Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khamenei: Bahrainis the most oppressed of all, they will definitely achieve victory

Imam Khamenei: Bahrainis the most oppressed of all, they will definitely achieve victory
- Imam Khamenei's statements about Bahrain: I am extremely concerned about the situation of Bahrain. The people of Bahrain are being oppressed. Certain promises are made to them but these promises are not kept. The Bahraini nation is an innocent and oppressed nation. Of course any movement that is carried out for the sake of God and is driven by determination, will definitely achieve victory. This is true everywhere and Bahrain is not an ...

Tension abounds in Pakistani city as Shiites bury bombing victims

Tension abounds in Pakistani city as Shiites bury bombing victims
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Islamabad - Pakistan's south-western city of Quetta was tense Saturday as minority Shiite Muslims buried victims of a suicide bombing that killed over 70 innocent people. More than 168 people were also injured Friday in the capital of Baluchistan province when a suicide bomberattacked a rally in which thousands of Shiites were participating. Police were on high alert Saturday while businesses and educational ...

Egyptian Expert: Need of Money behind Islands Handover

Egyptian Expert: Need of Money behind Islands Handover
- Q: How has the Egyptian parliament reacted to the Islands controversy? Do you think that it would vote for handover should it is presented with the plan? Q: Do you think that if the former Egyptian President Jamal Abdel Nasser was present today, he would have agreed to give the Egyptian islands to Saudi Arabia, especially that we know that he so much defended their Egyptian identity? Q: There were wars in that region and they ended in Camp ...

First Shia Muslims Hussayniyat inaugurated in Egypt

First Shia Muslims Hussayniyat inaugurated in Egypt

His Eminence Sheikh Ali Korani (Lebanese Shia Figure ) has inaugurated the first Shia Hussayniyat in Egypt during his visit to Cairo.

He organised many religious lectures attended by a Large Crowd of Egyptian Shia Believers.

Iraqis protest against Saudi's invasion in Bahrain

Iraqis protest against Saudi's invasion in Bahrain

Hundreds of protesters have poured into the streets of Iraq's capital Baghdad to demand the withdrawal of Saudi and other foreign forces from the crisis-hit Bahrain.
The demonstrators marched in Baghdad streets on Monday to express their anger at foreign military interventions in Bahrain in efforts to help the ruling al-Khalifa monarchy stifle weeks of anti-regime protest rallies, Shiite News reported.

1st Int’l gathering on youth and Islamic Awakening

1st Int’l gathering on youth and Islamic Awakening
 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated the first International Conference of the Islamic Awakening and Youths here Sunday morning.Over 1,200 young people from Iran as well as 73 other world countries are participating in the two-day gathering.A number of Islamic world scholars and thinkers are also present in the meeting.The young people taking part in the conference have been active in recent developments in the Middle East and ...

Saudi jets kill seven women, kids in Yemen

Saudi jets kill seven women, kids in Yemen
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Saudi warplanes have continued bombing civilian targets across Yemen, killing several civilians, including six children and a woman, in four ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  the heavy sin of slander

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  the heavy sin of slander
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: Do you want to know how heavy the sin of slander is? The sin which you commit easily with that light tongue of yours. Its weightiness is much more than the mountains on the earth. Keeping one's prestige and honor is even more important than keeping one's property and lives. They put themselves in trouble for keeping their honor and dignity, they work hard, they even consider their honor and prestige more ...

Bahrain’s Jaw Prison draws up list of Shiite religious texts banned at facility

Bahrain’s Jaw Prison draws up list of Shiite religious texts banned at facility
Authorities in Bahrain’s Jaw Prison have drawn up a list of books that are now banned at the ...

Top Yemeni general joins protesters

Top Yemeni general joins protesters
 In a televised message on Monday, Gen. Ali Mohsen expressed his support for anti-government protesters. Mohsen, however, has not announced his resignation, AFP reported. This comes after Yemeni ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh sacked his entire government on Sunday amid persisting protests by the oppression-weary public that has staged a revolution against his regime. Saleh has vowed to form a new government soon and has instructed the current ...

Gunmen kill Sunni policeman guarding Shia Muslims in Pakistan's Quetta

Gunmen kill Sunni policeman guarding Shia Muslims in Pakistan's Quetta
Gunmen riding on motorcycles shot dead a Sunni policeman and injured another while they were guarding some vegetable sellers belonging to Shia community in Pakistans southwestern city of Quetta. KARACHI, Pakistan (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Gunmen riding on motorcycles shot dead a Sunni policeman and injured another while they were guarding some vegetable sellers belonging to Shia community in Pakistans southwestern city of Quetta.The gunmen ...

Alhaji Ismail Yakubu; New Shia Muslim, Who is trying to teach some children about Teachings of Ahlulbayt in Ghana

Alhaji Ismail Yakubu; New Shia Muslim, Who is trying to teach some children about Teachings of Ahlulbayt in Ghana
I said to myself I should do my best to deliver the message of Ahlul Bait. Therefore, I opened a school for children and adults. They are now increased to more than one hundred. I teach syntax (nahv). recitation of the Quran (Tajweed), Arabic word (Luggat-ul arabia) and etc. An interview with Alhaji Ismail Yakubu by Zahra Salehi conducted by  rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website): For the first question, Mr. Yakubu, please ...

Catholics, Muslims highlight shared beliefs for social and political life

Catholics, Muslims highlight shared beliefs for social and political life
The communique came at the conclusion of a two day meeting here in the Vatican entitled “Shared values in social and political life: Christian and Muslim perspectives”. The encounter, which brought together delegates from a dozen different countries, was organised by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and Jordan’s Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies. Among the members of the Catholic delegation was the ...

Analysis: ISIS’ Rise in Bangladesh; Looking at its Dangers in South Asian Country

Analysis: ISIS’ Rise in Bangladesh; Looking at its Dangers in South Asian Country
By taking a multi-faceted and multi-layered look at the violent nature of jihadi-takfiri movements in Bangladesh, including ISIS’ branch there, which has recently taken responsibility for a couple of terrorist attacks in the country, it becomes clear that such a behavior essentially has roots in different political, cultural, and security principles and stimulations, and developed in a highly diversified background. In first view, the ...

15 Killed, Dozens injured in Car Bomb Explosion near Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab

15 Killed, Dozens injured in Car Bomb Explosion near Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab

Pakistani Christian leaders express solidarity with Shia Muslims

Pakistani Christian leaders express solidarity with Shia Muslims

Analysis: Overview of Syria’s Truce, Federalization Plan

Analysis: Overview of Syria’s Truce, Federalization Plan
The Syrian crisis’ political settlement process is faced by some challenges and concerns which make it necessary to watch closely the political and military fields. Such an attention becomes significant because any decision taken for the future of Syria, with a regard to the country’s geopolitical features and the religious and demographic distribution, could influence the political future of the country as well as the fate of the ...

Visiting the Grave of Imam Hussein (as)

Visiting the Grave of Imam Hussein (as)
منْ لَمْ يَأْتِ قَبْرَ الْحُسَيْنِ(ع) وَهُوَ يَزْعُمُ أَنَّهُ لَنَا شِيعَةٌ ـ حَتَّى يَمُوتَ، فَلَيْسَ هُوَ لَنَا بِشِيعَةٍ، وَإِنْ كَانَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ فَهُوَ مِنْ ضِيفَانِ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ. Imam Sadegh (AS): Whoever thinks that he is our Shiite but does not visit ...

Best Quran scribers to be honored

Best Quran scribers to be honored
   As Mehdi Babaei said, 18 best scribers of the holy Quran will be revered in the ceremony which is held on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Musa Kazem, the 7th Shi’a Imam. He went on to say that the writers of the complete copies of the holy Quran, scribers of Nour Verse and scribers of fiver supplications will be praised in the closing event. He asserted that as many as 100 works were submitted to the secretariat of the ...

Coordination of Quranic Activities

Coordination of Quranic Activities
This is according to Rahim Qorbani who heads the Quran and Etrat Center of Students’ Basij Organization. He told IQNA that the establishment of the Quran and Etrat Deputy in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance will also lead to better coordination in these activities. Qorbani urged for promotion of a Quranic culture in society and said the Quran should enter people’s lives and affect the lifestyle of all members of the ...