Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Outcomes of Summit Would Certainly Successful

Outcomes of Summit Would Certainly Successful
 In an interview, Nouri al Maliki stated: “Tehran summit would prove that the gathering of NAM countries to discuss the matters of the world would be successful.”“All the member states have a common viewpoint and we expect this summit enhance the economic, social and political matters and prevent the isolation of member states from international arena” he said.He continued: “I appreciate Iran for providing such an opportunity that can ...

People demand justice after Muslim was attacked for Hijab

People demand justice after Muslim was attacked for Hijab
Friends and supporters of a Muslim woman attacked for wearing Hijab have gathered in New York City to demand justice for her. Nerdeen Mohsen Kiswani was assaulted in Barclays Center in Brooklyn, where the Israeli basketball team was playing earlier. Kiswani's supporters said they wanted justice over the "cowardly hate crime," on which the US police apparently turned a blind eye. They said that she was targeted only because she was wearing ...

Zaynul-Aabideen (The Pride of the Worshippers)

Zaynul-Aabideen (The Pride of the Worshippers)
Holy Imam’s (AS) Worship Imam Ali ibnul-Husayn (as) has taught us how to worship Allah (SWT) and it is for this reason that he (as) is known as: Zaynul-‘Aabideen meaning ‘the adornment’ or ‘the pride of worshippers’. He (as) has taught us that whenever we rise to worship Allah (SWT), two things have to be taken into consideration. One is the Greatness of Allah (SWT), which should always be in our minds. And ...

Bahrain Slammed for Human Rights Violations

Bahrain Slammed for Human Rights Violations
14:05 2014/05/21 News No : 1409374 Send To Friend PrintBahrain Slammed for Human Rights ViolationsBahrain-Slammed-for-Human-Rights-Violations Amnesty International (AI) has criticized the Bahraini regime for "slow and inadequate investigations" into human rights abuses in the country. The rights groups on Tuesday voiced concerns over the lack of reform of the judiciary in Bahrain, amid the ongoing Al Khalifa regime's crackdown on dissent.In a ...

Bahrain forces shots tear gas against people during the event of "Takbeer"

Bahrain forces shots tear gas against people during the event of

According to eyewitnesses in Bahrain, Saudi and Bahraini forces in Manama, Damestan, A'ali, Duraz, Karzakan, Malikiya attacked people were on the roof during the event of "Takbeer" on March 27.

They surrounded and prevented access to the village of Damstan.

Police cars attacked citizens who gathered in streets to run over and disperse them.

Hundreds of Indian Muslims stage anti rally in New Delhi

Hundreds of Indian Muslims stage anti rally in New Delhi
Hundreds of Indian Muslims on the occasion of International Quds Day on Friday staged a rally against Israel's illegal occupation of al-Aqsa Mosque, at Jantar Mantar in Central Delhi.Expressing solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine, Indian Muslims, mainly Shia Muslims yesterday sent a clear message of condemnation to the Zionist Regime and its allies for the atrocities they have committed against the Palestinians and illegal ...

Hundreds of Shia, Sunni Muslims hold unity prayers in Kuwait

Hundreds of Shia, Sunni Muslims hold unity prayers in Kuwait
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Hundreds of Shia and Sunni Muslims prayed for national unity at Kuwait’s grand mosque on Friday, vowing to block any attempt to stir sectarian division a week after a so-called Islamic State staged the country’s deadliest militant attack.The takfiri group claimed responsibility for a June 26 suicide bombing on a Shi’ite mosque in Kuwait City that killed 27 and wounded more than 200.A Shia member of ...

Pakistan rejects US conditions attached to sale of F-16s‏

Pakistan rejects US conditions attached to sale of F-16s‏
Speaking to journalists, scholars and corporate leaders at a breakfast meeting in Islamabad, the foreign secretary said no conditions should be attached to the sale of F-16s because Pakistan plans to use the jets only for the purpose of fighting terrorists. Chaudhry said Saturday that diplomatic efforts were underway to convince the Congress to subsidise the sale of the fighter jets. Pakistan has conveyed to the US that it does not have the ...

Shia of Yemen thank Iran

Shia of Yemen thank Iran
One of the leaders of the Al-Houthi Movement acknowledged Iran’s parliament for condemning the attacks by Saudi Arabia on the Shia of Yemen.   Yahya Badr al-Din, the speaker of the Al-Houthi Movement, acknowledged Iran’s parliament for condemning Saudi Arabia’s military interference in Saada. 250 members of the parliament signed a statement condemning the murder of Muslims in Yemen. Part of this statement read: “The ...

London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit / Photos

London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit / Photos

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi admonish Shia harassments in Pakistan

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi admonish Shia harassments in Pakistan
  Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi admonish Shia harassments in Pakistan "The cruel actions against Pakistani Shias cannot be tolerated. Occupying Shia territories by Pakistani government is unacceptable,"said Ayatollah Shirazi.  Hawzah News Agency- "The cruel actions against Pakistani Shias cannot be tolerated. Occupying Shia territories by Pakistani government is unacceptable,"In a statement on admonishing the recent cruel ...

EU to Israel: Don’t destroy West Bank village

EU to Israel: Don’t destroy West Bank village
The European Union (EU) has slammed Israel’s plan for the “forced transfer” of Palestinians living in the village of Susya near the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), calling on the regime not to raze it. In a statement issued after a meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday, the 28-nation bloc urged Israeli authorities “to halt plans for forced transfer of population and demolition of Palestinian housing ...

Who are the best companions?

Who are the best companions?

خیرُ الأصحابِ مَن قَلَّ شِقاقُهُ و کَثُرَ وِفاقُهُ

Prophet of Islam (saw): The best companions are those who have little incompatibility and many adaptations.

Tanbih Al-Khawatter: Volume 2; P. 123.

Iranians mourn Imam Reza martyrdom anniversary

Iranians mourn Imam Reza martyrdom anniversary
Millions of Iranians are attending mourning processions to mark the martyrdom anniversary of the eighth Shia Imam, Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (PBUH). Black-clad mourners from various social classes and age groups have come together in mosques, places of worship and religious sites nationwide to observe the rituals. Eulogies are given and sermons delivered in honor of the revered Shia Islam figure during the ceremonies. Hundreds of thousands of ...

Saudi Wahhabis Prevented Holding Shia Poetry Festival for Imam Hussain (A.S) in Qatif

Saudi Wahhabis Prevented Holding Shia Poetry Festival for Imam Hussain (A.S) in Qatif
On 17 December 2010 , the Saudi Wahhabi forces prevented Shiites in Qatif to hold a Poetry Festival ( The Poets of al-Taf ) in the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain during the holiday of Ashura which is held every year in the mosque of Imam Jawad in Qal\'a district in Qatif and are joined by many poets. In the same day , the administrator of the mosque of Imam Jawad was asked by the al-Mabaheth al-`Amma to present himself at the ...

Imam Khamenei: Negotiating with US not resolve Iran’s problems, but aggravate them

Imam Khamenei: Negotiating with US not resolve Iran’s problems, but aggravate them
Leader of the Islamic Revolution has warned that the mentality should not be promoted that negotiation with US would provide solutions to country’s problems. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received and addressed a group of school and university students on Wednesday, largely seen as a meeting to mark the anniversary of November 4, 1979 where a group of university students took over US embassy, an event Imam Khomeini called it a ...

1st Nat'l Seminar of Quran Translators to Be Held in Qom

1st Nat'l Seminar of Quran Translators to Be Held in Qom
 The first national seminar of holy Quran translators will be held on February 24, 2011, by the Quran Research Center of Qom Seminary in the holy city of Qom. This is according to Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Ali Rezaee Esfahani, scientific secretary of the seminar who also told IQNA that it would be held with the cooperation of a number of religious institutions in the city. The call for attending the seminar will be announced late in November, ...

Professor Ansarian: fondness of the world and attachment to it, is a huge impediment for our proximity to Allah Almighty.

Professor Ansarian: fondness of the world and attachment to it, is a huge impediment for our proximity to Allah Almighty.
We have been ordered to have a house in this world, how am I supposed to buy house if I have no income? how can i afford buying clothes? How can I make ends meet? How can I buy a car and drive it? I must have and income, and I must also have some extras so that I can do some other works as well; meanwhile, I must also share my income with people through Khums, Zakat, Infaq, holding ceremonies and parties and helping them. These are all mentioned ...

Artworks on Three Grand Mosques to Be Exhibited in Jordan

Artworks on Three Grand Mosques to Be Exhibited in Jordan
-- The Layaan Cultural Institute in Saudi Arabia and National Museum of Fine Arts in Jordan plan to hold on December 19 the fourth exhibition of the three grand mosques- those in Mecca and Medina as well as Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine- at the museum in Amman. According to Al-Dastoor newspaper, 20 artists from 15 Arab and Islamic countries will take part at the exhibition which has been organized in line with the programs for commemorating ...

ISIS Threat Listing Where Future Attacks Will Occur, Is Your State on the List?

ISIS Threat Listing Where Future Attacks Will Occur, Is Your State on the List?
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Those on the left think we shouldn’t worry about ISIS because they are on the other side of the earth. New info released today is telling us that not only are they here, they are ready to attack in several states. The attack on a Muhammad cartoon contest was only a taste of what is to come. In this threat, the author, Abu Al Ameriki, names Pamela Geller as a target. If you are not familiar with Pamela Geller, ...