al-Adha Held by Azerbaijani Shia Muslims in Baku
 A forum on Eid Al-Adha was held by Azerbaijan Islamic Party on October 23 at Baku Elite Housing Complex.The program was attended by religious, political and social figures as well as a number of scholars and intellectuals such as Haji Hasanli, Haji Siran Mudares, Jalal Oghlu, head of Democrat Party, Taher Karimli, head of Unity Party, Akif Naghi, chairman of Karabakh Liberation Organization and representatives of Khadija Kubra (SA) Association ...

Photos: Baqee protest in Washington DC started from Saudi embassy and ended on White House

Photos: Baqee protest in Washington DC started from Saudi embassy and ended on White House
Baqee protest in Washington DC started from Saudi embassy and ended on White House ...

Six Ways to Help the People of Bahrain

Six Ways to Help the People of Bahrain
As Muslims and people of conscience, it is incumbent upon us to do whatever is in our ability to raise awareness of this tragedy and help the oppressed. Below are a few suggestions: Keep Appraised of What Is Happening and Inform Others. Most Western and even Middle Eastern news sources have unfortunately proven themselves to be disappointingly biased and lacking in coverage of the situation. PressTV and ABNA are routinely being updated with the ...

France attacker some mad dog, says Shia cleric Maulana Sadiq

France attacker some mad dog, says Shia cleric Maulana Sadiq
Revered Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq condemned the terrorist attack in France and warned the community to stay away from anything which is against humanity. Addressing at the closing ceremony of a conference organised by Eras Medical College and Hospital on Saturday, Maulana Sadiq compared the attacker in France to a mad dog which pushed innocents into the deep sleep of death. "The attacker in France was some mad dog," he said. Citing the old ...

Threat of terror attack on jails of Punjab, intelligence agencies issued High alert

Threat of terror attack on jails of Punjab, intelligence agencies issued High alert
Shiite News: Security on all jails of Punjab have been strengthened after the intelligence reports regarding threats of terror attacks on jails of Punjab have been issued. According to the reports of intelligence agencies, terrorists have entered Punjab due to the army and Rangers’ ongoing operation in South Punjab and other parts of the country. These terrorist could target jails of Punjab therefore, provincial government has been asked ...

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian on the occasion of Imam Jawad,s (AS) martyrdom in Hamedan

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian on the occasion of Imam Jawad,s (AS) martyrdom in Hamedan

Iranian Quran Reciter Well Received in Kenya Mosuqe

Iranian Quran Reciter Well Received in Kenya Mosuqe
  --Quran recitation by Masoud Pirouzmand internationally known Iranian Quran reciter was well received Monday in Bomani mosque in Kenya’s coastal town of Malindi. Piruzmand, who is in Kenya on an invitation by Iranian Cultural Council in the country, recited verses from Sura Al-Qari'ah, which was followed by interpretation of the verses by the Imam of the mosque.   Piruzmand then performed Ibtihal prayers and prayed that God help ...

Israel to shut down Gaza's main fuel terminal: Palestinian official

Israel to shut down Gaza's main fuel terminal: Palestinian official
Israel to shut down Gaza's main fuel terminal: Palestinian official Israel intends to gradually close the Nahal Oz crossing terminal along the border with the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian border official quoted as saying.   Israel intends to gradually close the Nahal Oz crossing terminal along the border with the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian news agency quoted a Palestinian border official as saying on Thursday. "The ...

Photos/ the ceremony of Arafa Prayers in Husseinieh of Hedayat in Tehran

Photos/ the ceremony of Arafa Prayers in Husseinieh of Hedayat in Tehran

Calgary Muslims Fight Radicalism

Calgary Muslims Fight Radicalism
Joining forces to combat radicalism, Calgary Muslim leaders met with officials and other faith groups to discuss extremist threats faced by the Canadian community.“In a very peaceful city like Calgary, we have seen a number of kids from here that have gone abroad,” Atthar Mahmoud of Muslims Against Terrorism, was quoted by CTV on Sunday, March 1.“I think that they are brainwashed by some sources and that is the ...

Funeral prayers of 3 Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi

Funeral prayers of 3 Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi
Funeral prayers of Karachi's martyrs have been offered at Incholi Imambargah Shuhada e Karbala on last Friday.According to information, terrorists of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal Jamat had martyred a father and son and a young Shia named Hashim when they were returning after offering Friday prayers at Shah Najaf Imambargah in Bafarzone.Martyrs Ali Sajjad and his son’s funeral prayers were offered on Friday at Khair ul Amal Imambargah in ...

“Ashura and Gaza” Seminar in Zimbabwe

“Ashura and Gaza” Seminar in Zimbabwe
-- A seminar on “Ashura and Gaza” has been planned by Iran Cultural Center in Zimbabwe to be held on January 3 at Imam Khomeini Center in Kadoma. Sheikh Ismael Duwa, head of Muslim Council in Zimbabwe, Sheikh Mostafa Basili, in charge of Al-Kawsar Islamic Foundation, Sheikh Lawani, head of the Policy-Making Council of Imams of mosques and Asadi Mowahhed Iranian cultural attaché in Zimbabwe will deliver lectures at the seminar. Photos, ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: In choosing their friends, the youth must be meticulous/ 5 conditions for choosing a friend

 Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: In choosing their friends, the youth must be meticulous/ 5 conditions for choosing a friend
            ‘This is one of the greatest honors of Imam Ali (a.s.) that he had the oath of specific brotherhood with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.),’ the Ayatollah added. 5 conditions for choosing a friend In continuation, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi explained a narration from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) which talks about the choosing friends and specific brotherhood, he said: ‘Imam Sadiq ...

Ethiopian Students Compete on Memorization of Quran

Ethiopian Students Compete on Memorization of Quran
A national Quran competition for school students was held in Ethiopia last week. According to hqmi.org website, it was organized in the field of Quran memorization by the Serving the Quran Association.94 students from different schools took part in the Quranic event held under the supervision of the World Association of Quran Memorization.They competed in the categories of memorization of the entire Quran and memorization of 20, 10 and 5 Juzes ...

UNICEF praises Iranian leader's Fatwa in support of children's education

UNICEF praises Iranian leader's Fatwa in support of children's education
Representative of the United Nations children's fund, UNICEF, in Iran Ezio Gianni Murzi hailed the Islamic Republic's supportive role, specially Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei's religious decree, for the improvement of the educational conditions of refugee and immigrant children in Iran. "A fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khamenei in this regard (educating children of the neighboring counties) is a very beautiful example of international ...