Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Rising Islamophobia irks U.S. Muslim organizations

Rising Islamophobia irks U.S. Muslim organizations
Muslim leaders in Washington said that Islamophobia was on rise particularly after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks but its frequency and notoriety has increased in the U.S. during the past decade Some even argue that there are those who have a very clear agenda to propagate stereotypes about Islam. The burning of a mosque in Texas and fliers distributed on the streets of Boston demanding that Islamic State (Daesh) surrender within 72 ...

Sheikh Qassem: Quneitra Attack Targets Hezbollah in Specific

Sheikh Qassem: Quneitra Attack Targets Hezbollah in Specific
Deputy Hezbollah Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed Sunday that the assault on Hezbollah convoy in Syria's Quneitra on Jan. 18 was targeting Hezbollah in specific. During a ceremony held by Hezbollah to mark seven days after the martyrdom of Jihad Moughneih, son of late senior Hezbollah commander martyr haj Imad Moughneih in Beirut, Sheikh Qassem underlined that Hezbollah fight against takfiris is part of his fight against Zionist ...

Book on ‘Ramadan with Qur’an’ published into different languages

Book on ‘Ramadan with Qur’an’ published into different languages
On the verge of the blessed month of Ramadan, management of Non-Iranian Pilgrims Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi translated the book ‘Ramadan with Qur’an’ written by Hujjat al-Islam Mohsen Qaraati into several foreign languages aiming at non-Iranian pilgrims of Razavi Holy Shrine.”Driven from ‘Tafsir Noor’, the book contains a combination of Qur’anic words, commendatory, and some points about narrations of ...

Nigerians protest massacre of Shias in Zaria

Nigerians protest massacre of Shias in Zaria
Nigerians have staged protest rallies in several cities to mark the 40th day after the army massacred hundreds of Shia Muslims in the northern city of Zaria.  According to Press TV, the protesters in the northern city of Kano condemned the murder of the supporters of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) on Saturday and called for the unconditional release of its leader, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky. Similar rallies were held in the ...

Salāt (/Salāh: Prayer; in Persian: Namaz)

Salāt (/Salāh: Prayer; in Persian: Namaz)
The word "salat" is derived from Syriac, or from Aramaic, where the root si' means to bow or bend, the Arabic verb salla, to perform the salat, is derived from the noun.The salat, one of the pillars of Islam, is mentioned in the Qur'an as a duty performed by believers who give the Zakat, or alms. The times and regulations for the salat are given in detail in the hadith, and were eventually fixed at five times: Dawn,Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, and ...

10 inspirational quotes on Islamic unity by Imam Khomeini

10 inspirational quotes on Islamic unity by Imam Khomeini
1. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia “Muslims should be awake, Muslims should be alert that if a dispute takes place among Sunni and Shi’ite brothers, it is harmful to all of us, it is harmful to all Muslims. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia, they are agents of the superpowers and work for them.” 2. Islamic brotherhood “If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among ...

The rights of children and parents towards each others in islam

The rights of children and parents towards each others in islam
The Rights of the Parents   Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, And that ye be kind to parents. [Holy Quran: BaniIsrail: 17:23, p.700.] A Heavy Burden Honoring the rights of the parents is a really heavy burden which only those who truly believe in God and the Hereafter can bear. The Holy Quran has stated the characters of a believer in:  The answer of the Believers, when summoned to God and His Apostle, in order that He ...

Twin bomb blasts hit Nigerian Maiduguri Mosque

Twin bomb blasts hit Nigerian Maiduguri Mosque
The twin bomb blasts from suicide bombers which occurred in the early hours of Monday at the University of Maiduguri Mosque in Negeria, Borno State has claimed the lives of a Professor, four others and injured 17.It was gathered that emergency workers have evacuated the bodies of those killed to the mortuary and those injured were moved to a nearby hospital within Maiduguri town.The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has confirmed the ...

KSA’s Anger Due to Regional Failures, Israel to Fall with Its Arab Allies - Sayyed Nasrallah

KSA’s Anger Due to Regional Failures, Israel to Fall with Its Arab Allies - Sayyed Nasrallah
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Sunday a speech, in which he tackled a number of issues, particularly the recent Gulf step of labeling Hizbullah as "terrorist".Addressing thousands of crowds, commemorating a week on the martyrdom of the Resistance Leader Martyr Ali Fayyad [Alla of Bosnia], His Eminence condoled the Leader's family and all the martyrs' lovers.Hailing the traits of the great martyr, ...

Separating the Qur'an from the Family

Separating the Qur'an from the Family
Among the arguments put forward from the Ahl' ul-Sunnah to justify the adallah (justice) of the sahaba is that they complied the Qur'an. To question their trustworthiness is to question the authenticity of the Qur'an. Hence even if the sahaba are in the wrong, we must interpret in such a way to protect their integrity (even if it means degrading the position of Prophethood. (Examples of this exist in the chapter on the will of the Prophet (saw) ...

Staff, students of Birzeit University rally in support of hunger-striker al-Qiq

Staff, students of Birzeit University rally in support of hunger-striker al-Qiq
Birzeit University’s administration, Workers’ Union and students on Thursday organized a sit-in at the university campus in Birzeit town, north of Ramallah, in solidarity with Palestinian hunger-striker detainee Mohammad al-Qiq. The protestors called for immediate and unconditional release of al-Qiq, a former Birzeit University student and head of students’ council, who has been on a hunger strike for 85 days in protest of ...

Women’s role in Islamic Revolution discussed in Senegal

Women’s role in Islamic Revolution discussed in Senegal
The role and status of women in the Iranian Islamic revolution were reviewed in a forum held in Senegal to mark the Ten-Days of Dawn festivities. According to the website of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), the forum was organized by the Iranian Cultural Center in Senegal in cooperation with the Union of Senegalese Muslim Women. The main objective of the program was to investigate interactions between Iranian and ...

Islam, woman and duties of pregnant

Islam, woman and duties of pregnant
One of those important books on the qualities of a Islamic Family, is the nobel writing of Professor Hossein Ansarian “ The Islamic structure of Family”. The aforesaid book can be refered to as the most comprehensive of Islamic books in this regard. The issue to be followed is adopted from this book. In travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command) [Holy Quran: Luqman: 31:14]   The ...

Bibi Khadija Kubra (A.S.)

Bibi Khadija Kubra (A.S.)
Name :Bibi Khadija ibnt-e-Khawailadt (SA)) Title : Umm-ul-Momineen Agnomen : Tahira Father : Khawailad ibn Asad Mother :Fatima Birth :at Makkah Death :10th Ramadan 2 years before Hejira at the age of 65 years. Buried in Meccah   There are only four women in the entire world who measured up to the lofty standards of real greatness and perfection set by Islam. They are: 1. Bibi Asiya (SA), the God fearing wife of Pharaoh 2. Bibi Maryam ...

How to Give Alms

How to Give Alms
Whenever Imam Zeinul Abideen (A.S) gave alms, he would kiss his own hands. When they asked him the reason, he said: “Before alms is put in the hand of needy man, it is placed in God’s hand.”Imam Ali (A.S) has said: “When you give alms to a needy man, the alms giver should kiss his hand, for God receives the alms before it is put in the hand of the needy man, since God is the Receiver of the alms.”The Holy Prophet ...

Supplication of the 19th Day

Supplication of the 19th Day
سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحمْنِ الرَّحيماَللّـهُمَّ وَفِّرْ فيهِ حَظّي مِنْ بَرَكاتِهِ، وَسَهِّلْ سَبيلي اِلى خَيْراتِهِ، وَلا تَحْرِمْني قَبُولَ حَسَناتِهِ، يا هادِياً اِلَى الْحَقِّ الْمُبينِ.In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the MercifulO Allah, on this day, multiply for me its blessings, ...

An Outline of Governance from a Qur'anic Perspective

An Outline of Governance from a Qur'anic Perspective
This paper is an attempt to partially delineate the salient features of Shi'ite political thought. It seeks to clarify that Islam is an all-embracing religion consisting of a set of laws and injunctions which are requisites for the establishment of an ideal society. The paper presents a brief discussion about governance during the period of occultation of the twelfth Imam, the role of the supreme Leader and the essential qualifications for ...

Bahrain regime attack protesters after teenage's funeral

Bahrain regime attack protesters after teenage's funeral
- Bahraini regime forces have clashed with demonstrators holding a rally to denounce the death of a 17-year-old teenager who succumbed to injuries he sustained in a police chase.Protesters on Tuesday took to the streets in the town of Shahrakan, located on the outskirts of Manama, to condemn the killing of Ali Abdulghani, who died of his wounds in a hospital in the capital four days after he was reportedly overrun by a police vehicle.The ...

The rights of wives and husbands in Islam

The rights of wives and husbands in Islam
  Those are limits set by God: those who obey God and His Apostle will be admitted to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to abide therein (forever) and that will be the Supreme achievement. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:13] An Outlook on Family Rights The rights of wives and husbands are completely described in the Glorious Quran. When studying them one can recognize these mutual rights as being one of the miracles of the pure culture of Islam. No ...

Ayatollah Noori Hamedani warns against indecent moves in Muharram

Ayatollah Noori Hamedani warns against indecent moves in Muharram
Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Grand Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani, top Iranian jurisprudent, issued a statement on the occasion of Muharram and banned any overstatement and extremist move during the mourning ceremonies of Muharram.The message by senior cleric runs,” In confrontation with distortions brought into Islam, we have to know that moves like using machetes or any word in contrast with the honor of these days is religiously ...