Sunday 21st of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Crises of Modern Man

Crises of Modern Man
Today's world is a raucous world. Sometimes one feels as if he has lost his self and lacks any will. We move along the current to any direction either up or down. Everything depends on the circumstances. It can be said that humans in today's world have reached the point of uncertainty and face the crisis of identity. The crisis emerges when a conflict arises between the person's inner self and the surrounding world. There are different kinds ...

Some Anecdotes regarding Fear and Hope (Khauf wa Raja)

Some Anecdotes regarding Fear and Hope (Khauf wa Raja)
Muhammad Yakub Kulaini quotes from Imam Zain-ul-'Abidin (as) that some people were sailing in a boat when it toppled in a storm. Only one woman survived by hanging on to a wooden plank that kept afloat. She landed in an island where she met a sinful person. When he saw the woman the evil desires rose in his mind. The woman cried and begged him to spare her the ignominy. The man told her why she was so scared of anyone in that lonely place.The ...

Ban the burka? Now that’s what I’d call oppression

Ban the burka? Now that’s what I’d call oppression
The French parliament is debating plans to ban women from wearing the full Islamic veil, known as the burka, in public. The country appears to be obsessed with Islamic dress. In 2004, the wearing of headscarves was outlawed in French schools and now Muslim women are back in the spotlight. As a young Scottish Muslim, I am tired of Western governments’ attempts to impose their values upon these women. Being brought up in Scotland has ...

Malaysia: 16 arrested Shiites at Ashura mourning ceremony released on bail

Malaysia: 16 arrested Shiites at Ashura mourning ceremony released on bail
16 of Malaysian Shiites, who were arrested two days ago at Imam Hussein (AS) mourning ceremony, were released on bail. Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- 16 of Malaysian Shiites, who were arrested two days ago at Imam Hussein (AS) mourning ceremony, were released on bail. They also have to be present at the 'Religious Affairs Organization of Selangor' (JAIS) according to the dates specified for each of them. Police also called on every women and ...

Family in Islam

Family in Islam
Islam has instituted the system of family on sound bases agreeing with the life necessities and the individuals’ exigencies and behavior. It has regarded the family talents that are afforded by God, as spontaneous. God says:And one of his signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion.This phenomenon on which mankind have been natured is one of God’s grand ...

Zaria Shia Massacre: "American President Obama Stoned But Nobody Was Killed"

Zaria Shia Massacre: "American President Obama Stoned But Nobody Was Killed"
Responding to allegations about the video clip aired by military, he said the video was edited to justify their inhumane acts. "American President Barack Obama was stoned somewhere and nobody was killed" AhlulBayt News Agency - On Tuesday 19th January, 2016 Nigerian students under the aegis of the Academic forum of the Islamic movement in Nigeria staged a peaceful protest at the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) headquarters, Abuja ...

Our Children and the Friends They Make

Our Children and the Friends They Make
Unfortunately, many of us feel it is nearly impossible for our offspring to select the right kind of atmosphere in which they are able to freely and comfortably nurture their faith while living in the West. On the other hand, there are the parents who have complete confidence in their children and never worry about who their friends are and what they do. For them, raising children well at home rules out any possibility of them being negatively ...

A female Muslim with child was attacked in Bratislava, Slovakia

A female Muslim with child was attacked in Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovak police investigate the case of a Muslim woman robbed and attacked in downtown Bratislava on the same day as terrorist attacks in Brussels, March 22. The woman travelled in Hodžovo Square with her son, aged 3, and she wanted to take bus No. 83 to the Main (railway) Station at the stop near the Presidential Palace when an unknown man tried to take off her veil and pulled her handbag. When she looked back, she saw he took her purse and ...

Bible Verses regarding Head Covering

Bible Verses regarding Head Covering
Bible verses regarding head covering or Hijab. It clearly states that the woman needs to cover up her hair.   King James Bible  CORINTHIANS 11:1-18 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.   11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is ...

13 Muslim graves vandalized in Switzerland

13 Muslim graves vandalized in Switzerland
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Thirteen graves, thought to belong to Muslims, were damaged in acts of vandalism over the weekend in the Swiss city of Lausanne, police said on Monday. The damaged headstones in the Bois-de-Vaux cemetery bore the names of people thought to be Muslims based on their names appearing to be of Arab or North African origin. However, none of the sites had specific symbols distinguishing the buried as ...

To Every Husband and Wife

To Every Husband and Wife
1.The reality of marriage It must be taken into consideration that marriage in fact is the intermarriage of the souls, not just the bodies. From this it becomes known that the spiritual intermarriage needs a special kind of maturity, and not attaining the stage of spiritual majority and maturity in this connection might be a cause of the relapsing of the marital life even when committed to some of the external indications of the Shariah, ...

Allama Jafari urges General Raheel to order probe into Parachinar Shia killings, hunger strike enters on 4th day / Photos

Allama Jafari urges General Raheel to order probe into Parachinar Shia killings, hunger strike enters on 4th day / Photos
AhlulBayt News Agency - The Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen (biggest Shiite religious-political party of Pakistan) Secretary General Allama Nasir Abbas Jaffary on the third day of hunger strike on Sunday urged the Army Chief General Raheel Sharif to form a commission to probe the recent gunning down of four in Parachinar allegedly at the hands of FC and Levies personnel.Speaking to a media conference here the MWM leader, who was flanked by Sunni Ittehad ...

Erdogan's Daughter Heads a Covert Hospital to Help ISIL Injured Members

Erdogan's Daughter Heads a Covert Hospital to Help ISIL Injured Members
A discontented nurse working clandestinely for a covert medical corps in Şanlıurfa—a city in Southeastern Turkey, close to the border with neighboring Syria— divulged information about the alleged role which Sümeyye Erdogan plays in providing extended medical care for ISIL wounded militants transferred to Turkish hospitals. Living in a dilapidated apartment in Istanbul’s outskirts along with her two children, a 34-year- ...

Pakistan: Shiite religious leader shot dead in DI Khan

Pakistan: Shiite religious leader shot dead in DI Khan
Some unidentified assailants shot dead the leader of a Shiite religious organisation in Prowa area of Dera Ismail Khan, district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Wednesday. Police said that the armed motorcyclists opened fire at Anjuman Sadda-e-Hussain president Mukhtar Hussain Baloch near Proa Adda, injuring him critically. He was hurried to nearby hospital but he succumbed to injuries on the way. The assailants, however, managed to flee from the ...

Bahrain opposition leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman' sentenced to four years in prison

Bahrain opposition leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman' sentenced to four years in prison
AhlulBayt News Agency - Bahrain sentenced opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman to four years in jail Tuesday on charges related to alleged incitement against the ruling system, his Al Wefaq party said on its official twitter account."The regime is pushing toward aggravation and issued a sentence of four years for the Bahraini opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman," the party wrote. Amnesty International has called on Bahraini authorities to release ...

Marriage advice

Marriage advice
Increased divorce rates in recent years demonstrate that many couples have failed to consider the key principles that keep a marriage alive and fruitful.Islam however, acknowledges the enormity of the institution of marriage by equating it to half of one’s faith. Marriage is a challenge and there definitely aren’t any shortcuts to take. Nonetheless, there are a few key principles outlined by the Qur`an and ahadith that are useful in ...

AhlulBayt World Assembly released 21st vol of "Little Angels" in Spanish

AhlulBayt World Assembly released 21st vol of "Little Angels" in Spanish
Publication of Vol. 21 “Little Angels” in Spanish Language by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World-Assembly AhlulBayt News Agency – Newly Quarterly “The Little Angels” in Spanish (Main language: angelitos) is released.Quarterly “The Little Angels” is an Illustrated and colored which is arranged by chief editor, Somayye Rabbani and is aimed at children and adolescents. This volume that is the 21st of the series is ...

Merits of Friends

Merits of Friends
third limit of friendship is that a position or fortunes should not change the relation with the friends. The fourth limit is that the friend should not deprive his friend of anything that he is capable of doing. The fifth limit –which is the most comprehensive-, is that the friend should never leave his friend alone in calamities.” ( 3 ) Friends’ Selection The characteristics of friends move between them very quickly. The bad, however, ...

Our Youth In the Light Of The Quran

Our Youth In the Light Of The Quran
Themes I - Our Youth In the Light Of The Quran The Word as a medium of InstructionQuestion: In the light of the bequest of Luqman to his son as he was exhorting him, what is the value of direct education in terms of guidance, perspective, and advice? Abrahamic education Corrupt woman and society Studies on Noah's experience The Problem of Jealousy Friendship and Friends The Two Parents and their Guardianship over their ...

You work-I pray

You work-I pray
A number of pilgrims were narrating their experiences of Hajj to Imam Al- Sadiq (A.S), and recounting their views about their fellow pilgrims. One person was immensely impressed by a fellow pilgrim and said, ‘He was truly pious and an indefatigable worshipper of Allah. Whenever we broke journey to rest for the night, he retired to a secluded place, spread out his prayer mat and got engrossed in the worship of Allah.’The Imam (A.S) ...